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- Stem Cell Action News-Issue Number 5-March 10, 2009 From: Stephen Meyer
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Stem Cell Action News-Issue Number 5-March 10, 2009
Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" stephen_meyer_stemcells
Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:38 am (PDT)
Stem Cell Action News
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March 10, 2009
Welcome to issue number 5 of Stem Cell Action News, dedicated to
informing the stem cell community on the latest and most important
developments impacting the Pro-Cures Movement.
Obama Lifts Stem Cell Restrictions
No Time for ComplacencyTough Stem Cell Policy Battles Ahead
Yesterday, President Barack Obama delivered a striking blow in favor of
sound science by overturning the Bush Executive Order of August 9, 2001,
which banned federal funding of embryonic stem cell research beyond the
21 presidential lines. The Genetics Policy Institute applauds President
Obama for signing a new executive order that expands federal funding for
this life-saving research.
However, at this pivotal moment the stem cell community can not become
complacent. Our most difficult work lies ahead, as we expect research
foes to unleash new legal roadblocks and delaying tactics by continuing
to assert unsupported arguments playing upon ignorance and fear. We
urge all stem cell stakeholders to take action and support
yesterday's executive order and future advocacy 2.0 efforts.
In order to provide certainty, the next step is to protect embryonic
stem cell research by legislation. Building on the momentum, it's
time to repeal the Dickey-Wicker Amendment that serves as a blockade for
funding research on work on embryos discarded from in vitro
fertilization procedures to derive new cell lines or somatic cell
nuclear transfer. We applaud Congresswoman Diana DeGette who has
expressed her intention to seek reversal of this fundamental funding
Headlines & Advocacy
Obama overturns Bush policy on stem cells -
< > 09/03-2009 13:22 (BostonHerald..asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=666606377& u\
rl=http://news.bostonherald. com/jobfind/ news/healthcare/ \
d=1157353com) WASHINGTON
President Barack Obama signed an order today that allows federal
taxpayer dollars to fund expanded embryonic stem cell research,
reversing one of his predecessor's policies viewed by many as
blocking development of potentially life-saving medical treatment.
Eight Reasons to Applaud Action on Stem Cells
< > 09/03-2009 13:20 (Center for American Progress) Report: A Life.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=666620524& u\
rl=http://www.americanprogress .org/issues/ 2009/03/stem_ cell_action. html/\
Science Crucible: Stem Cell Research and Innovation Done Responsibly and
Ethically Interactive timeline: A Brief History of Stem Cell Research
President Barack Obama takes a first step today toward bringing the
United States back to the scientific cutting edge by issuing an
executive order...
Obama Lifts Stem Cell Restrictions
< > 09/03-2009 13:20 (Center for American Progress) With the stroke.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=666623706& u\
rl=http://www.americanprogress .org/issues/ 2009/03/obama_ stem_cells. html/\
of a pen, President Barack Obama today erased the Bush
administration's eight-year-old restrictions on federal funding of
research involving human embryonic stem cells, reaffirming his
commitment to evidence and biomedical hope over his predecessor's
ideological distortion of science.
Obama Addresses Decision to Lift Embryonic Stem Cell Limits
< > 09/03-2009 13:01 (The Washington Post) PRESIDENT.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=666596178& u\
rl=http://www.washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/ content/article/ 2009/03/09/ AR200\
OBAMA: Today, with the Executive Order I am about to sign, we will bring
the change that so many scientists and researchers; doctors and
innovators; patients and loved ones have hoped for, and fought for,
these past eight years: we will lift the ban on federal funding for
promising embryonic stem...
Obama to Let Health Institute Decide on Stem Cells -
< > 08/03-2009 20:22 (The New York Times) Filed at 7:02.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=665830492& u\
rl= reuters/2009/ 03/08/washington /politics- us-stem\
p.m. ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will lift his
predecessor's restriction on federal funding of human embryonic stem
cell research on Monday and will give the National Institutes of Health
four months to come up with new rules on the issue, officials said on
Obama Expected to Reverse Limits on Stem Cells -
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=664357497& u\
rl= 2009/03/07/ us/politics/ 07stem.html? hp
06/03-2009 17:49 (The New York Times) WASHINGTON President Obama is
expected to announce on Monday that he is reversing Bush administration
limits on federal financing for embryonic stem-cell research, White
House officials said on Friday.
Stem Cell Funding Roadblock
< > 01/03-2009.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=659056072& u\
rl=http://www.genengnews. com/articles/ chitem.aspx? aid=2801
12:07 (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News) When President Bush
assumed office in 2000, the human embryonic stem cell revolution was
primed to launch. The outgoing Clinton administration directed the NIH
to prepare comprehensive rules to govern the nascent field of discovery,
with funding to follow.
piggyBac transposition reprograms fibroblasts to induced pluripotent
stem cells
< > 01/03-2009 03:58 ( refers DOI) Knut Woltjen1, Iacovos.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=658598275& u\
rl= nature/journal/ vaop/ncurrent/ abs/nature07863. ht\
P. Michael1,2, Paria Mohseni1,2, Ridham Desai1,2, Maria Mileikovsky1,
Riikka Hämäläinen1, Rebecca Cowling1, Wei Wang3, Pentao Liu3,
Marina Gertsenstein1, Keisuke Kaji4, Hoon-Ki Sung1 & Andras Nagy1,2
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto,
Ontario M5G 1X5,...
Stem cells give hope to ailing pets, rich owners -
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=650244480& u\
rl=http://news.bostonherald. com/news/ offbeat/view/ 2009_02_22_ Stem_cells_ \
give_hope_to_ailing_pets_ _rich_owners/ srvc=news& position= also - 02/22/2009 00:44 CHICAGO - Meet Zoey Walsh, a
teenage stem-cell recipient who is pushing the frontier of medical
science. He's a dog. Unable to alleviate his pain with drugs and
unwilling to risk another hip surgery on a dog so old, Zoey's owners
turned to a treatment that involved injecting stem cells, which had
Stem Cell Treatment For Crohn's Disease
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=650210310& u\
rl= go/183760144/
redtram (ENG) - 02/21/2009 22:14 Hospital ClÃnic, Barcelona is
one of the few hospitals in the world to apply this new therapeutic
option for patients with Crohn's disease, and it does so with the
guarantee of success experienced in the US and Italy, where the »
Full text » 2009-02-22 03:14:46 Stem Cell Treatment For Crohn's
WiCell, California firm agree to distribute stem cell lines derived with
new technique
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=650839850& u\
rl= org/biology- technology/ WiCell--Californ ia-fir\
m-agree-to-distribute-stem-cell- lines-derived- with-new- technique- 2260-4/\
Bio-Medicine - 02/20/2009 22:16
Donor-Derived Brain Tumor Following Neural Stem Cell Transplantation in
an Ataxia Telangiectasia Patient
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=645624514& u\
rl=http://medicine.plosjournals. org/perlserv/ ?request= get-document& doi=1\
PLOS Journal - 02/18/2009 00:07 Ninette Amariglio1,2, Abraham
Hirshberg3, Bernd W. Scheithauer4, Yoram Cohen1, Ron Loewenthal5, Luba
Trakhtenbrot2, Nurit Paz1, Maya Koren-Michowitz2, Dalia Waldman6, Leonor
Leider-Trejo7, Amos Toren6, Shlomi Constantini8, Gideon Rechavi1,6* 1
Cancer Research Center, Sheba Medical Center and Sackler School...
New kind of stem cells can turn into heart cells, University of
Wisconsin-Madison researchers show
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=640949641& u\
rl= wsj/home/ local/438231
Wisconsin State Journal - 02/12/2009 22:51 A new kind of stem cells
developed by UW-Madison researcher James Thomson performs like his old
kind in a lively way. The new cells can be turned into heart cells that
beat in a lab dish, other scientists on campus have shown.
Stem cells to cure HIV?
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=639656831& u\
rl= story?section= news/health& id=6653540
Channel 7 abc - 02/11/2009 16:49 NEW YORK (WABC) -- There is an amazing
report in the New England Journal of Medicine, in which doctors say a
stem cell transplant may have cured a man of HIV. Stem cell
treatment heals police dog
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=638246013& u\
rl= story?section= news/health& id=6649775
Channel 7 abc - 02/09/2009 14:12 FREMONT, CA (KGO) -- The first human
trials involving stem cell therapy were approved just weeks ago, but a
growing number of other patients are already benefitting from stem cell
treatments. Hadassah urges action on stem cells
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=636312293& u\
rl= article/2009/ 02/08/1002838/ hadassah- among-groups- \
JTA - 02/08/2009 09:31 WASHINGTON -- A pro-stem cell research coalition
which includes Hadassah urged President Obama to act quickly on the
issue. In a letter to the president, the Coalition for the Advancement
of Medical Research said it was encouraged by a media report that Obama
told a member of Congress it was a "guarantee" he... Stem
cell, cloning expert Jerry Yang dies
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=635425073& u\
rl=http://www.capitalpress. info/main. asp?SectionID= 94&SubSectionID= 801&A\
Capital Press - 02/07/2009 00:34 HARTFORD, Connecticut (AP) -
Xiangzhong "Jerry" Yang, a Chinese-born stem cell scientist who
successfully cloned the first farm animal in the United States, has died
after a long battle with cancer. U of MN researchers use
human embryonic stem cells to kill cancer cells
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=633586790& u\
rl= org/biology- news-3/U- of-MN-researcher s-use-h\
uman-embryonic-stem-cells- to-kill-cancer- cells-9750- 1/
Bio-Medicine - 02/04/2009 07:36 For the first time stem cell
researchers at the University of Minneso... Researchers generated
natural killer cells from the human embryo... This is the first
published research to show the ability to make . Stanford
Scientists Awarded $10.7 Million in Latest State Stem Cell Grants
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=632018350& u\
rl=http://www.stemcellarabia. com/index. php?subaction= showfull& id=1197867\
036&archive=&start_from= &ucat=1&
Stem Cell Arabia - 02/04/2009 01:53 December 12, 2007 - Stanford,
California- Stanford University School of Medicine researchers today
received $10.7 million from the California Institute for Regenerative
Medicine in awards designed to help jump-start the careers of young
scientists in the field of stem cell research. Adverse
events among 2408 unrelated donors of peripheral blood stem cells:
Results of a prospective trial from the National Marrow Donor Program
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=631673736& u\
rl=http://bloodjournal.hematologyli cgi/content/ abstract/ blood-\
Blood - 02/02/2009 18:42 CiteULike Connotea Digg Reddit
Technorati What's this? Michael A. Pulsipher*, Pintip Chitphakdithai,
John Miller, Brent R. Logan, Roberta J. UCSB gets $1.2
million stem cell grant
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=629288215& u\
rl=http://www.newspress. com/Top/Article/ article.jsp? Section=LOCAL& ID=565\
Santa Barbara News - 02/01/2009 04:57 The California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine awarded a $1.2 million training grant to UCSB to
2009-02-01 09:57:48 UCSB gets $1.
Management fails at stem cell centre
< > 03/03-2009 09:12 (The Australian) AUSTRALIA'S $115 million.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=660132728& u\
rl=http://www.theaustralian. au/story/ 0,25197,25134377 -12332,00. \
taxpayer-funded flagship for financing stem cell research was sliding
towards insolvency as early as 2009-10, hit by high corporate costs and
poor management, a review into the Australian Stem Cell Centre reveals.
$1 Billion for Stem Cell Labs: Troubles and Status
< > 02/03-2009 00:20 (California Stem Cell.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=658437279& u\
rl=http://californiastemcellreport. blogspot. com/2009/ 03/1-billion- for-st\
em-cell-labs-troubles. html
Report) California's $1 billion stem cell lab construction program
will be under scrutiny on March 9 as the state's stem cell agency weighs
a request for changes in one approved grant while other recipients
report difficulty in raising the required matching money to build their
Embryonic Stem Cell Bill Defeated
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=652567515& u\
rl=http://www.redcounty. com/pennington/ 2009/02/embryoni c-stem-cell- bill-\
D County - 02/24/2009 09:35
The South Dakota legislature had been considering a repeal of the state
ban on embryonic stem cell research. However, the state senate voted
yesterday voted to reject SB 195 by a vote of 20-14.
Funding for stem cell body drained
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=645199755& u\
rl= news/2009Februar y17/Funding- stem-cell- body-drai\
Congoo - 02/17/2009 14:09 THE Australian Stem Cell Centre will be
scaled down and shed its role as a research funding body under a new
business plan being finalised by the interim board.
Vietnam opens 1st stem cell bank for medical purposes
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=643492180& u\
rl=http://research.scottrade. com/public/ markets/news/ news.asp? section=he\
adlines&docKey=100-046h8907- 1
Scottrade - 02/15/2009 22:58 Vietnam's first stem cell bank MekoStem
opened in southern Ho Chi Minh City on Sunday, offering services of cell
collection, analysis and separation for medical treatment purposes, the
local newspaper Young People reported Monday.
Missouri stem cell ballot measure prompts two lawsuits
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=638357963& u\
rl=http://www.columbiamissouri 2009/02/10/ missouri- stem-ce\
ll-ballot-measure-prompts-2- lawsuits/
Missourian - 02/10/2009 16:40 JEFFERSON CITY A proposed
constitutional amendment barring the use of public funds for abortion
and human cloning has prompted dueling lawsuits contending the ballot
summary is insufficient and unfair.
Doyle authorizes $5 million to woo stem cell companies
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=637723362& u\
rl= org/biology- technology/ Doyle-authorizes --245-\
million-to-woo-stem-cell- companies- 2656-1/
Bio-Medicine - 02/09/2009 01:50
Mount Sinai Hospital researcher develops Canada's first embryonic stem
cell lines
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=637589591& u\
rl= org/biology- news-3/Mount- Sinai-Hospital- rese\
archer-develops-Canadas-first- embryonic- stem-cell- lines-11458- 1/
Bio-Medicine - 02/08/2009 20:22 A senior scientist at Mount Sinai
Hospital has developed Canada's firs... My hope and the hope of my
world-class laboratory team is that our ... Our research remains in an
early phase but the ability of these cells.
Doyle urges passage of federal stem cell bill
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=635646371& u\
rl= org/biology- technology/ Doyle-urges- passage-of\
-federal-stem-cell-bill- 2499-2/
Bio-Medicine - 02/06/2009 06:52 In the House, the Wisconsin delegation
voted along party lines, with Democrats Dave Obey, Ron Kind, Tammy
Baldwin, and 2009-02-06 11:52:14 Doyle urges passage of federal stem
cell bill...
State puts up $1 million for James Thomson's new stem cell startup
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=636800421& u\
rl= org/biology- technology/ State-puts- up--241-mil\
lion-for-James-Thomsons- new-stem- cell-startup- 2188-2/
Bio-Medicine - 02/06/2009 02:01
Oklahoma stem cell funding plan approved
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=633044649& u\
rl= oklahoma- stem-cell- funding-plan- approved/ articl\
e/3343324?custom_click=headlines_ widget - 02/04/2009 20:11 State lawmakers have given preliminary
approval to legislation that could provide nearly $2 million for adult
stem cell research in Oklahoma. House Joint Resolution 1035 by Rep.
Stem cell expert: Proposal 2 will bring new opportunities to the
University of Michigan
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=632320510& u\
rl=http://www.concentratemedia .com/inthenews/ annarborstemcell s0042.aspx
Concentrate - 02/04/2009 07:11 Stem cells are a hot topic of
conversation in southeast Michigan, but this time its all about what
kind of economic development opportunities they will create.
Stanford Scientists Awarded $10.7 Million in Latest State Stem Cell
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=632018350& u\
rl=http://www.stemcellarabia. com/index. php?subaction= showfull& id=1197867\
036&archive=&start_from= &ucat=1&
Stem Cell Arabia - 02/04/2009 01:53 December 12, 2007 - Stanford,
California- Stanford University School of Medicine researchers today
received $10.7 million from the California Institute for Regenerative
Medicine in awards designed to help jump-start the careers of young
scientists in the field of stem cell research.
New Jerseys Stem Cell Referendum defeat and lessons learned - by Jersey
Girl - Helium
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=632001435& u\
rl= items/690439- new-jerseys- stem-cell- referendum- d\
Helium - 02/04/2009 01:14 The people have spoken - enough Is enough! In
last Tuesday's election, 53% of New Jersey voters rejected a ballot
measure that will allow the state to borrow $450 million for stem cell
Doyle urges Senate to loosen stem cell restrictions
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=631813389& u\
rl= org/biology- technology/ Doyle-urges- Senate-to- \
loosen-stem-cell-restriction s-2416-2/
Bio-Medicine - 02/03/2009 21:22
piggyBac transposition reprograms fibroblasts to induced pluripotent
stem cells
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=658598275& u\
rl= nature/journal/ vaop/ncurrent/ abs/nature07863. ht\
01/03-2009 03:58 ( refers DOI)
Knut Woltjen1, Iacovos P. Michael1,2, Paria Mohseni1,2, Ridham Desai1,2,
Maria Mileikovsky1, Riikka Hämäläinen1, Rebecca Cowling1, Wei
Wang3, Pentao Liu3, Marina Gertsenstein1, Keisuke Kaji4, Hoon-Ki Sung1 &
Andras Nagy1,2 Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai
Hospital, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X5,...
Human Stem Cells Provide A New Model For Lou Gehrig's Disease,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Study
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=652626489& u\
rl=http://www.biospace. com/news_ story.aspx? NewsEntityId= 127550
Biospace - 02/24/2009 10:59 ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2009) Motor
neurons derived from embryonic stem cells mimic the progress of familial
ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's
disease, is a devastating condition in which motor neuron degeneration
causes progressive loss of movement and muscle tone,...
Study identifies 5 genetic themes key to keeping stem cells in a
primitive, flexible state
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=649681876& u\
rl= org/biology- news/Study- identifies- 5-genetic- t\
hemes-key-to-keeping-stem- cells-in- a-primitive- -flexible- state-5442- 1/
Bio-Medicine - 02/20/2009 05:57 ...For more than 25 years stem cells
have been defined based on what the...Now a team of Canadian scientists
has identified 1155 genes under th..."You could call this a
`theory-of-everything' for stem cells" said se.
Reprograming of Stem Cells by a single gene: Oct4
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=642851858& u\
rl=http://www.scientistsolutio blog_809a06a3- 250f-4ad1- 9d0\
Scientist Solutions - 02/11/2009 22:36 If you follow the stem cell
literature, this latest finding is of special interest. A group from
Germany was able to reprogram cells into stem cells by expressing a
single gene: Oct4.
Mount Sinai Hospital researcher develops Canada's first embryonic stem
cell lines
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=637589591& u\
rl= org/biology- news-3/Mount- Sinai-Hospital- rese\
archer-develops-Canadas-first- embryonic- stem-cell- lines-11458- 1/
Bio-Medicine - 02/08/2009 20:22 A senior scientist at Mount Sinai
Hospital has developed Canada's firs... My hope and the hope of my
world-class laboratory team is that our ... Our research remains in an
early phase but the ability of these cells.
Researchers use single gene to return mature stem cells to embryonic
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=634018942& u\
rl=http://www.jsonline. com/features/ health/39150537. html
JS Online - 02/05/2009 16:45 German scientists have sent mouse stem
cells back to their embryonic origin by introducing just a single gene,
a finding that could eventually lead to simpler, safer ways of
generating cells for human medicine.
Scientists discover source of cancer stem cells' resistance to radiation
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=632715374& u\
rl= news152977118. html - 02/04/2009 14:01 Much to the dismay of patients and
physicians, cancer stem cells tiny powerhouses that generate and
maintain tumor growth in many types of cancers are relatively
resistant to the ionizing radiation often used as therapy for these
U of MN researchers use human embryonic stem cells to kill cancer cells
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=633586790& u\
rl= org/biology- news-3/U- of-MN-researcher s-use-h\
uman-embryonic-stem-cells- to-kill-cancer- cells-9750- 1/
Bio-Medicine - 02/04/2009 07:36 For the first time stem cell
researchers at the University of Minneso... Researchers generated
natural killer cells from the human embryo... This is the first
published research to show the ability to make .
UCLA researchers develop T-cells from human embryonic stem cells
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=631624898& u\
rl= org/biology- news/UCLA- researchers- develop-T- c\
ells-from-human-embryonic- stem-cells- 3531-1/
Bio-Medicine - 02/03/2009 17:29 Researchers from the UCLA AIDS
Institute and the Institute for Stem Ce...The study to be published the
week of July 3 in the online edition of...The results mark the first
time that scientists have been able to deri.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols features stem cell differentiation, plant
RNAi methods
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=630678762& u\
rl=http://www.sciencecodex. com/cold_ spring_harbor_ protocols_ features_ ste\
m_cell_differentiation_plant_ rnai_methods
Science Codex - 02/02/2009 21:36 COLD SPRING HARBOR, N.Y. (Mon., Feb.
2, 2009) -- By using OP9-DL1 cells as a support system, researchers can
study the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into mature components
of the immune system.
Stem Cell Breakthrough for Diabetes Treatments
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=631608834& u\
rl=http://www.investvictoria. com/020209StemCe llBreakthroughfo rDiabetesTr\
Invest Victoria - 02/01/2009 17:43 Stem cell researchers backed by a
joint Victorian and NSW Government grant have created Australia's
first human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell line. The ability to
produce human iPS cell lines locally will greatly assist researchers to
progress their research into the causes of serious diseases and to d...
StemCells Inc. (STEM) to Acquire Cell-Based Drug Discovery
Platforms and Related Businesses of Stem Cell Sciences plc
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=658951634& u\
rl=http://www.biospace. com/news_ story.aspx? StoryID=128412& full=1
02/03-2009 10:30 (Biospace)
PALO ALTO, Calif. & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--StemCells, Inc.
(NASDAQ:STEM - News) and Stem Cell Sciences plc (AIM:STEM) (ASX:STC -
News) announced today that they have entered into a definitive agreement
pursuant to which StemCells will acquire the operating subsidiaries and
certain related assets of Stem...
Pluristem Therapeutics Receives FDA Clearance to Begin â
First-In-Humanâ Placenta-Derived Stem Cell Clinical Trial
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=658584008& u\
rl= com/pluristem- therapeutics- receives- fda-clearanc\
e-to-begin-first-in-human- placenta- derived-stem- cell-clinical- trial-r108\
02/03-2009 03:36 ( Pluristem Therapeutics Inc.
(NasdaqCM:PSTI)(DAX:PJT) , a bio-therapeutics company dedicated to the
commercialization of unrelated donor-patient (allogeneic) cell therapy
products for a variety of disorders, announced today that the US Food &
Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the Company's Investigational...
< > NeoStem Obtains Exclusive Worldwide License to Innovative.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=651985826& u\
rl=http://www.caihuanet. com/zhuanlan/ meiti/xhmt/ china/200902/ t20090224_ 5\
Stem Cell Technology and Applications for Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=651985826& u\
rl=http://www.caihuanet. com/zhuanlan/ meiti/xhmt/ china/200902/ t20090224_ 5\
Cai Hua Net - 02/23/2009 22:26 æ¥ 08:01
æ¥æºï¼æ°åç¾éãåä½"ï¼å¤§ ä¸
å°ã` License Enhances NeoStem's Presence in Anti-Aging Arena NEW
YORK, Feb. 23 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- NeoStem, Inc. (NYSE Alternext US:
NBS), which is pioneering the pre-disease collection, processing and
long-term storage of adult stem cells for future medical need, announced
today it has signed a license agreement to obtain the exclusive
worldwide rights to innovative stem cell technology and applications for
cosmetic facial and body procedures and skin rejuvenation...
Neuralstem's ALS Trial with Stem Cell Therapy Delayed
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=648856077& u\
rl=http://www.genengnews. com/news/ bnitem.aspx? name=49943227& chid=4&sourc\
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - 02/20/2009 11:14 GEN News
Highlights Neuralstem reports that its spinal cord stem cell trial to
treat ALS is on clinical hold. FDA has provided the company with
specific comments, questions, and recommendations for modifications to
its protocol. Stanford University Uses Fluidigm Integrated
Fluidic Circuits To Help Identify The Source Of Cancer Stem Cell's
Resistance To Radiation < >
MediLexicon - 02/19/2009 12:37 Fluidigm Corporation announced that
Stanford University has used the unique single-cell gene expression
capabilities of the company's integrated fluidic circuits (IFCs) to help
identify the source of cancer stem cells' resistance to radiation.
Alnylam Looks to Spinoffs To Unleash RNAi Technologies for Stem Cells,
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=647308220& u\
rl= news/2009Februar y19/Alnylam- Spinoffs- Unleash-RN\
Congoo - 02/19/2009 08:11 Biotech, RNA Interference, Life Sciences Luke
Timmerman 2/18/09 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals is one of the fortunate few in
biotech with more than $500 million in the bank, so money is the least
of its worries. MaxCyte, Inc. Introduces the GT(TM) Flow
Transfection System for Application with Autologous and Allogeneic Stem
Cell Therapies
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=637246926& u\
rl= node/835318
Biospace - 02/19/2009 00:12 "The MaxCyte GT(TM) Flow Transfection
System addresses two of the primary challenges hindering acceleration of
effective stem cell therapies. It enables design and development of stem
cell products modified to allow for improved regenerative responses and
permits robust, automated, cost-effective, cGMP and... Singapore
teams up to discover drugs using brain tumor stem cells
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=645685693& u\
rl=http://www.biospectrumasia. com/content/ 180209SGP8614. asp
BioSpectrum - 02/18/2009 01:24 Lilly Singapore Center for Drug
Discovery (LSCDD), the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) and the
Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS) have teamed up to
advance drug discovery using adult brain tumor stem cells. San
Diego's Stem Cell Startup Reports Hair-Regrowth Results
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=645220122& u\
rl= san-diego/ 2009/02/17/ san-diegos- stem-cell- star\
tup-reports-hair-regrowth- results/
Xconomy - 02/17/2009 14:24 San Diego-based Histogen CEO Gail Naughton
is presenting encouraging preliminary results today at a stem cell
conference from the startup's first human trial of its hair regrowth
treatment, ReGenica. Astrazeneca and Cellartis extend their
collaboration to develop new way to test drug safety using stem cells
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=645220122& u\
rl= san-diego/ 2009/02/17/ san-diegos- stem-cell- star\
tup-reports-hair-regrowth- results/
Bio-Dundee - 02/16/2009 06:38 AstraZeneca and Cellartis AB announced
today that they have signed an extension to their ongoing scientific
collaboration to develop improved safety screening systems based on
human embryonic stem cell (hESC) derived hepatocytes (liver cells) and
cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells) for target and lead...
Mesoblast Limited (ASX:MSB) To Provide Cutting Edge Treatment Using
Proprietary Adult Stem Cell Products - Yahoo!7 Finance
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=643440355& u\
rl= com/090216/ 42/24mv0. html
Yahoo!7 Finance - 02/15/2009 21:35 - (ABN Newswire) - Mesoblast Limited
(ASX: MSB.AX)(PINK:MBLTY) One of Singapore's leading private healthcare
providers, Parkway Group Healthcare Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Parkway
Holdings Limited, and Australian regenerative medicine company,
Mesoblast Limited, today announced a collaborative program to...
Ficano venture aims to lure stem cell work to Wayne County
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=641225176& u\
rl= article/20090213 /NEWS06/90213034 5/1008
Detroit Free Press - 02/13/2009 04:27 Wayne County Executive Robert
Ficano said Thursday that county government will partner with Tech Town
at Wayne State University to try to bring embryonic stem cell business
to southeast Michigan. Osiris touts stem cell trial results
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=640365116& u\
rl=http://www.fiercebiotech. com/story/ osiris-touts- stem-cell- trial-resul\
Fierce Biotech - 02/12/2009 12:01 Osiris shares soar on $1.38B Genzyme
pact ALSO NOTED: Osiris files IPO; Amgen initiates kidney disease study;
and much more... Osiris Therapeutics blueprints $80M IPO SPOTLIGHT:
Osiris granted orphan status Osiris gains $50M Osiris Therapeutics says
its final set of two-year results from a trial for... Stemgent
Licenses TET's Stem Cell Reprogramming Reagents
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=639542763& u\
rl=http://www.genengnews. com/news/ bnitem.aspx? name=49482560& chid=0
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - 02/11/2009 14:48 GEN News
Highlights Stemgent entered into an agreement to market reagents based
on TET Systems' technology for creating inducible stem cells.
Stemgent will apply Tet Technology to its portfolio of viral vector
systems for induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. ArunA
Biomedical Announces Commercial Release of its Human Embryonic Stem Cell
Derived Neural Cells
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=638814365& u\
rl=http://www.bizjournals. com/atlanta/ prnewswire/ press_releases/ Georgia/\
Atlanta Business Chronicle - 02/11/2009 01:46 ATHENS, Ga., Jan. 30
/PRNewswire/ -- ArunA Biomedical, Inc., announced today that it will
make its hN2(TM) cells commercially available to the research community
in early 2009. Edinburgh: Producing neural tumour stem cells
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=638536610& u\
rl= news/2009Februar y10/Edinburgh- Producing- neural-\
Congoo - 02/10/2009 20:56 unityResearchers at the have developed a new
method of producing neural tumour stem cell lines. A patent covering all
available territories has been filed and the university is seeking
commercial partners to license the technology. Stem Cell
Therapeutics Corp. Provides Corporate Update
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=637246926& u\
rl= node/835318
Sys.Con Canada - 02/09/2009 11:21 CALGARY, ALBERTA -- (Marketwire) --
02/09/09 -- Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp. (the "Company" or "SCT") (TSX
VENTURE: SSS) announces today an update on key corporate developments
and strategies. AstraZeneca and Cellartis extend stem cell
collaboration - Pharmaceutical Executive Europe
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=646359937& u\
rl=http://www.pharmexeceurope. com/europharmexe c/article/ articleDetail. js\
Pharmaceutical Executive Europe - 02/08/2009 17:04 AstraZeneca and
Cellartis have signed an extension in their collaboration to develop
better safety screening systems based on human embryonic stem
cell-derived (hESC) liver and heart muscle cells. ITI Life
Sciences achieves major milestone with first license deal with Cellartis
for Stem Cell...
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=635172124& u\
rl= uk/tag/uk/ 102656224
Newstin - 02/06/2009 17:39 Signing of 7th licence for ITI Life Sciences
sees Dundee-based biotech company Cellartis AB commercialise pioneering
stem cell technology Dundee, Scotland, ITI Life Sciences today announced
it has signed a licensing agreement with world leading Stem Cell company
Cellartis AB, granting them a worldwide... World First For
Glasgow University As Stem Cell Therapy Trials Are Approved
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=632228923& u\
rl= go/180877578/
redtram (ENG) - 02/04/2009 04:33 ReNeuron announced today (19 January
2009) that it has received approval from the UK Medicines and Healthcare
Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to commence a first-in-man clinical
trial for the treatment of patients who have been left disabled by an
ischaemic » Full text » 2009-02-04 09:33:58 World First For...
Aastrom Heart Stem Cell Trial on Hold After Adverse Event
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=631903104& u\
rl=http://www.pharmacychoice. com/News/ article.cfm? Article_ID= 281408
Pharmacy Choice - 02/03/2009 22:50 Aastrom Biosciences Inc., a company
that is developing stem cell products, said Monday that a patient
enrolled in the company's U.S. Phase II heart failure trial developed a
serious adverse event associated with anesthesia management during
treatment at one of the study sites. Neuralstem gets US patent
for new stem cell immortalization tech
< >.asp?u=549160& p=109643& d=630061208& u\
rl=http://www.pharmabiz. com/article/ detnews.asp? articleid= 48163§ioni\
Pharmabiz - 02/02/2009 07:37 Neuralstem, Inc has received Official
Notice of Allowance for its patent application, number 10/047,352, for
Stable Neural Stem Cell Lines from the US Patent and Trade Office
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