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- 2008 World Stem Cell Summit -Early Registration Ends Monday, Septemb From: Stephen Meyer
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2008 World Stem Cell Summit -Early Registration Ends Monday, Septemb
Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" stephen_meyer_stemcells
Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:32 pm (PDT)
If you haven't heard about the World Stem Cell Summitt, read the
2008 World Stem Cell Summit
Early Registration Ends Monday, September 8th - Register Today
< >summit2008/ reg_register_ 2008.php
Sept 22-23, 2008
Alliant Energy Center Madison, WI USA
Presented by:
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Get inspired and join us in Madison, Wisconsin on September 22-23,
for the 2008 World Stem Cell Summit
Dear Stem Cell Advocate,
The World Stem Cell Summit is the premier networking and collaboration
event, bringing together the founding visionary researchers, clinicians,
business pathfinders, key policy-makers, regulators, advocates, experts
in law
and ethics to present compelling presentations, share information, and
chart the future of regenerative medicine. Over 150 sponsors,
organizational supporters and media partners have endorsed the summit.
Stem Cell Advocates are encouraged to attend the World Stem Cell Summit.
Register at Enter the appropriate
registration code.
For the Stem Cell Advocate (member of the public) / Patient Compassion
registration rate: CODE 4761 to register for $250.
For the non-profit / government rate enter CODE 4444 to register for
$395. This is $100 of the regular rate of $495.
For the industry / for profit rate enter CODE 4488 to register for $895.
This is $100 off the early bird rate of $995. $600 off the $1495 that
applies after September 8.
Your registration includes a pass to the Genetics Policy Institute's
2008 Stem Cell Action Awards dinner honoring Governor Jim Doyle, the
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, National Association of Biology
Teachers and inspiring individuals who are advancing this field.
For complete agenda, click here.
<http://www.worldstemcellsummit. >com/pdf/program_ agenda.pdf
How Stem Cell Research is Transforming Healthcare
Stem cell visionaries Alan Trounson, John Gearhart, Lawerence Goldstein
and John Wagner discuss how stem cell research is transforming
healthcare and will impact all of our lives and the lives of future
generations. Timothy Kamp moderates.
Keynote Presentation by James Thomson: Reprogramming - A New Vision for
Creating Patient Specific Cells
iPS Cells: How They Change Everything and Nothing
A lively panel discussion examining the astounding potential and policy
implications surrounding induced pluripotent stem cells. Why iPS
research does not eclipse human embryonic stem cell research and nuclear
transfer. Speakers include Clive Svendsen, Hideyuki Okano and Amy
Comstock Rick.
International Perspectives: Collaboration Opportunities and the
Importance of Stem Cell Banking
An international panel of experts examines the many opportunities for
international collaborations and the enormous growth in stem cell
banking. Speakers include Stephen Minger, Marilyn Robertson, Glyn Stacy,
Derek Hei and Douglas Sipp (moderator).
Stem Cell Nations - Research Progress and Economic Development
States, regions and countries are all funding stem cell research as a
tool for economic development. Panelists include key leaders -
California's Bob Klein, Christopher Mason, Linda Powers, Fanyi Zeng with
Tom Still (moderator).
Stem Cell Advances Through Bioengineering
A global panel including Raphael Gorodetsky, David Schaffer and Gordona
Vunjak-Novakovic, moderated by Brenda Ogle, reveals how bioengineering
is transforming the face of stem cell research.
Spinal Cord Injury and Multiple Sclerosis
Ian Duncan, Hans Kierstead, Wise Young, Timothy Coetzee, Sabrina Cohen,
and Su Chun Zhang (moderator).
Luis Parada, Eric Ranheim, Austin Gurney, Carolyn Aldige and Caroline
Alexander (moderator).
Ed Baetge, Henrik Semb, Alberto Hayek, Adrianne Wong and Jon Odorico
Parkinson's/ALS/Neurological Disorders
Lucie Bruijn, Mark Noble, Richard Garr, Stephen Byer and Clive Svendsen
Cardiovascular Disease
Andre Terzic, David Amrani, Robert Simari and Timothy Kamp (moderator)
Blindness and Diseases of the Eye
Sally Temple, Peter Francis, Paul Williamson, Steven Rose, Gordon Gund,
David Walsh and David Gamm (moderator)
Summit Keynote Address by Peter D. Kiernan: Why the Christopher and Dana
Reeve Foundation is Investing in Stem Cell Research
Stem Cell Advocacy 2.0 - The Advocacy Agenda for 2009 and Beyond
If you think that the election of a new U.S. president will end the need
for stem cell advocacy, guess again. Daunting roadblocks remain and
contentious state-by-state policy and legal battles must be resolved.
Hear from stem cell action leaders Danny Heumann, Don Reed, Jeff Sheehy
and Dan Perry (moderator).
Ethics and Societal Issues Surrounding Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Louis Guenin explores the morality of using embryos for medical
research. Insoo Hyun discusses emerging clinical trials issues in the
United States and abroad. They are joined by Dietram Scheufele. Linda
Hogle moderates.
Medical Tourism
Thousands of desperate patients are traveling abroad for risky and
potentially fatal "stem cell" treatments. What are the risks? Are there
rewards? An expert panel reviews the evidence and evaluates both the
risk and promise. Panelists include, Robin Smith, Wise Young and Graham
Stem Cells and the Media
Media representatives covering business, science and public policy
discuss how they report scientific discoveries, the stem cell debates
and how researchers influence the message, for better or worse.
Panelists include Matthew Herper, Rick Weiss, Kathleen Gallagher, David
Wahlberg and Sharon Dunwoody (moderator).
How Do We Take Pluripotent Stem Cells to the Clinic?
What are the practical hurdles to securing funding and regulatory
approval? James Battey of NIH, Owen Hughes and other experts illuminate
how it will be accomplished.
Keynote Presentation: The Honorable James E. Doyle, Governor, State of
The Political Climate in Washington: How Can Industry, State and Federal
Efforts Effectively Interface to Bring Stem Cell Therapies to Patients
The Honorable Tommy G. Thompson, former Governor and former Secretary,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, joins Greg Simon and Bill
Linton, to illuminate the vital inside-the-beltway issues.
How to Create and Sustain a Successful Stem Cell Company
Top international business leaders discuss their insights to create
winning, sustainable business strategies for stem cell companies.
Panelists include Michael West, Peter Sartipy, Aidan Courtney, Jeff
Karan and Nick Seay (moderator)
Commercialization of Stem Cells and Market Trends
Key experts point the way to commercializing stem cells and forecast the
future of this burgeoning field. Speakers include Jonathan Gertler, John
Hambor, Silviu Itescu and Michael Werner (moderator).
Stem Cell Law: The Ultimate Roadmap to Getting to "Go" "Stem Cell Law"
practitioners must navigate their clients through intellectual property
thickets and challenging regulatory paths. A panel of global experts
from the world's top law firms show the way, with Peter Ludwig, Mark
Ellinger and Fabio Marazzi. No retainer required!
Legal, Regulatory and Ethical Issues Roundtable
Bernard Siegel, Alan Jakimo and Laurie Zoloff put it all into context.
Keynote presentation by R. Alta Charo: The History and Future of Stem
Cells - Legal, Regulatory and Ethical Issues
Meet valuable contacts, explore strategic partnerships, and create new
synergies at the 2008 World Stem Cell Summit
Leading Companies, Bankers and Venture Capitalists: A program the unites
a sparkling array of international speakers from outstanding companies,
including Pfizer, Romega, Novovell, Toucan Capital, Proteus Venture
Partners, Baxter Healthcare, BioTime, Leerink Swann, NeoStem,
Neuralstem, Cellartis, Centocor R&D, Mesoblast, Roslin Cells, Cell
Design, Cellular Dynamics International, Oconomed and many more.
Leading Nonprofits and Disease Foundations: A program recognizing that
nonprofit groups are key stakeholders and contributors to research. Join
speakers representing Parkinson's Action Network, Christopher and Dana
Reeve Foundation, ALS Association, Foundation Fighting Blindness,
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Hadassah, National Multiple
Sclerosis Society, Prevent Cancer Foundation, the Sabrina Cohen
Foundation for Stem Cell Research and many more.
Lunch with Experts:
<http://www.worldstemcellsummit. > Two days ofcom/special_ lunch.html
informal roundtables focusing on business, economic, political and
therapeutic strategies with an international group of stem cell leaders
from corporate, academic and government sectors.
Special Events: Summit Awards Dinner
<http://www.worldstemcellsummit. > , Postercom/special_ dinner.html
Session <http://www.worldstemcellsummit. > , Lunchcom/special_ poster.html
with Experts <http://www.worldstemcellsummit. > ,com/special_ lunch.html
exhibit hall with more than 50 exhibitors and a kick-off public event
"Lab on the Lake
<http://www.worldstemcellsummit. > " withcom/pdf/lab_ on_the_lake_ info.pdf
Governor Jim Doyle on September 21.
World Stem Cell Report included with each registration.
Don't miss this opportunity. Space is limited, so register now!
< >summit2008/ reg_register_ 2008.php
Sponsorship opportunities and exhibits
<http://www.worldstemcellsummit. > : Sponsor andcom/brand_ sponsor.html
exhibit opportunities are now available. Contact Robert Margolin
< > or Alan
< ?subject=Summit%20Info%20Request > to
learn more.
For the most up-to-date news, information, and listing of special events
visit us at
<http://www.worldstemcellsummit. > .com/
The World Stem Cell Summit
This event is presented by the Genetics Policy Institute. WiCell
Research Institute and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Stem Cell and
Regenerative Medicine Center.
Alan Fernandez | Genetics Policy Institute
1-(650)-368-9300 direct
Robert Margolin | Genetics Policy Institute
1-(908)-605-4203 direct
Platinum Sponsors
Toucan Capital Corporation
Gold Sponsors
BD Biosciences
Forward Wisconsin
Silver Sponsors
Biotechnology Industry Organization
Darby & Darby, PC
Foundation Fighting Blindness
Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund
Quarles & Brady, LLP
Scottish Development International
Scottish Stem Cell Network
Bronze Sponsors
Alliant Energy Center
Angel Biotechnology
Athersys, Inc.
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
CDI Bioscience
City of Fitchburg
City of Madison
City of Middleton
Cerebral Palsy Policy International Research Foundation
Diabetes Research Institute Foundation
Epicentre Biotechnologies
Fish & Richardson
Flad Architects
Hamilton Thorne
The Jackson Laboratory
Madison Gas & Electric
Marathon Products, Inc.
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
New York Stem Cell Foundation
North East England Stem Cell Institute
The North of England Inward Investment Agency
Sigma Life Science
STEMCELL Technologies
UK Trade & Investment
University Research Park
Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek Government Affairs
Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C.
Zenith Biotech
Supporting Organizations
2008 Your Candidates Your Health
Act to Cure
Alpha-1 Foundation
Alliance for Aging Research
ALS Association
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
Americans for Cures Foundation
Associazione Lucacoscioni
Australian Biotechnology Organisation
Australian Stem Cell Centre
Biologue Chicago
Biopharmaceutical Technology Center
Blood Center of Wisconsin
The Buck Institute
Brooke Ellison Project
Californians for Cures
California Hepatitis C Task Force
Center for American Progress
Children's Neurobiological Solutions
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research
Faster Cures
Heumannly Capable
International Consortium of Stem Cell Networks
Kansas Coalition for Lifesaving Cures
Life Science Alley
Lupus Foundation of Southern California
Methuselah Foundation
Michigan Citizens for Stem Cell Research and Cures
Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures
National Association of Biology Teachers
National Association of Hepatitis Task Forces
National Council of Jewish Women
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
The National Spinal Cord Injury Association
Nebraskans for Research
New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology
New York City Bioscience Initiative
New York Neural Stem Cell Institute
New York State Economic Development Council
New Yorkers for the Advancement of Medical Research Northwest
Association for Biomedical ResearchParkinson's Action Network
Parkinson's Disease Foundation
Prevent Cancer
Research America
Research for Cure
Sabrina Cohen Foundation for Stem Cell Research
San Schmidt Paralysis Foundation
Stand Among Friends
Stem Cell Action Network
Student Society for Stem Cell Research
Texans for Advancement of Medical Research
UK National Stem Cell Network
United 2 Fight Paralysis
United Spinal Association
Wisconsin Biotechnology and Medical Device Association
Wisconsin Stem Cell Now
Wisconsin Technology Council
Women's Bioethics Project
World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research
Your Congress Yor Health
Media Partners
American Drug Discovery
Ben's Stem Cell News
Biomed Central
Cancer Drug News
Cancer Intelligence Online
Cardiovascular Drug News
Cell Therapy News
CNS Drug News
Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy
Dow Jones Venture Wire Lifescience
Financial Times
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Journal of Translational Medicine
The Journal of Biolaw and Business
Nature Reports
Patent Docs
Pharma Company Insight
Regenerative Medicine
Rejuvenation Research
Science Progress
The Scientist
Stem Cells
Stem Cell Battles
Stem Cell Research
Stem Cells and Development
Stem Cells Portal
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