Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)
- 1.
- Germany Doubling Stem Cell Funding From: Stephen Meyer
- 2.
- Google News Alert for: stem cells From: Stephen Meyer
- 3.
- Google News Alert for: STEM CELL INFORMATION-Monday, November 26, 20 From: Stephen Meyer
- 1.
Germany Doubling Stem Cell Funding
Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" stephen_meyer_stemcells
Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:39 pm (PST)
Germany Doubling Stem Cell Funding
[It is being reported by the German government that they will be
doubling the amount of yearly funding that they provide for stem cell
It is being reported that Germany will be doubling their funding for
stem cell research.
The current allocation of five million euros (7.4 million dollars) will
be raised to to just under 10 million euros, Annette Schavan told the
weekly Focus magazine in an interview.
"From now on we are going to double the annual funding total for adult
cell recoding techniques, in order to push forward advances in this
area," she said.
"Over the next few years Germany must be a motor in adult stem cell
research so that we can expand on the results already obtained," she
This move by the German government to double funding for stem cell
research has not come without its critics, with many people feeling that
any research involving the use of stem cells is unethical and should not
be federally funded.
Those critics should be a tad more open to the idea of stem cell
research, as recent results have proven that stem cells can be extracted
from human skin thus not from a live human or animal embryo.
"First, there has been a debate over the stem cells research," said
Junying Yu, Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. "Because extraction
of stem cells by the existing methods leads to destruction of embryos
and closing of human embryos has also resulted in ethnical debate. If we
can transform the human skin cells into stem cells, we avoid this type
of debate. Second, if the cells from a patient can be reprogrammed into
stem cells similar to embryonic stem cells made through the cloning
techniques, tissue and or organs can be cultured and used for
transplantation in the patient. Third, the stem cells made using our
technique can be used to test and precisely predict the effect of drugs
on the patients because of its unique genetic fingerprint."
- 2.
Google News Alert for: stem cells
Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" stephen_meyer_stemcells
Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:42 pm (PST)
Google News Alert for: stem cells
Monday, November 26, 2007 9:23:09 AM
Hermitage parents plan trip to Thailand for stem-cell
< >local_regional/ 315006893259762. php
Youngstown Vindicator - Youngstown,OH,USA
They plan to take her to Thailand in January for an experimental adult
stem cell procedure that they hope will help strengthen her heart, and
also help her ...
See all stories on this topic
< >news?hl=en& ncl=http: //www.vindy. com/content/ loca\
NW: Kyoto U. team turns skin into stem cells
<http://www.therapeuticsdaily. >com/news/ article.cfm? contentValue= 1617608&\
contentType=sentryarticle& channelID= 28
Therapeutics Daily (subscription) (press release) - Newtown,PA,USA
A team of Kyoto University researchers has succeeded in cultivating stem
cells from human skin, clearing a major hurdle in growing transplant
tissue from a ...
See all stories on this topic
< >news?hl=en& ncl=http: //www.therapeuti \
news/article.cfm%3FcontentVal ue%3D1617608% 26contentType% 3Dsentryarticle% \
International Stem Cell Corporation CEO Issues Statement on De ...
< >portal/site/ google/index. jsp?ndmViewId= news\
_view&newsId=20071125005041& newsLang= en
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
Mr Krstich's message further noted that unlike the de-differentiation
process, the stem cell lines produced by ISCO's Parthenogenesis process
do not employ ...
See all stories on this topic
< >news?hl=en& ncl=http: //www.businesswi\
l/site/google/index.jsp% 3FndmViewId% 3Dnews_view% 26newsId% 3D2007112500504\
Google Blogs Alert for: stem cells
If Embryonic Stem Cell Research is SO Great...
<http://proprietornation.blogspot. >com/2007/ 11/if-embryonic- stem-cell- res\
By mike volpe(mike volpe)
Bush isn't against stem cell research and in fact he isn't against any
form of stem cell research at all, even the controversial embryonic stem
cell research. Bush isn't even against government funding for all
embryonic stem cell ...
Proprietor Nation - http://proprietornation.blogspot. com/
<http://proprietornation.blogspot. >com/
This Season's Hottest Gift - Stem Cells
<http://intellitech.wordpress. >com/2007/ 11/25/this- seasons-hottest- gift-s\
By aristheologis
Two independent teams, one from Japan and the other from Wisconsin, have
shown that, "they turned human skin cells into what appear to be
embryonic stem cells without having to make or destroy an embryo." This
accomplishment is reason ...
Intellitech: Chronicling Innovation - http://intellitech.wordpress. com
<http://intellitech.wordpress. >com/
QBI Neuroscience Seminar - Physical exercise stimulates resident ...
< >event_view. php?event_ id=3806
By UQ Events
Speaker: Dr Daniel Blackmore, Queensland Brain Institute Title: Physical
exercise stimulates resident stem cells & augments the regenerative
capacity of the ageing brain All welcome.
UQ Events - < >
Embryonic Stem Cells From Skin: Making Old Cells Young
< >Embryonic_ Stem_Cells_ From_Skin_ Making_Old_ Cells_\
This video was placed by the stem cell clinic Cellmedicine
( describing the recent paper that makes adult skin
cells into embryonic stem cells. The video available at ...v=_RLlUdJLy74
Digg / upcoming - < >
Stem cell breakthrough by PZ Myers, Pharyngula
<, >1902,n,n
A recent discovery in stem cell research is no minor event: researchers
have figured out how to reprogram adult cells into a state that is
nearly indistinguishable from that of embryonic, pluripotent stem cells.
... : The Latest Updates - http://richarddawki
< >
- 3.
Google News Alert for: STEM CELL INFORMATION-Monday, November 26, 20
Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" stephen_meyer_stemcells
Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:45 pm (PST)
Google News Alert for: STEM CELL INFORMATION
Monday, November 26, 2007 10:20:46 PM
Stem cell clinic closed
< >315095110731643. php
The Nation Newspaper - Bridgetown,St. Michael,Barbados
The BBC documentary aired last December 12 and was re-screened on BBC
World News on December 13, claimed that stem cells in the city of
Kharkiv, ...
See all stories on this topic
< >news?hl=en& ncl=http: //www.nationnews .com/story/ 3\
Pluristem's Reverse Stock Split Effective Today
< >php?channel= fin&module= smarthouse& id=63\
About Pluristem Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc. is a Company dedicated to
the commercialization of non-personalized (allogeneic) stem cell therapy
products for ...
See all stories on this topic
< >news?hl=en& ncl=http: //newsticker. p\
hp%3Fchannel%3Dfin%26module% 3Dsmarthouse% 26id%3D637005
Health/Science Calendar
< >science/articles /2007/11/ 26/healthscience _ca\
Boston Globe - United States
Stem cell century The Harvard Stem Cell Institute and Petrie-Flom Center
for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law
School will host ...
See all stories on this topic
< >news?hl=en& ncl=http: // com/news/ scienc\
e/articles/2007/11/26/healthscie nce_calendar
End of the divide
< > lysaght/2007/ 11/under_ the_s\
Guardian Unlimited - UK
First, biologists have long been persuaded that careful studies of how
embryonic stem cells transform themselves into organs and sophisticated
tissue will ...
See all stories on this topic
< >news?hl=en& ncl=http: //commentisfree. guardian. co.\
uk/michael_lysaght/2007/11/under_ the_skin. html
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