Tuesday, March 31, 2009

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 784

Stem Cell Research Information + Impact

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)




Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:17 am (PDT)


Don C. Reed

Dear Friends:

Anti-research forces in Texas are trying to pull a fast one, to kill all
hopes for embryonic stem cell research in the state, permanently. They
are doing it two ways.

First, Senator Steve Ogden (R-Bryan) "quietly" inserted a
24-word provision banning state funds for any form of embryonic stem
cell research-- into the Texas budget (SB 1). If the budget passes
(which it must) as is, the research is effectively banned.

According to the Dallas Morning News, "The Senate finance committee,
which Ogden heads, took only two minutes to consider his rider. It says,
"No funds appropriated under this act shall be used in conjunction
with or to support research which involves the destruction of a human
embryo."—R. T. Garrett, Dallas Morning News, March 30, 2009.

Senator Ogden did not allow research scientists or patient advocates to

Afterwards, Ogden was asked if that provision would kill embryonic stem
cell research in Texas. He reportedly responded, "If that one
doesn't, my next one will."

Second, Senator Ogden's bill, SB 1695, would "…end all
embryonic stem cell research…in any of the laboratories of our
state. Even private institutions like Baylor College of Medicine would
be affected because they receive state funding."—Texas research
advocate Dr. Ralph Dittman, cited in Huffington Report.

Folks, the debate on the Texas budget begins Wednesday, which is

Any chance you could make one phone call, to try and preserve Texas stem
cell research? (Which, by the way, is very much worth fighting for; I
will tell you later about some of the outstanding scientists in the Lone
Star state.)

It doesn't matter where you live. Texas voters have the most
importance of course, but right now, the main thing is to make some
noise. This is attack legislation-- in a state which has the
possibility of genuinely vast amounts of research, as much as three
billion dollars for cancer alone. We dare not lose the enormous
contributions of this vital state.

As always, Texans for the Advancement of Medical Research, TAMR, is
leading the charge against this insidious infringement on research

Friend Judy Haley, immediate past President of TAMR, says:

"This is the worst situation we have ever had… an emerging
disaster. They (the rider to the budget, SB 1, and the bill, SB
1695--dr) would ban ALL hESC in Texas in any research facility that
receives any state funding—(including) all our public and private
labs. This would be a disaster, not only in Texas, but as a model for
how to do it (damaging legislation) for the rest of the nation."

Joe Brown, current President of TAMR suggests a message:

First, if you live in Texas:

Click on this link http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/
<http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/> and enter your home address under
"who represents me" to find your senator and their phone number.


"Stem cell research is important to me, to my family, and to
millions of Texans; it is unacceptable for the Texas Legislature to pass
any bill or rider which restricts embryonic stem cell research done
under National Academy of Science ethical guidelines. I want Senator
_____________ to actively work to make sure that neither SB 1's
prohibitive rider nor SB 1965 do not become part of Texas law."

Don't live in Texas?

Call anyway.

Three calls you could make:

1. David Dewhurst, President of the Senate and Lt. Governor: (512)
2. Jim Pitts, Chairman of House Appropriations Committee: (512)
3. Joe Straus, Speaker of the House: (512) 463-0516

Nothing fancy is required. Just tell whoever answers that you oppose the
anti-embryonic stem cell research rider on the Texas budget this year,
and also you oppose SB 1695.

You might even tell them why, maybe mentioning a condition which affects
you or a loved one.

The opposition calls itself "right to life" people. But the way
I see it, my sister Barbara has both cancer and leukemia, and she has a
right to life as well.

Please make that phone call; it will take you five minutes, and it could
make the difference.

To help heal our loved ones—stand tall for Texas today!

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 783

Stem Cell Research Information + Impact

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)




Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:44 am (PDT)


By Don C. Reed

Imagine that you and I are involved in a terrible war, against a
relentless enemy which fully intends to kill us and all our families.
But we are fighting back hard, and despite tremendous odds against us,
we are beginning to win.

Suddenly good news arrives: reinforcements are on the way!

Should we respond by laying down our arms, to surrender?

President Obama's reversal of the Bush stem cell restrictions is
wonderful: a decision that will echo down the halls of history. But it
is not victory.

The Obama edict brings no guarantees of new stem cell funding. Those
"extra" NIH funds you heard about? At best, they help make up
for 5 years of flat-lined funding, when National Institutes of Health
budgets remained stagnant, not even matching increases of inflation.

Now is the time to redouble our efforts, not relax them.

Let me show you why.

In the midst of all the economic gloom and doom, something shining has
emerged in California: the beginning of a vastly better world.

Take a look at some highlights of what the California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) did—with just twelve months of reliable
funding, in 2008.

(You can verify the following amazements by going to
http://www.cirm.ca.gov/ <http://www.cirm.ca.gov/> Scroll down the left
side of the page, until you find a bright red picture of stem cells,
click under that: 2008 report, download it for free.)

LABORATORIES: have you tried to find parking for your car at an
overcrowded college campus lately? Imagine what a nightmare it is to
find space for new stem cell laboratories, let alone equip them.
Dedicated buildings are urgently needed.

But bricks and mortar costs a lot, and the last thing California wants
is to spend precious research dollars on a bunch of unnecessary
buildings. So, a limit was set: no more than 10% of the entire
program's cost, $300 million, could be used for facilities. But,
that's not much money. In today's market, it would pay for only
about three or four hundred homes: nowhere near enough for serious labs.

How did the CIRM meet this challenge?

They authorized $271 million on facilities (buildings and
equipment)—and, to make sure we got the most possible bang for its
buck, a special requirement…. Any organization wanting a grant had
to bring their own money as well.

This strategy brought in an additional $880 million dollars. Our $271
million in taxpayer money was leveraged (great word) into $1.15 billion

Twelve major facilities will be built—and soon. All these buildings
are contractually obligated to be up and running by the end of 2010.

And of course, we must not forget the stem cells…


After 8 years of being stuck with a tiny number of ancient stem cell
lines, America desperately needs new ones--$25 million went to derive
new cell lines. Some were disease-specific: allowing us, for the first
time in history, to watch the development of Alzheimer's disease in
a Petri dish, instead of only seeing—too late—its devastating
results on a person.

Other stem cell lines are needed to compare embryonic stem cells with
the new kind of cells, induced Pluripotentiary Stem cells (iPS). As we
struggle to find out if the new (iPS) method can be made safe for human
use, or even as a research tool, we also need to know if it can really
do the job.

And who will be allowed access to these new stem cell lines funded by

These valuable biomaterials will be available to any responsible
researcher working toward cures…

New buildings, new stem cell lines-- how about some new scientists?


For too long, only scientists in their mid to late forties, folks who
had their PhD's for almost a decade, have been able to receive
funding from the NIH.

But if we only fund scientists that far along in their career, how will
the field grow? If young scientists cannot get grants, their options are
limited. At best, they will work for other scientists, doing research
directed by them instead of blazing their own trail; or, financial need
may drive them out of the field altogether.

The very first project CIRM funded was training grants, to help new
scientists into our field, an oasis of funding in what had been barren
desert. Training Program II continues providing funds for these young
men and women and their labs: allocating $40 million for this vital

But even the greatest scientist cannot do his or her work alone.

TEAM ASSISTANCE: Generals are nothing without soldiers; even so,
scientists rely on the assistance of trained professionals; where will
they come from?

"An educated and properly trained workforce is essential if our
state is to retain its premier position and fully realize the medical
and economic benefits from this emerging industry."—joint
statement, Senator Gloria Romero and Senate President Pro Tem Darrel

The "CIRM Bridges to Stem Cell Research Awards" program is
designed to insure training exists for these incredibly valuable
technicians: the workforce to make the miracles possible, perhaps
becoming future superstars themselves– you never know where success
in such a new enterprise may lead.

$17 million in these Bridges awards has been approved.

But what about the business side? The greatest stem cell idea in the
world means nothing, if it is not translated into something real and
usable: and that means biotech.


"Our new loan program for biotech companies is meant to provide…
support for institutions testing the safety and efficacy of possible
therapies."—Robert N. Klein, Chair, ICOC.

Developed by our new Vice-Chairman Duane Roth and Finance subcommittee
Chairman Michael Goldberg, (and of course Chairman Klein, who is pretty
much everywhere) the new loan program is for $500 million—and
hopefully an additional $500 million in federal loan guarantees as part
of the stimulus package.

Numbers that big numb my brain like novocaine at the dentist's.

But wait, there's more!

"That amount would be scaled up by recycling an additional $1
billion in repayment proceeds over the first decade of the program. In
short, with $500 million in federal long-term guarantees and recycled
principal repayments, interest and stock warrant revenue from borrowers,
over $1.5 billion in additional resources could be added to the
Proposition 71 portfolio."—BK.

As I understand it (always an element of doubt about that) this would be

Leveraging five hundred million in state dollars to two billion, perhaps
even two and half billion, so that California got five times the value
of its initial investment?

And, these loans are targeted: designed to answer an unmet and colossal


Taking just one new product from idea to pharmacy costs hundreds of
millions of dollars, due to safety testing.

The time between basic research and clinical trials completion is called
the "Valley of death" because so many products and companies die
during that period. What an agony it would be to have a great cure for
paralysis, for example, and then watch it fail-- for lack of money to
pay for those tests.

The new loan program is designed to help turn the ideas of cure into
products everyone can use: promising new medicines or therapies through
the grueling cycle of tests, so they can be submitted to the FDA for


Look at the path that CIRM has laid down for cure: educating and
supporting scientists, helping train their support staff, setting up
loans for the companies that will risk so much to develop products for
patients… this is something which should be shared, and imitated.


Next ICOC meeting you go to, look for a crew-cut, glasses-wearing
individual with tremendous energy, listening to everything, hardly ever
sitting still—this is Don Gibbons. Very often, he has the honor of
being the voice of the CIRM.

A tough job indeed. For starters, he has to understand enough of the
science to be able to translate it into people talk, enough legalese to
do the same for those complicated aspects.

In addition to sharing information through public outreach, some of
Gibbons' projects include: updating the CIRM website, (major
improvements just days away, btw) Town Hall Meetings (You MUST come to
one of these—the first one was last week, and it was
terrific—three outstanding scientists use people talk to share where
their corner of the science is at—more info at bottom of page.

And what a message he has to share, as the CIRM's influence grows,
even leaping beyond the artificial boundaries of lines drawn on a map.


"…no one state or nation (can) do this alone," stated Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger,"…collaborations…which bring together
leading medical researchers from around the globe have a great potential
in improving the lives of not only Californians, but all the people
around the world."

The CIRM has already made agreements for combined research with
countries including Australia, Spain, Japan, the United Kingdom and
Canada, bringing in additional funds to the effort. Those countries have
already committed over $200 million dollars to collaborative efforts
with CIRM.

For example, Canada will be teaming with California to fight cancer.

There is more to come. California money must always be spent inside the
borders of our state (as required by Prop 71 statute), but knowledge can
and should be shared.

State to state cooperation will, increase our strength. Consider the
example set by Dr. Dennis Clegg of UC Santa Barbara. Working with
colleagues in Massachusetts, he found a molecule that helps embryonic
stem cells multiply faster, while still maintaining their stability,
vital characteristics for the large quantities of pure cells we will
need for cure.


It is not enough just to labor endlessly—everybody wants results.
As President Alan Trounson puts it: "I tell my colleagues here at
CIRM probably at least once a week: "We are in a hurry; we have a
short time frame, and we need to get genuine cures to Californians."

The opening page of the 2008 report shows the official motto of the

"turning stem cells into cures".—Roman Reed.

That is my son who wrote those words, in case you did not know—and
that is our goal.

Success will come in careful reliable steps, and we are taking them
right now.

We benefit from the leadership of chief science officer Marie Csete
(pronounced chet-uh) an energetic little exclamation point of a person,
and the indefatigable Director of Scientific Activities, Patricia Olson.

Do you know them? If you live in California, you should. Walk up and say
hello to them at the next CIRM meeting.

Are they approachable? You bet. Here is an example.

There will soon be an autism workshop: for scientists only. This is
fairly common, giving the scientists a chance to speak their own
language, and interchange ideas—very important. BUT— such
knowledge should be shared. So, seeing Dr. Csete at another public
meeting (there have been about 150 public meetings so far) I asked her
if there was a way to make the autism meeting more open, because there
were literally millions of people interested in this all-too-common
condition. She thought about it for a minute, and then said, there
should be a transcript, print and video, and that could be made
available on the web. (Something I forgot to ask was: could parents of
autistic children send in questions to be asked of the scientists?)

That is how this program works. The decisions are made in public, and
anyone who wants to get involved is welcome.

Come to the meetings; California wants you! (to find out when and where
the meetings are, go to http://www.cirm.ca.gov/
<http://www.cirm.ca.gov/> and click on Meetings; it is up near the top
of the page.

Already, CIRM scientists have authored more than 70 scientific
publications, adding to the world's understanding.

If you go to the meetings, you will get to hear Dr. Trounson talking
about the latest breakthroughs in stem cell science. Such as:

Remember one huge difficulty with the new stem cell method, iPS,
induced Pluripotent Stem cells, mainly that the use of viruses might
cause cancer? At Scripps Institute, a scientist named Sheng Ding may
have found a way around that obstacle, using "small molecules rather
than viruses to carry reprogramming genes into cells, moving the iPS
cells closer to being safe for clinical use."

And speaking of genes, this miniscule marvels which turn body processes
on and off, it is vital we know exactly which genes do what-- and Dr.
Jean Loring and her team "published a database of gene expression
profiles", vital information for the sorting of cells.

(Both those scientists, by the way, received CIRM grants.)

Sometimes, a step in one area helps in another; look at the next two

First, If we can learn how healthy cells are turned into cancer cells,
(as Dr. Wei Guo of UCLA did with blood cells), maybe we can learn how to
do the reverse-- and turn cancerous cells back into healthiness.

Second, at Stanford, Dr. Emmanuelle Passegue showed that a "family
of cancer-fighting proteins also helps blood-forming stem cells divide

As CIRM President Dr. Alan Trounson observed, "These two
push-and-pull findings hold great promise for uncovering novel ways of
treating cancer and preventing its spread."

CIRM helped Dr. Catriona Jamieson of UCSD as she brought a new approach
to fighting leukemia to human trials.

So much more: at Stanford, human embryonic stem cells were grown into
"primitive cardiac tissue (which) repaired heart damage in

At UCLA, scientists matured human embryonic stem cells into T cells and
inserted a gene—why does that matter? "Their eventual goal is to
insert a gene that makes the cells immune to HIV/AIDS, then replace a
person's infected cells with the resistant ones…"

Yet there are still dark days ahead, much work to do, battles yet to
fight—including financial ones.


If the financial equivalent of Hurricane Katrina crashes down upon us,
(and it did) we have only two choices: adjust, or let the program die.

First, every new grant comes with a proviso that the money will be
provided if and when it is available. Some extremely worthwhile projects
may have to be delayed a year. This is just a fact of economic life.

Our program depended on selling bonds.

If California cannot sell bonds, will we be able to keep the stem cell
program alive?

Here is the official CIRM answer.

"CIRM's Financial Commitments Are Secure… CIRM currently has
significant cash reserves of $160 million, which can fund all existing
commitments through at least September. The agency's plans have
always called for raising new capital on a cash-flow, as-needed basis.
We expect the traditional bond market will open soon with resolution of
California's budget situation. To supplement this public bond
market, CIRM is working with the State Treasurer's office on a CIRM
private placement of $200 million in general obligation bonds this year
and $200 million again next year… The Agency intends to continue the
planning and review needed to maintain its mission on schedule…"

The men and women of California's stem cell program have taken up
the gauntlet, accepting this new challenge.

They deserve the support and thanks of a nation.


In California we have funded a solid beginning. We must build on that,
in "synergistic cooperation" (Gibbons' phrase) with the
federal government, each side strengthening the other, and the same with
other states across the land.

Ten thousand stem cell advocates developed Proposition 71; seven million
Californians voted it into law; what we need now is more of the same.

Not every state wants or needs to be a California or New York, with
major biomedical infrastructure employing hundreds of thousands of
workers in excellent and good-paying jobs. But every state should at
least have funding for regenerative research, and the freedom to do it.

As patient advocates, you and I are involved in a war against chronic
disease and disability. And it is a war, make no mistake about that.
Millions of lives are at stake, as well as the economies of every

Our motivation is continual; for those who themselves are suffering, the
pain and distress is a constant reminder. For we who have the luck of
health, our loved ones must be fought for.

But ours is a war like none that ever was before. It is a very civilized

We have two sides essentially throwing words at each other. We pound the
keyboards for a while—argue, argue, argue—then rest, do some
other chores for a while, and then come back to the computer, fight some

These are epic confrontations, on which the future of the world depends;
yet, nobody is killed. There are no ruined families, no widows made, nor
orphans, no silent graveyards, no white crosses on a hill.

In this war, we are fighting to save lives, not take them.

And when we win, there will be no reason for tears: save only those of

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 782

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



Stem Cell Action News-Issue Number 5-March 10, 2009

Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:38 am (PDT)

Stem Cell Action News
Powered by Genetics Policy Institute <http://www.genpol.org/>




March 10, 2009

Welcome to issue number 5 of Stem Cell Action News, dedicated to
informing the stem cell community on the latest and most important
developments impacting the Pro-Cures Movement.

Obama Lifts Stem Cell Restrictions
No Time for Complacency—Tough Stem Cell Policy Battles Ahead

Yesterday, President Barack Obama delivered a striking blow in favor of
sound science by overturning the Bush Executive Order of August 9, 2001,
which banned federal funding of embryonic stem cell research beyond the
21 presidential lines. The Genetics Policy Institute applauds President
Obama for signing a new executive order that expands federal funding for
this life-saving research.

However, at this pivotal moment the stem cell community can not become
complacent. Our most difficult work lies ahead, as we expect research
foes to unleash new legal roadblocks and delaying tactics by continuing
to assert unsupported arguments playing upon ignorance and fear. We
urge all stem cell stakeholders to take action and support
yesterday's executive order and future advocacy 2.0 efforts.

In order to provide certainty, the next step is to protect embryonic
stem cell research by legislation. Building on the momentum, it's
time to repeal the Dickey-Wicker Amendment that serves as a blockade for
funding research on work on embryos discarded from in vitro
fertilization procedures to derive new cell lines or somatic cell
nuclear transfer. We applaud Congresswoman Diana DeGette who has
expressed her intention to seek reversal of this fundamental funding

Headlines & Advocacy

Obama overturns Bush policy on stem cells - BostonHerald.com
> 09/03-2009 13:22 (BostonHerald.com) WASHINGTON —
President Barack Obama signed an order today that allows federal
taxpayer dollars to fund expanded embryonic stem cell research,
reversing one of his predecessor's policies viewed by many as
blocking development of potentially life-saving medical treatment.

Eight Reasons to Applaud Action on Stem Cells
> 09/03-2009 13:20 (Center for American Progress) Report: A Life
Science Crucible: Stem Cell Research and Innovation Done Responsibly and
Ethically Interactive timeline: A Brief History of Stem Cell Research
President Barack Obama takes a first step today toward bringing the
United States back to the scientific cutting edge by issuing an
executive order...

Obama Lifts Stem Cell Restrictions
> 09/03-2009 13:20 (Center for American Progress) With the stroke
of a pen, President Barack Obama today erased the Bush
administration's eight-year-old restrictions on federal funding of
research involving human embryonic stem cells, reaffirming his
commitment to evidence and biomedical hope over his predecessor's
ideological distortion of science.

Obama Addresses Decision to Lift Embryonic Stem Cell Limits
> 09/03-2009 13:01 (The Washington Post) PRESIDENT
OBAMA: Today, with the Executive Order I am about to sign, we will bring
the change that so many scientists and researchers; doctors and
innovators; patients and loved ones have hoped for, and fought for,
these past eight years: we will lift the ban on federal funding for
promising embryonic stem...

Obama to Let Health Institute Decide on Stem Cells - NYTimes.com
> 08/03-2009 20:22 (The New York Times) Filed at 7:02
p.m. ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will lift his
predecessor's restriction on federal funding of human embryonic stem
cell research on Monday and will give the National Institutes of Health
four months to come up with new rules on the issue, officials said on

Obama Expected to Reverse Limits on Stem Cells - NYTimes.com
06/03-2009 17:49 (The New York Times) WASHINGTON President Obama is
expected to announce on Monday that he is reversing Bush administration
limits on federal financing for embryonic stem-cell research, White
House officials said on Friday.

Stem Cell Funding Roadblock
> 01/03-2009
12:07 (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News) When President Bush
assumed office in 2000, the human embryonic stem cell revolution was
primed to launch. The outgoing Clinton administration directed the NIH
to prepare comprehensive rules to govern the nascent field of discovery,
with funding to follow.

piggyBac transposition reprograms fibroblasts to induced pluripotent
stem cells
> 01/03-2009 03:58 (Nature.com refers DOI) Knut Woltjen1, Iacovos
P. Michael1,2, Paria Mohseni1,2, Ridham Desai1,2, Maria Mileikovsky1,
Riikka Hämäläinen1, Rebecca Cowling1, Wei Wang3, Pentao Liu3,
Marina Gertsenstein1, Keisuke Kaji4, Hoon-Ki Sung1 & Andras Nagy1,2
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto,
Ontario M5G 1X5,...
Stem cells give hope to ailing pets, rich owners - BostonHerald.com
BostonHerald.com - 02/22/2009 00:44 CHICAGO - Meet Zoey Walsh, a
teenage stem-cell recipient who is pushing the frontier of medical
science. He's a dog. Unable to alleviate his pain with drugs and
unwilling to risk another hip surgery on a dog so old, Zoey's owners
turned to a treatment that involved injecting stem cells, which had
Stem Cell Treatment For Crohn's Disease
redtram (ENG) - 02/21/2009 22:14 Hospital Clínic, Barcelona is
one of the few hospitals in the world to apply this new therapeutic
option for patients with Crohn's disease, and it does so with the
guarantee of success experienced in the US and Italy, where the »
Full text » 2009-02-22 03:14:46 Stem Cell Treatment For Crohn's
WiCell, California firm agree to distribute stem cell lines derived with
new technique
Bio-Medicine - 02/20/2009 22:16

Donor-Derived Brain Tumor Following Neural Stem Cell Transplantation in
an Ataxia Telangiectasia Patient
PLOS Journal - 02/18/2009 00:07 Ninette Amariglio1,2, Abraham
Hirshberg3, Bernd W. Scheithauer4, Yoram Cohen1, Ron Loewenthal5, Luba
Trakhtenbrot2, Nurit Paz1, Maya Koren-Michowitz2, Dalia Waldman6, Leonor
Leider-Trejo7, Amos Toren6, Shlomi Constantini8, Gideon Rechavi1,6* 1
Cancer Research Center, Sheba Medical Center and Sackler School...
New kind of stem cells can turn into heart cells, University of
Wisconsin-Madison researchers show
Wisconsin State Journal - 02/12/2009 22:51 A new kind of stem cells
developed by UW-Madison researcher James Thomson performs like his old
kind in a lively way. The new cells can be turned into heart cells that
beat in a lab dish, other scientists on campus have shown.
Stem cells to cure HIV?
Channel 7 abc - 02/11/2009 16:49 NEW YORK (WABC) -- There is an amazing
report in the New England Journal of Medicine, in which doctors say a
stem cell transplant may have cured a man of HIV. Stem cell
treatment heals police dog
Channel 7 abc - 02/09/2009 14:12 FREMONT, CA (KGO) -- The first human
trials involving stem cell therapy were approved just weeks ago, but a
growing number of other patients are already benefitting from stem cell
treatments. Hadassah urges action on stem cells
JTA - 02/08/2009 09:31 WASHINGTON -- A pro-stem cell research coalition
which includes Hadassah urged President Obama to act quickly on the
issue. In a letter to the president, the Coalition for the Advancement
of Medical Research said it was encouraged by a media report that Obama
told a member of Congress it was a "guarantee" he... Stem
cell, cloning expert Jerry Yang dies
Capital Press - 02/07/2009 00:34 HARTFORD, Connecticut (AP) -
Xiangzhong "Jerry" Yang, a Chinese-born stem cell scientist who
successfully cloned the first farm animal in the United States, has died
after a long battle with cancer. U of MN researchers use
human embryonic stem cells to kill cancer cells
Bio-Medicine - 02/04/2009 07:36 For the first time stem cell
researchers at the University of Minneso... Researchers generated
natural killer cells from the human embryo... This is the first
published research to show the ability to make . Stanford
Scientists Awarded $10.7 Million in Latest State Stem Cell Grants
Stem Cell Arabia - 02/04/2009 01:53 December 12, 2007 - Stanford,
California- Stanford University School of Medicine researchers today
received $10.7 million from the California Institute for Regenerative
Medicine in awards designed to help jump-start the careers of young
scientists in the field of stem cell research. Adverse
events among 2408 unrelated donors of peripheral blood stem cells:
Results of a prospective trial from the National Marrow Donor Program
Blood - 02/02/2009 18:42 CiteULike Connotea Del.icio.us Digg Reddit
Technorati What's this? Michael A. Pulsipher*, Pintip Chitphakdithai,
John Miller, Brent R. Logan, Roberta J. UCSB gets $1.2
million stem cell grant
Santa Barbara News - 02/01/2009 04:57 The California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine awarded a $1.2 million training grant to UCSB to
2009-02-01 09:57:48 UCSB gets $1.

Management fails at stem cell centre
> 03/03-2009 09:12 (The Australian) AUSTRALIA'S $115 million
taxpayer-funded flagship for financing stem cell research was sliding
towards insolvency as early as 2009-10, hit by high corporate costs and
poor management, a review into the Australian Stem Cell Centre reveals.

$1 Billion for Stem Cell Labs: Troubles and Status
> 02/03-2009 00:20 (California Stem Cell
Report) California's $1 billion stem cell lab construction program
will be under scrutiny on March 9 as the state's stem cell agency weighs
a request for changes in one approved grant while other recipients
report difficulty in raising the required matching money to build their

Embryonic Stem Cell Bill Defeated
D County - 02/24/2009 09:35
The South Dakota legislature had been considering a repeal of the state
ban on embryonic stem cell research. However, the state senate voted
yesterday voted to reject SB 195 by a vote of 20-14.
Funding for stem cell body drained
Congoo - 02/17/2009 14:09 THE Australian Stem Cell Centre will be
scaled down and shed its role as a research funding body under a new
business plan being finalised by the interim board.
Vietnam opens 1st stem cell bank for medical purposes
Scottrade - 02/15/2009 22:58 Vietnam's first stem cell bank MekoStem
opened in southern Ho Chi Minh City on Sunday, offering services of cell
collection, analysis and separation for medical treatment purposes, the
local newspaper Young People reported Monday.
Missouri stem cell ballot measure prompts two lawsuits
Missourian - 02/10/2009 16:40 JEFFERSON CITY — A proposed
constitutional amendment barring the use of public funds for abortion
and human cloning has prompted dueling lawsuits contending the ballot
summary is insufficient and unfair.
Doyle authorizes $5 million to woo stem cell companies
Bio-Medicine - 02/09/2009 01:50
Mount Sinai Hospital researcher develops Canada's first embryonic stem
cell lines
Bio-Medicine - 02/08/2009 20:22 A senior scientist at Mount Sinai
Hospital has developed Canada's firs... My hope and the hope of my
world-class laboratory team is that our ... Our research remains in an
early phase but the ability of these cells.
Doyle urges passage of federal stem cell bill
Bio-Medicine - 02/06/2009 06:52 In the House, the Wisconsin delegation
voted along party lines, with Democrats Dave Obey, Ron Kind, Tammy
Baldwin, and 2009-02-06 11:52:14 Doyle urges passage of federal stem
cell bill...
State puts up $1 million for James Thomson's new stem cell startup
Bio-Medicine - 02/06/2009 02:01
Oklahoma stem cell funding plan approved
NewsOK.com - 02/04/2009 20:11 State lawmakers have given preliminary
approval to legislation that could provide nearly $2 million for adult
stem cell research in Oklahoma. House Joint Resolution 1035 by Rep.
Stem cell expert: Proposal 2 will bring new opportunities to the
University of Michigan
Concentrate - 02/04/2009 07:11 Stem cells are a hot topic of
conversation in southeast Michigan, but this time its all about what
kind of economic development opportunities they will create.
Stanford Scientists Awarded $10.7 Million in Latest State Stem Cell
Stem Cell Arabia - 02/04/2009 01:53 December 12, 2007 - Stanford,
California- Stanford University School of Medicine researchers today
received $10.7 million from the California Institute for Regenerative
Medicine in awards designed to help jump-start the careers of young
scientists in the field of stem cell research.
New Jerseys Stem Cell Referendum defeat and lessons learned - by Jersey
Girl - Helium
Helium - 02/04/2009 01:14 The people have spoken - enough Is enough! In
last Tuesday's election, 53% of New Jersey voters rejected a ballot
measure that will allow the state to borrow $450 million for stem cell
Doyle urges Senate to loosen stem cell restrictions
Bio-Medicine - 02/03/2009 21:22


piggyBac transposition reprograms fibroblasts to induced pluripotent
stem cells
01/03-2009 03:58 (Nature.com refers DOI)

Knut Woltjen1, Iacovos P. Michael1,2, Paria Mohseni1,2, Ridham Desai1,2,
Maria Mileikovsky1, Riikka Hämäläinen1, Rebecca Cowling1, Wei
Wang3, Pentao Liu3, Marina Gertsenstein1, Keisuke Kaji4, Hoon-Ki Sung1 &
Andras Nagy1,2 Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai
Hospital, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X5,...
Human Stem Cells Provide A New Model For Lou Gehrig's Disease,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Study
Biospace - 02/24/2009 10:59 ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2009) — Motor
neurons derived from embryonic stem cells mimic the progress of familial
ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's
disease, is a devastating condition in which motor neuron degeneration
causes progressive loss of movement and muscle tone,...
Study identifies 5 genetic themes key to keeping stem cells in a
primitive, flexible state
Bio-Medicine - 02/20/2009 05:57 ...For more than 25 years stem cells
have been defined based on what the...Now a team of Canadian scientists
has identified 1155 genes under th..."You could call this a
`theory-of-everything' for stem cells" said se.
Reprograming of Stem Cells by a single gene: Oct4
Scientist Solutions - 02/11/2009 22:36 If you follow the stem cell
literature, this latest finding is of special interest. A group from
Germany was able to reprogram cells into stem cells by expressing a
single gene: Oct4.
Mount Sinai Hospital researcher develops Canada's first embryonic stem
cell lines
Bio-Medicine - 02/08/2009 20:22 A senior scientist at Mount Sinai
Hospital has developed Canada's firs... My hope and the hope of my
world-class laboratory team is that our ... Our research remains in an
early phase but the ability of these cells.
Researchers use single gene to return mature stem cells to embryonic
JS Online - 02/05/2009 16:45 German scientists have sent mouse stem
cells back to their embryonic origin by introducing just a single gene,
a finding that could eventually lead to simpler, safer ways of
generating cells for human medicine.
Scientists discover source of cancer stem cells' resistance to radiation
PhysOrg.com - 02/04/2009 14:01 Much to the dismay of patients and
physicians, cancer stem cells — tiny powerhouses that generate and
maintain tumor growth in many types of cancers — are relatively
resistant to the ionizing radiation often used as therapy for these
U of MN researchers use human embryonic stem cells to kill cancer cells
Bio-Medicine - 02/04/2009 07:36 For the first time stem cell
researchers at the University of Minneso... Researchers generated
natural killer cells from the human embryo... This is the first
published research to show the ability to make .
UCLA researchers develop T-cells from human embryonic stem cells
Bio-Medicine - 02/03/2009 17:29 Researchers from the UCLA AIDS
Institute and the Institute for Stem Ce...The study to be published the
week of July 3 in the online edition of...The results mark the first
time that scientists have been able to deri.
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols features stem cell differentiation, plant
RNAi methods
Science Codex - 02/02/2009 21:36 COLD SPRING HARBOR, N.Y. (Mon., Feb.
2, 2009) -- By using OP9-DL1 cells as a support system, researchers can
study the differentiation of embryonic stem cells into mature components
of the immune system.
Stem Cell Breakthrough for Diabetes Treatments
Invest Victoria - 02/01/2009 17:43 Stem cell researchers backed by a
joint Victorian and NSW Government grant have created Australia's
first human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell line. The ability to
produce human iPS cell lines locally will greatly assist researchers to
progress their research into the causes of serious diseases and to d...


StemCells Inc. (STEM) to Acquire Cell-Based Drug Discovery
Platforms and Related Businesses of Stem Cell Sciences plc
02/03-2009 10:30 (Biospace)
PALO ALTO, Calif. & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--StemCells, Inc.
(NASDAQ:STEM - News) and Stem Cell Sciences plc (AIM:STEM) (ASX:STC -
News) announced today that they have entered into a definitive agreement
pursuant to which StemCells will acquire the operating subsidiaries and
certain related assets of Stem...
Pluristem Therapeutics Receives FDA Clearance to Begin â
First-In-Humanâ Placenta-Derived Stem Cell Clinical Trial
02/03-2009 03:36 (PR-Inside.com) Pluristem Therapeutics Inc.
(NasdaqCM:PSTI)(DAX:PJT), a bio-therapeutics company dedicated to the
commercialization of unrelated donor-patient (allogeneic) cell therapy
products for a variety of disorders, announced today that the US Food &
Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the Company's Investigational...

> NeoStem Obtains Exclusive Worldwide License to Innovative
Stem Cell Technology and Applications for Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation
Cai Hua Net - 02/23/2009 22:26 æ—¥ 08:01
来源:æ–°Ã¥ŽÃ§¾ŽÃ©€šÃ£€Ã¥­—ä½":大 中
Ã¥°Ã£€` License Enhances NeoStem's Presence in Anti-Aging Arena NEW
YORK, Feb. 23 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- NeoStem, Inc. (NYSE Alternext US:
NBS), which is pioneering the pre-disease collection, processing and
long-term storage of adult stem cells for future medical need, announced
today it has signed a license agreement to obtain the exclusive
worldwide rights to innovative stem cell technology and applications for
cosmetic facial and body procedures and skin rejuvenation...
Neuralstem's ALS Trial with Stem Cell Therapy Delayed
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - 02/20/2009 11:14 GEN News
Highlights Neuralstem reports that its spinal cord stem cell trial to
treat ALS is on clinical hold. FDA has provided the company with
specific comments, questions, and recommendations for modifications to
its protocol. Stanford University Uses Fluidigm Integrated
Fluidic Circuits To Help Identify The Source Of Cancer Stem Cell's
Resistance To Radiation <http://www.genpol.org/>
MediLexicon - 02/19/2009 12:37 Fluidigm Corporation announced that
Stanford University has used the unique single-cell gene expression
capabilities of the company's integrated fluidic circuits (IFCs) to help
identify the source of cancer stem cells' resistance to radiation.
Alnylam Looks to Spinoffs To Unleash RNAi Technologies for Stem Cells,
Congoo - 02/19/2009 08:11 Biotech, RNA Interference, Life Sciences Luke
Timmerman 2/18/09 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals is one of the fortunate few in
biotech with more than $500 million in the bank, so money is the least
of its worries. MaxCyte, Inc. Introduces the GT(TM) Flow
Transfection System for Application with Autologous and Allogeneic Stem
Cell Therapies
Biospace - 02/19/2009 00:12 "The MaxCyte GT(TM) Flow Transfection
System addresses two of the primary challenges hindering acceleration of
effective stem cell therapies. It enables design and development of stem
cell products modified to allow for improved regenerative responses and
permits robust, automated, cost-effective, cGMP and... Singapore
teams up to discover drugs using brain tumor stem cells
BioSpectrum - 02/18/2009 01:24 Lilly Singapore Center for Drug
Discovery (LSCDD), the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) and the
Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS) have teamed up to
advance drug discovery using adult brain tumor stem cells. San
Diego's Stem Cell Startup Reports Hair-Regrowth Results
Xconomy - 02/17/2009 14:24 San Diego-based Histogen CEO Gail Naughton
is presenting encouraging preliminary results today at a stem cell
conference from the startup's first human trial of its hair regrowth
treatment, ReGenica. Astrazeneca and Cellartis extend their
collaboration to develop new way to test drug safety using stem cells
Bio-Dundee - 02/16/2009 06:38 AstraZeneca and Cellartis AB announced
today that they have signed an extension to their ongoing scientific
collaboration to develop improved safety screening systems based on
human embryonic stem cell (hESC) derived hepatocytes (liver cells) and
cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells) for target and lead...
Mesoblast Limited (ASX:MSB) To Provide Cutting Edge Treatment Using
Proprietary Adult Stem Cell Products - Yahoo!7 Finance
Yahoo!7 Finance - 02/15/2009 21:35 - (ABN Newswire) - Mesoblast Limited
(ASX: MSB.AX)(PINK:MBLTY) One of Singapore's leading private healthcare
providers, Parkway Group Healthcare Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Parkway
Holdings Limited, and Australian regenerative medicine company,
Mesoblast Limited, today announced a collaborative program to...
Ficano venture aims to lure stem cell work to Wayne County
Detroit Free Press - 02/13/2009 04:27 Wayne County Executive Robert
Ficano said Thursday that county government will partner with Tech Town
at Wayne State University to try to bring embryonic stem cell business
to southeast Michigan. Osiris touts stem cell trial results
Fierce Biotech - 02/12/2009 12:01 Osiris shares soar on $1.38B Genzyme
pact ALSO NOTED: Osiris files IPO; Amgen initiates kidney disease study;
and much more... Osiris Therapeutics blueprints $80M IPO SPOTLIGHT:
Osiris granted orphan status Osiris gains $50M Osiris Therapeutics says
its final set of two-year results from a trial for... Stemgent
Licenses TET's Stem Cell Reprogramming Reagents
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - 02/11/2009 14:48 GEN News
Highlights Stemgent entered into an agreement to market reagents based
on TET Systems' technology for creating inducible stem cells.
Stemgent will apply Tet Technology to its portfolio of viral vector
systems for induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. ArunA
Biomedical Announces Commercial Release of its Human Embryonic Stem Cell
Derived Neural Cells
Atlanta Business Chronicle - 02/11/2009 01:46 ATHENS, Ga., Jan. 30
/PRNewswire/ -- ArunA Biomedical, Inc., announced today that it will
make its hN2(TM) cells commercially available to the research community
in early 2009. Edinburgh: Producing neural tumour stem cells
Congoo - 02/10/2009 20:56 unityResearchers at the have developed a new
method of producing neural tumour stem cell lines. A patent covering all
available territories has been filed and the university is seeking
commercial partners to license the technology. Stem Cell
Therapeutics Corp. Provides Corporate Update
Sys.Con Canada - 02/09/2009 11:21 CALGARY, ALBERTA -- (Marketwire) --
02/09/09 -- Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp. (the "Company" or "SCT") (TSX
VENTURE: SSS) announces today an update on key corporate developments
and strategies. AstraZeneca and Cellartis extend stem cell
collaboration - Pharmaceutical Executive Europe
Pharmaceutical Executive Europe - 02/08/2009 17:04 AstraZeneca and
Cellartis have signed an extension in their collaboration to develop
better safety screening systems based on human embryonic stem
cell-derived (hESC) liver and heart muscle cells. ITI Life
Sciences achieves major milestone with first license deal with Cellartis
for Stem Cell...
Newstin - 02/06/2009 17:39 Signing of 7th licence for ITI Life Sciences
sees Dundee-based biotech company Cellartis AB commercialise pioneering
stem cell technology Dundee, Scotland, ITI Life Sciences today announced
it has signed a licensing agreement with world leading Stem Cell company
Cellartis AB, granting them a worldwide... World First For
Glasgow University As Stem Cell Therapy Trials Are Approved
redtram (ENG) - 02/04/2009 04:33 ReNeuron announced today (19 January
2009) that it has received approval from the UK Medicines and Healthcare
Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to commence a first-in-man clinical
trial for the treatment of patients who have been left disabled by an
ischaemic » Full text » 2009-02-04 09:33:58 World First For...
Aastrom Heart Stem Cell Trial on Hold After Adverse Event
Pharmacy Choice - 02/03/2009 22:50 Aastrom Biosciences Inc., a company
that is developing stem cell products, said Monday that a patient
enrolled in the company's U.S. Phase II heart failure trial developed a
serious adverse event associated with anesthesia management during
treatment at one of the study sites. Neuralstem gets US patent
for new stem cell immortalization tech
Pharmabiz - 02/02/2009 07:37 Neuralstem, Inc has received Official
Notice of Allowance for its patent application, number 10/047,352, for
Stable Neural Stem Cell Lines from the US Patent and Trade Office
Contact GPI
Robert E. Margolin
Associate Director
rob@genpol.org <mailto:rob@genpol.org>

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