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Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" stephen_meyer_stemcells
Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:44 am (PDT)
By Don C. Reed
Imagine that you and I are involved in a terrible war, against a
relentless enemy which fully intends to kill us and all our families.
But we are fighting back hard, and despite tremendous odds against us,
we are beginning to win.
Suddenly good news arrives: reinforcements are on the way!
Should we respond by laying down our arms, to surrender?
President Obama's reversal of the Bush stem cell restrictions is
wonderful: a decision that will echo down the halls of history. But it
is not victory.
The Obama edict brings no guarantees of new stem cell funding. Those
"extra" NIH funds you heard about? At best, they help make up
for 5 years of flat-lined funding, when National Institutes of Health
budgets remained stagnant, not even matching increases of inflation.
Now is the time to redouble our efforts, not relax them.
Let me show you why.
In the midst of all the economic gloom and doom, something shining has
emerged in California: the beginning of a vastly better world.
Take a look at some highlights of what the California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) didwith just twelve months of reliable
funding, in 2008.
(You can verify the following amazements by going to < > Scroll down the left
side of the page, until you find a bright red picture of stem cells,
click under that: 2008 report, download it for free.)
LABORATORIES: have you tried to find parking for your car at an
overcrowded college campus lately? Imagine what a nightmare it is to
find space for new stem cell laboratories, let alone equip them.
Dedicated buildings are urgently needed.
But bricks and mortar costs a lot, and the last thing California wants
is to spend precious research dollars on a bunch of unnecessary
buildings. So, a limit was set: no more than 10% of the entire
program's cost, $300 million, could be used for facilities. But,
that's not much money. In today's market, it would pay for only
about three or four hundred homes: nowhere near enough for serious labs.
How did the CIRM meet this challenge?
They authorized $271 million on facilities (buildings and
equipment)and, to make sure we got the most possible bang for its
buck, a special requirement . Any organization wanting a grant had
to bring their own money as well.
This strategy brought in an additional $880 million dollars. Our $271
million in taxpayer money was leveraged (great word) into $1.15 billion
Twelve major facilities will be builtand soon. All these buildings
are contractually obligated to be up and running by the end of 2010.
And of course, we must not forget the stem cells
After 8 years of being stuck with a tiny number of ancient stem cell
lines, America desperately needs new ones--$25 million went to derive
new cell lines. Some were disease-specific: allowing us, for the first
time in history, to watch the development of Alzheimer's disease in
a Petri dish, instead of only seeingtoo lateits devastating
results on a person.
Other stem cell lines are needed to compare embryonic stem cells with
the new kind of cells, induced Pluripotentiary Stem cells (iPS). As we
struggle to find out if the new (iPS) method can be made safe for human
use, or even as a research tool, we also need to know if it can really
do the job.
And who will be allowed access to these new stem cell lines funded by
These valuable biomaterials will be available to any responsible
researcher working toward cures
New buildings, new stem cell lines-- how about some new scientists?
For too long, only scientists in their mid to late forties, folks who
had their PhD's for almost a decade, have been able to receive
funding from the NIH.
But if we only fund scientists that far along in their career, how will
the field grow? If young scientists cannot get grants, their options are
limited. At best, they will work for other scientists, doing research
directed by them instead of blazing their own trail; or, financial need
may drive them out of the field altogether.
The very first project CIRM funded was training grants, to help new
scientists into our field, an oasis of funding in what had been barren
desert. Training Program II continues providing funds for these young
men and women and their labs: allocating $40 million for this vital
But even the greatest scientist cannot do his or her work alone.
TEAM ASSISTANCE: Generals are nothing without soldiers; even so,
scientists rely on the assistance of trained professionals; where will
they come from?
"An educated and properly trained workforce is essential if our
state is to retain its premier position and fully realize the medical
and economic benefits from this emerging industry."joint
statement, Senator Gloria Romero and Senate President Pro Tem Darrel
The "CIRM Bridges to Stem Cell Research Awards" program is
designed to insure training exists for these incredibly valuable
technicians: the workforce to make the miracles possible, perhaps
becoming future superstars themselves you never know where success
in such a new enterprise may lead.
$17 million in these Bridges awards has been approved.
But what about the business side? The greatest stem cell idea in the
world means nothing, if it is not translated into something real and
usable: and that means biotech.
"Our new loan program for biotech companies is meant to provide
support for institutions testing the safety and efficacy of possible
therapies."Robert N. Klein, Chair, ICOC.
Developed by our new Vice-Chairman Duane Roth and Finance subcommittee
Chairman Michael Goldberg, (and of course Chairman Klein, who is pretty
much everywhere) the new loan program is for $500 millionand
hopefully an additional $500 million in federal loan guarantees as part
of the stimulus package.
Numbers that big numb my brain like novocaine at the dentist's.
But wait, there's more!
"That amount would be scaled up by recycling an additional $1
billion in repayment proceeds over the first decade of the program. In
short, with $500 million in federal long-term guarantees and recycled
principal repayments, interest and stock warrant revenue from borrowers,
over $1.5 billion in additional resources could be added to the
Proposition 71 portfolio."BK.
As I understand it (always an element of doubt about that) this would be
Leveraging five hundred million in state dollars to two billion, perhaps
even two and half billion, so that California got five times the value
of its initial investment?
And, these loans are targeted: designed to answer an unmet and colossal
Taking just one new product from idea to pharmacy costs hundreds of
millions of dollars, due to safety testing.
The time between basic research and clinical trials completion is called
the "Valley of death" because so many products and companies die
during that period. What an agony it would be to have a great cure for
paralysis, for example, and then watch it fail-- for lack of money to
pay for those tests.
The new loan program is designed to help turn the ideas of cure into
products everyone can use: promising new medicines or therapies through
the grueling cycle of tests, so they can be submitted to the FDA for
Look at the path that CIRM has laid down for cure: educating and
supporting scientists, helping train their support staff, setting up
loans for the companies that will risk so much to develop products for
patients this is something which should be shared, and imitated.
Next ICOC meeting you go to, look for a crew-cut, glasses-wearing
individual with tremendous energy, listening to everything, hardly ever
sitting stillthis is Don Gibbons. Very often, he has the honor of
being the voice of the CIRM.
A tough job indeed. For starters, he has to understand enough of the
science to be able to translate it into people talk, enough legalese to
do the same for those complicated aspects.
In addition to sharing information through public outreach, some of
Gibbons' projects include: updating the CIRM website, (major
improvements just days away, btw) Town Hall Meetings (You MUST come to
one of thesethe first one was last week, and it was
terrificthree outstanding scientists use people talk to share where
their corner of the science is atmore info at bottom of page.
And what a message he has to share, as the CIRM's influence grows,
even leaping beyond the artificial boundaries of lines drawn on a map.
" no one state or nation (can) do this alone," stated Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger," collaborations which bring together
leading medical researchers from around the globe have a great potential
in improving the lives of not only Californians, but all the people
around the world."
The CIRM has already made agreements for combined research with
countries including Australia, Spain, Japan, the United Kingdom and
Canada, bringing in additional funds to the effort. Those countries have
already committed over $200 million dollars to collaborative efforts
with CIRM.
For example, Canada will be teaming with California to fight cancer.
There is more to come. California money must always be spent inside the
borders of our state (as required by Prop 71 statute), but knowledge can
and should be shared.
State to state cooperation will, increase our strength. Consider the
example set by Dr. Dennis Clegg of UC Santa Barbara. Working with
colleagues in Massachusetts, he found a molecule that helps embryonic
stem cells multiply faster, while still maintaining their stability,
vital characteristics for the large quantities of pure cells we will
need for cure.
It is not enough just to labor endlesslyeverybody wants results.
As President Alan Trounson puts it: "I tell my colleagues here at
CIRM probably at least once a week: "We are in a hurry; we have a
short time frame, and we need to get genuine cures to Californians."
The opening page of the 2008 report shows the official motto of the
"turning stem cells into cures".Roman Reed.
That is my son who wrote those words, in case you did not knowand
that is our goal.
Success will come in careful reliable steps, and we are taking them
right now.
We benefit from the leadership of chief science officer Marie Csete
(pronounced chet-uh) an energetic little exclamation point of a person,
and the indefatigable Director of Scientific Activities, Patricia Olson.
Do you know them? If you live in California, you should. Walk up and say
hello to them at the next CIRM meeting.
Are they approachable? You bet. Here is an example.
There will soon be an autism workshop: for scientists only. This is
fairly common, giving the scientists a chance to speak their own
language, and interchange ideasvery important. BUT such
knowledge should be shared. So, seeing Dr. Csete at another public
meeting (there have been about 150 public meetings so far) I asked her
if there was a way to make the autism meeting more open, because there
were literally millions of people interested in this all-too-common
condition. She thought about it for a minute, and then said, there
should be a transcript, print and video, and that could be made
available on the web. (Something I forgot to ask was: could parents of
autistic children send in questions to be asked of the scientists?)
That is how this program works. The decisions are made in public, and
anyone who wants to get involved is welcome.
Come to the meetings; California wants you! (to find out when and where
the meetings are, go to
< > and click on Meetings; it is up near the top
of the page.
Already, CIRM scientists have authored more than 70 scientific
publications, adding to the world's understanding.
If you go to the meetings, you will get to hear Dr. Trounson talking
about the latest breakthroughs in stem cell science. Such as:
Remember one huge difficulty with the new stem cell method, iPS,
induced Pluripotent Stem cells, mainly that the use of viruses might
cause cancer? At Scripps Institute, a scientist named Sheng Ding may
have found a way around that obstacle, using "small molecules rather
than viruses to carry reprogramming genes into cells, moving the iPS
cells closer to being safe for clinical use."
And speaking of genes, this miniscule marvels which turn body processes
on and off, it is vital we know exactly which genes do what-- and Dr.
Jean Loring and her team "published a database of gene expression
profiles", vital information for the sorting of cells.
(Both those scientists, by the way, received CIRM grants.)
Sometimes, a step in one area helps in another; look at the next two
First, If we can learn how healthy cells are turned into cancer cells,
(as Dr. Wei Guo of UCLA did with blood cells), maybe we can learn how to
do the reverse-- and turn cancerous cells back into healthiness.
Second, at Stanford, Dr. Emmanuelle Passegue showed that a "family
of cancer-fighting proteins also helps blood-forming stem cells divide
As CIRM President Dr. Alan Trounson observed, "These two
push-and-pull findings hold great promise for uncovering novel ways of
treating cancer and preventing its spread."
CIRM helped Dr. Catriona Jamieson of UCSD as she brought a new approach
to fighting leukemia to human trials.
So much more: at Stanford, human embryonic stem cells were grown into
"primitive cardiac tissue (which) repaired heart damage in
At UCLA, scientists matured human embryonic stem cells into T cells and
inserted a genewhy does that matter? "Their eventual goal is to
insert a gene that makes the cells immune to HIV/AIDS, then replace a
person's infected cells with the resistant ones "
Yet there are still dark days ahead, much work to do, battles yet to
fightincluding financial ones.
If the financial equivalent of Hurricane Katrina crashes down upon us,
(and it did) we have only two choices: adjust, or let the program die.
First, every new grant comes with a proviso that the money will be
provided if and when it is available. Some extremely worthwhile projects
may have to be delayed a year. This is just a fact of economic life.
Our program depended on selling bonds.
If California cannot sell bonds, will we be able to keep the stem cell
program alive?
Here is the official CIRM answer.
"CIRM's Financial Commitments Are Secure CIRM currently has
significant cash reserves of $160 million, which can fund all existing
commitments through at least September. The agency's plans have
always called for raising new capital on a cash-flow, as-needed basis.
We expect the traditional bond market will open soon with resolution of
California's budget situation. To supplement this public bond
market, CIRM is working with the State Treasurer's office on a CIRM
private placement of $200 million in general obligation bonds this year
and $200 million again next year The Agency intends to continue the
planning and review needed to maintain its mission on schedule "
The men and women of California's stem cell program have taken up
the gauntlet, accepting this new challenge.
They deserve the support and thanks of a nation.
In California we have funded a solid beginning. We must build on that,
in "synergistic cooperation" (Gibbons' phrase) with the
federal government, each side strengthening the other, and the same with
other states across the land.
Ten thousand stem cell advocates developed Proposition 71; seven million
Californians voted it into law; what we need now is more of the same.
Not every state wants or needs to be a California or New York, with
major biomedical infrastructure employing hundreds of thousands of
workers in excellent and good-paying jobs. But every state should at
least have funding for regenerative research, and the freedom to do it.
As patient advocates, you and I are involved in a war against chronic
disease and disability. And it is a war, make no mistake about that.
Millions of lives are at stake, as well as the economies of every
Our motivation is continual; for those who themselves are suffering, the
pain and distress is a constant reminder. For we who have the luck of
health, our loved ones must be fought for.
But ours is a war like none that ever was before. It is a very civilized
We have two sides essentially throwing words at each other. We pound the
keyboards for a whileargue, argue, arguethen rest, do some
other chores for a while, and then come back to the computer, fight some
These are epic confrontations, on which the future of the world depends;
yet, nobody is killed. There are no ruined families, no widows made, nor
orphans, no silent graveyards, no white crosses on a hill.
In this war, we are fighting to save lives, not take them.
And when we win, there will be no reason for tears: save only those of
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