Tuesday, September 30, 2008

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 756

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)

ON THE DEFEAT OF SENATE BILL 1565 From: Stephen Meyer




Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:57 am (PDT)


In the middle of the Wall Street chaos yesterday, as I sat watching CNN,
wondering if I was witnessing the collapse of Western civilization, the
telephone rang.

It was Amy Daly, co-executive director of Americans for Cures.

"I have news," she said, "on SB 1565."

Well, okay, I was sitting down anyway. More bad news would just fit with
the rest of the day.

Senate Bill 1565: we patient advocates had been fighting that bill for
the past eight months—through six committee hearings in the
California Assembly and Senate-- losing every step of the way.

SB 1565 (Kuehl, Runner) was another bill attacking California's stem
cell program: the fifth, if memory serves. Since Proposition 71 was
voted into law, it has been under constant attack, from both lawsuit and

The bill's primary author, Senator Sheilah Kuehl, is a smilingly
terrifying opponent. Not only is she tough to go against because she is
strong, experienced, and intelligent, but she is also a good person. It
is tough going against someone you genuinely like.

Her main purpose in the bill was noble: to guarantee that any treatments
developed through the stem cell research would be made available at low
cost to the uninsured-- but the CIRM (California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine) already agreed with that. Even she acknowledged
it, stating that the CIRM and she were "on the same page" with
the access issue. She wanted it in state law, she said, not a statute
which might be changed.

Unfortunately, the bill also had a poison-pill amendment, inserted by a
well-known enemy of the research: Senator George Runner, described by
one Los Angeles newspaper as a "virulently anti-embryonic stem cell
research Republican". The Runner Amendment would remove
California's preference for embryonic stem cell research, which was
the reason we voted for Prop 71 in the first place.

That anti-embryonic provision made the bill a threat to the new science
all across America. Can't you just hear the opposition? "Even
California rejects embryonic stem cell research", they would say,
"why should we change the Bush restrictions?"

I was braced for bad news. Politically, the safe thing for Governor
Schwarzenegger was to sign the bill. He had nothing to gain by standing
up for us, and much to lose. Consider: because of budget problems, he is
facing a possible recall, and needs the support of every legislator. All
he had to do was sign one bad bill, and this one did not even look like
a bad bill, on the surface.

"The Governor vetoed it", said the voice on the phone.

Wow. Just like that.

Arnold Schwarzenegger had come through for stem cell research once

By this act of political courage, the attempt to remove California's
priority for embryonic stem cell research had failed.

The fight will go on, of course.

The bill did achieve one of its goals; an "efficiency group",
the Little Hoover Commission will be studying the stem cell research
governance board, the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee: to see
if there are ways to eliminate conflict of interest, whether "real
or perceived".

But I am not worried about that. We will prevail. The Independent
Citizens Oversight Committee is fantastic, and can withstand the closest

There will be public meetings; patient advocates will be there. If there
is a citizen committee, patient advocates should try to be on it,
instead of only those who oppose the program. I will be there, of
course, and will report back to you, whatever happens. If the Little
Hoover Commission develops a new law or initiative against us, I will
let you know about it early, so we can protect California's great
gift to the world.

Because we are fighting for something shining. I had a glimpse of it, a
few days ago.

I wish you could have been there, at UC Davis, September 25th, 2009.

We were in a tall, barn-like structure, formerly a fairgrounds hall, and
just as it had been in those days, today it was full of happy people.

From this day forward, that building would be ennobled: it was now
officially the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures.

Dr. Claire Pommeroy, beaming with pride, welcomed us.

On the stage were: UC Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef; California State
Senator Darrell Steinberg; the Honorable Doris Matsui, U.S. Congress;
Judy Roberson, President of the Northern California Chapter of the
Huntington's Disease Society; Jan Nolta, Ph.D., director of the
brand new institute; Bob Klein, whose leadership made the funding for
the project possible in the first place— and two parents, fighting
for their children's lives.

It was a time of triumph, because many people had worked hard for years
to bring together the money, knowledge, and will to make this happen.

It was also a reminder why our work must go forward.

Those parents, Keven and Teresa Partington, had two adorable little
blonde blue-eyed two-year-old twins, full of energy, seemingly in
boundless health.

But both children were ill with a progressive disease called cystinosis,
which attacks the eyes and the kidneys, and may take life as well.

They are why we fight.

Judy Roberson spoke of losing four members of her family to
Huntington's disease, and of the continuing struggle to advance
research for cure.

She is why we fight, inspired by her indomitable will, and example.

Bob Klein spoke, telling the story of a cab ride with Paul Berg, winner
of the Nobel Prize for his work with recombinant DNA, which was attacked
by the same arguments used against embryonic stem cell research, and was
almost banned. Even when it was allowed to go forward, the prediction
for failure was plain—nothing would come from it for fifty years, if

That was 1977.

In 1978, just one year later, DNA research made artificial human
insulin, which as Bob put it, "keeps my son alive today."

The research is for people like my paralyzed son, Roman (he was quoted
again and again throughout the day, whenever people would say the
official motto of the CIRM "turning stem cells into cures",
which he wrote), and my sister Barbara, who suffers from cancer and
leukemia. She had adult stem cells taken from our brother David (mine
did not match) and that gained her about a year of remission. It was
very definitely not a cure, and the cancer has returned-- but it gained
her time.

Those who think the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine only
funds embryonic stem cell research should visit the UC Davis Institute,
where the majority of research focuses on adult cells. The reason for
this is simple: adult stem cell research has had several decades head
start on embryonic, and is closer to the stage where it can help people.

Which is better, adult or embryonic stem cells? To my mind, the answer
is both. Whichever works, is the one we should use, and the answer will
vary from use to use.

UC Davis will be mounting a study to investigate which sort of stem
cells work best for which purpose.

When one of the speakers, Senator Steinberg, had to leave, Claire
Pommeroy gave him the most graceful exit, shoo'ing him out in the
most cheerful way, with a compliment:

"Go back to the Capitol and do good for the people-- like you always

That was right and proper. Sacramento is the capitol of California's
hopes and dreams.

And at the very last, Dr. Pommeroy, member of the ICOC, said something I
hope Senator Kuehl will hear:

"It is important to point out, that because stem cells have the
potential for addressing some of society's most daunting health
challenges, UC Davis recognizes its responsibility for delivering any
therapies it develops in a fair and equitable way. We are committed to
helping ensure that the cures will be affordable to all

Sheilah Kuehl's bill did not pass. But the Senator raised a vital
issue, that every family, even without insurance, deserves access to the
best medical care modern science can provide. Language providing for the
uninsured is now an official part of the California Institute for
Regenerative Medicine.

Her efforts brought us closer to universal health care.

Everybody won.

Thank you, California.

Don C. Reed
Sponsor, Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act
co-chair, Californians for Cures
Vice President, Public Policy, Americans for Cures
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Sunday, September 28, 2008

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 755

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



Please veto SB 16565 because it threatens California's stem cell pro

Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Sat Sep 27, 2008 4:37 pm (PDT)

Please veto SB 16565 because it threatens California's stem cell
program. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJdwg9FqktA

Don C. Reed Sponsor, Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act Founder
and Co-Chair, Californians for Cures Don Reed is also Vice President
of Public Policy for Americans for Cures Foundation; opinions voiced
here as an individual may or may not reflect those of the Foundation.
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Friday, September 26, 2008

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 754

Stem Cell Research Information + Impact

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)




Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:21 am (PDT)


by Don C. Reed


As anyone who has attended a Bernie Siegel stem cell extravaganza can
verify, attendees get more than they could hope for. This year's
World Stem Cell Summit was no exception. Every year I think, this is the
ultimate, can't get any better than this; but it does. Bernie has
put on events at the United Nations, Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, and
this year the American birthplace of embryonic stem cell research,
Madison, Wisconsin.—the Summit deserves its own book (and in fact
had one there, to which I contributed a story, "How to Pass a Stem
Cell Law") —but I just don't have the hours it deserves to
write a full description.

Here, then, are only a few impressions.

Dropping off my luggage at the Sheraton Hotel, (being a speaker, I got
my room paid for, otherwise I would be Motel Six-ing it as usual), I
hurried for the bus—

--to the Governor's mansion.

How classy is that?

On the drive over, I realized I had missed out on the Lab at the Lake, a
hands-on-easy-to-understand tour through stem cell realities. The
Summit's goal was something for everyone: the Lab at the Lake meant
folks had a chance to talk with world class scientists as well as
personally adjusting a high-power microscope to see stem cells for

So, anyway, the Governor of Wisconsin had invited us to visit in his
official residence.

We walked through a replica of the Washington White House, polished
floors and high ceilings, all the way through to the back yard. There on
the lawn was a big no-walls tent.

After we had chatted with other attendees and picked at the barbequed
skewers of (I think) chicken and maybe tomatoes, Bernie introduced
Governor James Doyle, a very down-to-earth person. (The Italian driver
of the cab from the airport told me: "His-a heart in the right
place, Jim Doyle!") This is also a man of integrity. Despite
enormous pressure from the religious right to sign bills against
research, Wisconsin's leader used his veto power, not once, but

Governor Doyle welcomed us to Wisconsin, talked for a little while about
why he liked stem cells, and then we got back on the bus.

Six o'clock next morning, I asked how to get to the conference

"Easy," they said, "Just across the street, you can't
miss it."

But as I crossed the street, all I could see was a dense gray fog bank,
like something out of Sherlock Holmes' London. This changed
everything. And as I fumbled through the mist, feeling increasingly
lost, it occurred to me how very similar our current political situation
this was.

Here we were, the country ready and anxious for massive stem cell
research funding, and we had instead a financial emergency of
unprecedented proportions…

But I stayed on the sidewalk, solid beneath my shoes—and suddenly, a
mass of concrete rose before me: the Alliant Energy Hall.

Quickly, the place was packed with nearly a thousand friends of stem
cell research. People like:

Alta Charo, bioethicist, a bubbling volcano of energy, intelligence, and
eloquence: listening to her is always a pleasure because she has so much
to say and says it so well. Occasionally, to be sure, I get about three
ideas behind the one she is on right now, because she talks so fast and
says so much, but I always walk away enriched.

Waiting for the shuttle, I had a chance to chat with another
bioethicist, David Magnus, of Stanford, who really knows his stuff on
the issues of Intellectual Property, and more.

Wise Young's beaming presence is always welcome; the man who (in
addition to his duties at Rutgers University, and endless advocacy for
research) also runs a massive patient-involvement website, CareCure.org.
Wise is working on human trials in China, spinal cord injuries, to be
treated with umbilical cord blood stem cells, and also lithium.

One shocking moment: onstage a person (I will not use his name) made a
statement which infuriated me. He said, we should stop using the word
"cure" when it came to spinal cord injury, and instead stick to
"treatment". The clear implication was there would never be a

Dr. Young corrected him, gently but with passion, pointing out nobody
suggested removing the word cure from the fight to cure cancer. (Hours
later, Wise was still upset about this.)

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine President Alan Trounson
gave an update on the CIRM's activities. Alan's great gift, I
think, is not only his scientific acumen, which is immense (he is
considered one of the inventors of the In Vitro Fertility procedure,
which allowed literally millions of childless families to have a baby)
but the ability he has to make friends for our cause. It is impossible
not to like him. He radiates good cheer. He said something I did not
understand, and hope to ask him about—he said, if I understood
correctly, that "the NIH may not be the best model as a funding

Larry Goldstein gave a ten-minute hint on how stem cell research is
transforming health care. (I would have liked to see him do a keynote
address, as he has so much to say, and expresses it so well). He spoke
about nerves as rivers of information, and that science has "worn
out what we can do with animals", meaning, I took it, that it is
time to go to human trials, a position with which I heartily concur.
"Humans are not big mice", he said. He spoke about the
importance of embryonic stem cells not only as the source of replacement
cells for damaged parts of the body, but also as the
"neighborhood" around the cells, vital if the cells are to
function properly.

John Wagner I sat next to on the bus going somewhere, and I was
impressed by his passion, that it was time to press for cures for
patients, and for government to not set impossible standards which could
block progress.

Jamie Thomson gave a keynote address about reprogramming, his and Shinya
Yamanaka's new method of obtaining stem cells. I was glad to hear
him clearly state that this new procedure in no way eliminated the need
for embryonic stem cell research, and that both must proceed
concurrently. Dr. Thomson is of course brilliant beyond belief, but he
is a little hard to follow sometimes, because his voice volume varies
tremendously, sometimes almost inaudibly soft.

He was at his best at the press conference. I took the opportunity to
thank him, saying that when my paralyzed son rose and walked again, his
first step was taken right here.

Amy Comstock-Rick gave a very careful and non-political look at the
difference between the two Presidential candidates. (I wanted her to be
a little tougher on McCain, to discuss his co-signing a bill to
criminalize SCNT and put stem cell scientists in jail, not to mention
his position on the "personhood" issue, which conceivably could
destroy the whole field; but she stuck strictly to his stance on
embryonic stem cells.)

Clive Svendsen talked about Wisconsin's efforts and Hideyuki Okano
of Keio University did the same for Japan, both talks a little over my
head (I was glad for the shortness of science talks; I start to nod off
after too much incomprehensibility).

Breaks were welcome, not only for the necessaries, but also to (as
Bernie puts it) "work the halls", making friends while checking
out the exhibits and the scientists posters and the bioemedical

Jeff Sheehy spoke about the difficult subject of what happens if a
patient dies in clinical trials. This is huge—I am personally sick
and tired of people telling me we should not go forward until we can
guarantee safety—we cannot guarantee safety for any medical
procedure, even standard treatment.

So it meant a lot when he spoke about the people who died in the
HIV-AIDS trials— but that tragedy did not stop the research.

Peter Kiernan of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation gave a
rousing update on that great humanitarian effort. He also gave a very
intelligent list of "top ten" issues—getting politics out of
science, funding young scientists, pushing translational efforts,
increasing the global network, refocusing debate onto new disease
models, educating the press, embracing business, helping international
cell banking, developing and enforcing rigorous standards for ourselves,
and achieving a clinical breakthrough.

A breakout session discussed "Stem Cell Tourism", both bad and

Mark Noble (outstanding writer as well as scientist) and I had the
chance to say hello in person, always one of the real joys of a good

Bob Klein dealt with the "We can't afford stem cell
research" issue, remind us that California passed a $6 billion
program in one of the worst years (financially) in our history. He
reminded us of Governor Schwarzenegger's great line that
"scientists are the real action heroes of the 21st century.

Mark Burton and Danny Heumann reminded us all of the crucial state of
Michigan, now trying to fight its way out of some of the most crippling
anti-research laws in the country.

Sabrina Cohen spoke about paralysis, making everyone hold motionlessly
still for sixty seconds, so we had a tiny idea of what it is like to be
paralyzed. Sabrina is trying to develop funds for a movie about the
real-life issues of stem cell research, and we wish her well. If anybody
has any ideas on funding sources, drop a line.

Hans Keirstead shared with us not only his progress, but also advice for
scientists—at his lab, three staff members have a fulltime job
cooperating with the FDA, whose approval is needed before human trials
can go forward.

Linda Powers of Toucan Industries, a venture capitalist firm
specializing in stem cell research, gave us a look inside the money

Dr. Fanyi Zeng, proof that SCNT scientists can be movie star beautiful,
gave us the scoop on China's hopes for biomedical investment,
stating that by 2020, China hoped to have 2.5% of their Gross Domestic
Product invested in bio research.

Tommy Thompson told the story of how President Bush called him and Karl
Rove in, and ate a peanut butter sandwich while the two debated hESC
research, stating that this was the conversation which allowed the
President to leave a tiny window of research open, rather than banning
it altogether.

Greg Simon of Faster Cures had a political comment, saying
"Wwspd—What would Sarah Palin do"—and suggesting we do the

Alta Charo spoke on the need for balance in human trials between safety
and the need to advance cures for suffering millions.

I had a chance to talk about legislative fights past and present,
mentioning that anyone wanting to help the California stem cell program
should FAX THE GOVERNOR, and tell him to VETO S.B. 1564. His fax number
is: 916-558-3160, and he will be deciding in the next few days, whether
or not to support a bill which would remove California's legal
preference for embryonic stem cell research, as well as attacking our
magnificent governing board, the ICOC, a 29-member panel of experts,
conceivably replacing them with bureaucrats. (Please FAX him today, if

So much more!

And just to make it perfect, on the plane home I sat next to Graham
Creasey, who is working with Gary Steinberg—and my son Roman Reed--
to set up a spinal cord injury project at Stanford University.

Whew! What a glorious couple days!

And now, back to work!

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Friday, September 19, 2008

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 753

Stem Cell Research Information + Impact

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)




Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:54 am (PDT)


According to Sarah Palin, if John McCain is elected President, she will
be put in charge of cure research.

Governor Palin states: "John and I have worked out a plan… My
mission is going to be energy security and government reform. And
another thing near and dear to my heart, it's going to be helping
families who have special needs and children with special needs. And
we're going to be pushing for innovative cures of diseases." *

Innovative cures? Special needs families? As far as I know, Governor
Palin's only background in either area is that she opposes embryonic
stem cell research-- and that she has a six-month old baby with
Down's Syndrome.

At age 44, Ms. Palin chose to have a fifth child. When she found out the
unborn child had Down's Syndrome, she chose to continue with the

Fair enough. Those were her choices, and choice is important for every

But does she have any knowledge of the real world of special needs

Right now, her baby requires only normal infant care: to be fed and
changed and loved. When the "special needs" part of his life
begins, Governor Palin's income level will allow her to hire nannies
and servants to care for her child.

Most of us do not have Ms. Palin's advantages. For millions of
American families, having a "special needs" member (a mentally
or physically disabled person, old or young) means exhausting physical
labors of care-giving, endless emotional stress, and bills we cannot

At the age of nineteen, my son Roman Reed broke his neck in a college
football accident. He was paralyzed from the shoulders down. The doctors
gave us no hope: Roman would never walk again, they said: never close
his fingers, probably never father a child; and, due to his shortened
life expectancy, his mother Gloria and I might outlive our own son.

Before this happened, if I saw a person in a wheelchair, I never stopped
to think how they got there. Who lifted them out of bed in the morning,
helped them take a shower? Did they need assistance to use the rest
room, to get dressed? Could they breathe on their own? If not, who
changes the battery in their respirator? Who helps them turn over in bed
during the night? Will she or he need to be institutionalized? If so,
who will pay?

Many families break up under this stress. John McCain, for example,
divorced his first wife when she became disabled.

If Ms. Palin truly wanted to be the "friend and advocate of special
needs families", as she so perkily promised at the Republican
Convention, she could begin by opposing John McCain's negative
position on the Community Choice Act, which he says we cannot afford.
The Community Choice Act would allow people with disabilities to receive
government assistance at home, with their families, instead of being

We do know Ms. Palin is in favor of government assistance, at least for
herself, as she personally requested and received more than three
hundred days travel pay (per diem) even though she was not actually
traveling on those days.

In addition to care for special needs individuals, America must work for

My family knows about this, up close and personal. California passed a
law named after our son, the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act
of 1999. It is just a small law, one and a half million dollars a
year—but it made possible the nation's first state-funded
embryonic stem cell research.

On March 1, 2002, opening day of the Roman Reed Laboratory at UC Irvine,
I held in my hand a laboratory rat which had been paralyzed, but which
now walked again-- and this while my son watched from his wheelchair.

The experiment was so successful that Geron Corporation funded further
work on it, taking it all the way to the Food and Drug Administration,
where it is currently being considered for human trials. If all goes
well, newly paralyzed people may one day have the chance my son did
not—to walk out of the hospital, instead of being condemned to a
wheelchair for life.

Far more importantly, California voters passed a magnificent stem cell
research program, to fund the science President George Bush so cruelly

And it was our son who suggested the official motto for that program,
the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, (CIRM): "Turning
stem cells into cures."

Today, we have hope. But it would all be swept away by Sarah Palin.

Embryonic stem cell research would quite literally become against the
law if Sara Palin and the GOP get their way. The official Republican
platform calls for the complete prohibition of embryonic stem cell
research, both public and private; even George Bush did not take such an
extreme position.

Not only paralysis cure is at risk. We are fighting for relief from
cancer, which killed my mother and older sister. Embryonic stem cell
research is crucial in the battle against Alzheimer's, multiple
sclerosis, stroke, diabetes, blindness—and Down's Syndrome. In
England, where the government supports it, embryonic stem cell research
led to a clearer understanding of the causes of Down's Syndrome, an
important step towards cure.

Which brings us to another choice for Sarah Palin—when cure does
come, will she allow her son to become well?

She might say no. There are people who do not accept medical treatment
for religious reasons. X-rays were originally frowned on by some,
because it was thought they might be used to see through women's
clothing. Others said chicken pox was God's punishment for sin, and
it was wrong to develop a vaccine to cure it. Even today folks may
refuse blood transfusions; others believe in the power of healing by
faith alone-- as is their right.

But should religion be allowed to block my son's chances to walk

American families deserve access to the best care science can provide:
to ease suffering and save the lives of our children, our brothers and
sisters, and our neighbors too.

Our country has an estimated one hundred million citizens with incurable
disease or disability. These are not just empty statistics, but our
loved ones, members of your family and mine. They are the reason America
supports stem cell research.

Also, we are plain common sense practical. We see the results of too
many people not getting well. Last year, America spent $2 trillion
dollars on health care—a mountain of money, more than all federal
income taxes put together. Three-fourths of that went to the maintenance
of people with chronic disease or disability, who will never be healed:
except, perhaps, with stem cell research.

If we want affordable health care, we must support cure research.

We will not be tricked into believing there are alternatives to
embryonic stem cells that are just as good. Those arguments have been
made for years. They were not true then, and they are not true now. If
there is a cure for paralysis, fine: show it to me. But until then,
politicians should not insult my intelligence by pretending those cures

To understand what an extreme position Sarah Palin and the Republican
Party are taking on stem cell research, we need only compare the lists
of groups who argued about a simple bipartisan bill expanding President
Bush's restrictive embryonic stem cell research policies: the Stem
Cell Research Expansion Act (Castle,DeGette).

First, how many groups opposed the relaxation of restrictions?
Seventeen. That's right, seventeen: and every one was a conservative
religious and/or ideological organization.**

How many groups supported embryonic stem cell research? Five hundred and
eighteen: every major scientific, educational, medical or patient rights
group that took a position on the issue, including the American Medical

At the end of this article, you will find both lists: 17 against
embryonic, 518 in favor. (If you want to print out the list be
supporting groups, be warned: it is long, almost 14 pages.

I do not think Ms. Palin has a lot of scientific background.

For example, as Governor of Alaska, she wanted to spend several million
dollars of taxpayer money killing wolves, shooting them from airplanes,
figuring that would result in more moose for human hunters to kill. As
wolves actually protect the moose population by killing the weak and
sick, thereby preventing the spread of disease, Palin's plan to wipe
out natural predators does not make a great deal of sense.

But her wolf-slaughter policy does remind me of something a farmer once

A fox in the henhouse will kill a chicken, he said, maybe take one along
to eat later.

But a weasel will go blood crazy-- and kill every chicken in the coop.

John McCain says he supports embryonic stem cell research. But to
please the anti-science wing of his party, he would let an enemy of the
research have influence over it.

Giving Sarah Palin power over research, is like tossing a weasel in the
henhouse-- and pretending it will only supervise.

Enough. As Barrack Obama said, in a one-word rejection of failed
policies: enough.

I am tired of a White House which does not reflect my hopes for a better
America. I want a President who will work on the problems with the idea
of really solving them, not just smiling and waving at us from a

And one thing more. I want to see the fulfillment of Christopher
Reeve's great dream.

Years ago, our local school did a fundraiser for the paralyzed Superman.
I wrote a play, and the kids in my multicultural club (True Colors)
produced it, giving up their lunchtime all year to make it happen. We
put on the play, charged admission, and sent $2,000 to the Christopher
Reeve Paralysis Foundation. It wasn't much, but it came from the
heart, and Superman responded.

In a dictated letter our family will always treasure, Christopher Reeve

"One day, Roman and I will rise up from our wheelchairs, and walk
away from them forever."

Cure did not come in time for Christopher Reeve. Our champion has
fallen. But the flame of his faith still lights our way. Barack Obama
has taken up the torch of scientific freedom, the power that lifted us
to the moon, and accepts no limitations.

America will prevail.

*"Palin Outlines Four-Point Focus in McCain Administration. Says
She'll Focus on Energy, Reform, Special Needs Care, and Disease
Cures." --Scott Conroy, CBS News, September 15th, 2008

**17 groups in opposition to embryonic stem cell research: Republican
Study Committee. "H.R. 3 — Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of
2007" Legislative Bulletin. January 10, 2007. National Right to
Life CommitteeUS Conference of Catholic BishopsFamily Research
CouncilChristian CoalitionConcerned Women for AmericaFocus on the
FamilyChristian Medical AssociationEagle ForumTraditional Values
CoalitionSouthern Baptist ConventionSusan B. Anthony ListRepublican
National Committee for LifeCornerstone Policy ResearchCulture of Life
FoundationReligious Freedom CoalitionCoral Ridge MinistriesCenter For
Reclaiming America

***518 Groups in favor of the Stem Cell Research Expansion Act (open
letter, 13 pages long)

1 July 14, 2006 . U.S. Senate , Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator:

We, the undersigned patient advocacy groups, health organizations,
research universities, scientific societies, religious groups and other
interested institutions and associations, representing millions of
patients, scientists, health care providers and advocates, write you
with our strong and unified support for H.R. 810, the Stem Cell Research
Enhancement Act.


A O North America

AAALAC International


Abbott Laboratories

Acadia Pharmaceuticals

Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis

Adams County Economic Development, Inc.

AdvaMed (Advanced Medical Technology Association)

Affymetrix, Inc.

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

Alliance for Aging Research

Alliance for Lupus Research

Alliance for Stem Cell Research

Alnylam US, Inc.

Alpha-1 Foundation

ALS Association

Ambulatory Pediatric Association

AMDeC-Academic Medicine Development Co.

America on the Move Foundation

American Academy of Neurology

American Academy of Nursing

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Association for Cancer Research

American Association for Dental Research

American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

American Association for the Advancement of Science

American Association of Anatomists

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological

American Association of Public Health Dentistry

American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association

American Brain Coalition

American Chronic Pain Association

American College of Cardiology

American College of Medical Genetics

American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

American College of Surgeons

American Council on Education

American Council on Science and Health

American Dental Association

American Dental Education Association

American Diabetes Association

American Federation for Aging Research

American Gastroenterological Association

American Geriatrics Society

American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering

American Lung Association

American Medical Association

American Medical Informatics Association

American Medical Women's Association

American Pain Foundation

American Parkinson's Disease Association

American Parkinson's Disease Association (Arizona Chapter)

American Pediatric Society

American Physiological Society

American Psychiatric Association

American Psychological Association

American Public Health Association

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

American Society for Cell Biology

American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

American Society for Microbiology

American Society for Neural Transplantation and Repair

American Society for Nutrition

American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

American Society for Reproductive Medicine

American Society for Virology

American Society of Clinical Oncology

American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists

American Society of Hematology

American Society of Human Genetics

American Society of Nephrology

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

American Surgical Association

American Surgical Association Foundation

American Thoracic Society

American Thyroid Association

American Transplant Foundation

Americans for Medical Progress

amFAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research

Arizona State University College of Nursing

Arthritis Foundation

Arthritis Foundation, Rocky Mountain Chapter

Association for Clinical Research Training

Association for Medical School Pharmacology Chairs

Association for Prevention Teaching and Research

Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs,

Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine

Association of Academic Departments of Otolaryngology

Association of Academic Health Centers

Association of Academic Physiatrists

Association of American Medical Colleges

Association of American Physicians

Association of American Universities

Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges

Association of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Neurobiology Chairs

Association of Anesthesiology Program Directors

Association of Black Cardiologists

Association of Chairs of Departments of Physiology

Association of Independent Research Institutes

Association of Medical School Microbiology and Immunology Chairs

Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs

Association of Medical School Pharmacology Chairs

Association of Professors of Dermatology

Association of Professors of Human and Medical Genetics

Association of Professors of Medicine

Association of Public Health Laboratories

Association of Reproductive Health Professionals

Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry

Association of Specialty Professors

Association of University Anesthesiologists

Assurant Health

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

Athena Diagnostics

Aurora Economic Development Council

Axion Research Foundation

B'nai B'rith International

Baylor College of Medicine

Baylor College of Medicine Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Biotechnology Industry Organization

BloodCenter of Wisconsin, Inc.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation on Health Care

Boston Biomedical Research Institute

Boston University School of Dental Medicine

Boston University School of Public Health

Brigham and Women's Hospital

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

Broadened Horizons, LLC

Brown Medical School

Buck Institute for Age Research

Burns & Allen Research Institute

Burrill & Company

Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Colorectal Cancer Coalition

California Biomedical Research Association

California Insitute of Technology

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine

California Wellness Foundation

Californians for Cures

Campaign for Medical Research

Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation

Canon U.S. Life Sciences, Inc.

Case Western Reserve University School of Dentistry

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Cedars-Sinai Health System

Center for the Advancement of Health

Central Conference of American Rabbis

CFIDS Association of America

Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science

Charles River Laboratories

Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation

Children's Memorial Research Center

Children's Neurobiological Solutions Foundation

Children's Research Institute (Columbus)

Children's Research Institute (Washington)

Children's Tumor Foundation

Childrens Hospital Boston

Christopher Reeve Foundation

City and County of Denver

City of Hope National Medical Center

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilitites, University of Colorado

Colfax Marathon Partnership, Inc.

Colorado Bioscience Association

Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade

Colorado State University

Columbia University

Columbia University College of Dental Medicine

Columbia University Medical Center

Community Health Partnership

Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals

Connecticut United for Research Excellence, Inc.

Conquer Fragile X Foundation

Cornell University

Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS)

Creighton University School of Medicine

CURE (Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy)

Cure Alzheimer's Fund

Cure Paralysis Now


Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Dartmouth Medical School

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

DENTSPLY International

Digene Corporation

Discovery Partners International

Doheny Eye Institute

Drexel University College of Medicine

Drexel University School of Public Health

Duke University Medical Center

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation

East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine

Eli Lilly and Company

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Emory University

Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing

Emory University Rollins School of Public Health

Emory University School of Medicine


FD Hope Foundation

Federation of American Scientists

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc.

Fertile Hope

Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority

Florida Atlantic University Division of Research

Ford Finance, Inc.

Fox Chase Cancer Center

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Friends of Cancer Research

Friends of the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research

Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research

Friends of the National Library of Medicine

Genetic Alliance

Genetics Policy Institute

George Mason University

Georgetown University Medical Center

Guillain Barre Syndrome Foundation International

Gynecologic Cancer Foundation


Harvard University

Harvard University School of Dental Medicine

Harvard University School of Public Health

Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, Inc.

Hereditary Disease Foundation

HHT Foundation International, Inc.

Home Safety Council

Howard University College of Dentistry

Howard University College of Medicine

Huntington's Disease Society of America

IBM Life Sciences Division

Illinois State University Mennonite College of Nursing

ImmunoGen, Inc.

Indiana University School of Dentistry

Indiana University School of Medicine

Indiana University School of Nursing

Infectious Diseases Society of America

Institute for African American Health, Inc.

Intercultural Cancer Council Caucus

International Foundation for Anticancer Drug Discovery (IFADD)

International Longevity Center – USA

International Society for Stem Cell Research

Invitrogen Corporation

Iraq Veterans for Cures

Iris Alliance Fund

Iron Disorders Institute

Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Jeffrey Modell Foundation

Johns Hopkins

Johnson & Johnson

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)

Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California

Kennedy Krieger Institute

Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology

KID Foundation

Kidney Cancer Association

La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology

Lance Armstrong Foundation

Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University

Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Dentistry

Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute

Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine

Lung Cancer Alliance

Lupus Foundation of America, Inc.

Lupus Foundation of Colorado, Inc.

Lupus Research Institute

Lymphatic Research Foundation

Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University

Malecare Prostate Cancer Support

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation

Marine Biological Laboratory

Marshalltown [IA] Cancer Resource Center

Masonic Medical Research Laboratory

Massachusetts Biotechnology Council

Massachusetts General Hospital

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MaxCyte, Inc.

McLaughlin Research Institute

Medical College of Georgia

Medical University of South Carolina

Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing

MedStar Research Institute (MRI)

Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Memory Pharmaceuticals

Mercer University

Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation

Miami Children's Hospital

Midwest Nursing Research Society

Morehouse School of Medicine

Mount Sinai Medical Center

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research

National Alliance for Hispanic Health

National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression

National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Alopecia Areata Foundation

National Asian Women's Health Organization

National Association for Biomedical Research

National Association of Hepatitis Task Forces

National Caucus of Basic Biomedical Science Chairs

National Coalition for Cancer Research

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease

National Committee for Quality Health Care

National Council of Jewish Women

National Council on Spinal Cord Injury

National Down Syndrome Society

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias

National Health Council

National Hemophilia Foundation

National Hispanic Health Foundation

National Jewish Medical and Research Center

National Marfan Foundation

National Medical Association

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

National Osteoporosis Foundation

National Partnership for Women and Families

National Pharmaceutical Council

National Prostate Cancer Coalition

National Quality Forum

National Spinal Cord Injury Association

National Venture Capital Association

Nebraskans for Research


New Jersey Association for Biomedical Research

New Jersey Dental School

New York Blood Center

New York College of Osteopathic Medicine

New York State Association of County Health Officials

New York Stem Cell Foundation

New York University College of Dentistry

New York University School of Medicine

NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital

North American Brain Tumor Coalition

North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research

Northwest Association for Biomedical Research

Northwestern University

Northwestern University, The Feinberg School of Medicine

Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine

Novartis Pharmaceuticals

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

Oral Health America

Oregon Health & Science University

Oregon Health & Science University School of Nursing

Oregon Research Institute

Oxford Bioscience Partners

Pacific Health Research Institute

Paralyzed Veterans of America

Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy

Parkinson's Action Network

Parkinson's Disease Foundation

Partnership for Prevention

Pennsylvania Society for Biomedical Research

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America

Pittsburgh Development Center

Princeton University

Project A.L.S.

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum International

Quest for the Cure

RAND Health


Resolve: The National Infertility Association


Rett Syndrome Research Foundation

Rice University

Robert Packard Center for ALS Research at Johns Hopkins

The Rockefeller University

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Rush University Medical Center

Rutgers University

Salk Institute for Biological Studies


Scleroderma Research Foundation

Secular Coalition for America

Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation, Inc.

Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR)

Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology

Society for Education in Anesthesia

Society for Male Reproduction and Urology

Society for Neuroscience

Society for Pediatric Research

Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Society for Women's Health Research

Society of Academic Anesthesiology Chairs

Society of General Internal Medicine

Society of Gynecologic Oncologists

Society of Reproductive Surgeons

Society of University Otolaryngologists

South Alabama Medical Science Foundation

South Dakota State University

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

Spina Bifida Association of America

Stanford University

State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine

State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of
Medicine at Brooklyn

State University of New York Upstate Medical University

Stem Cell Action Network

Stem Cell Research Foundation

Steven and Michele Kirsch Foundation

Stony Brook University, State University of New York

Strategic Health Policy International, Inc.

Student Society for Stem Cell Research

Suicide Prevention Action Network-USA (SPAN)

Take Charge! Cure Parkinson's, Inc.

Targacept, Inc.

Temple University School of Dentistry

Texans for Advancement of Medical Research

Texas A&M University Health Science Center

Texas Medical Center

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

The Arc of the United States

The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

The Biophysical Society

The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University

The Burnham Institute

The CJD Foundation

The Critical Path Institute (C-Path)

The Endocrine Society

The FAIR Foundation

The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network

The Food Allergy Project, Inc.

The Forsyth Institute

The Foundation Fighting Blindness

The George Washington University Medical Center

The Georgetown University Center for the Study of Sex Difference in
Health, Aging and Disease

The Gerontological Society of America

The J. David Gladstone Institutes

The Jackson Laboratory

The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing

The Medical College of Wisconsin

The Medical Foundation, Inc.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research

The Ohio State University College of Dentistry

The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health

The Ohio State University School of Public Health

The Parkinson Alliance and Unity Walk

The Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.

The Rockefeller University

The Schepens Eye Research Institute

The Scientist

The Scripps Research Institute

The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

The Society for Investigative Dermatology

The Spiral Foundation

The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

The University of Iowa College of Dentistry

The University of Iowa College of Public Health

The University of Mississippi Medical Center

The University of Mississippi Medical Center School of Dentistry

The University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center

The University of Tennessee HSC College of Nursing

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston School of Medicine

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

The University of Toledo Academic Health Science Center

Tourette Syndrome Association

Travis Roy Foundation

Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Tulane University

Tulane University Health Sciences Center

Union for Reformed Judaism

Union of Concerned Scientists

Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations

United Spinal Association

University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine

University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing

University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health

University of Arizona College of Medicine

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

University of Buffalo

University of California System

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health

University of California, Davis

University of California, Irvine

University of California, Los Angeles

University of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry

University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine

University of California, San Diego

University of California, San Francisco

University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry

University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing

University of California, Santa Cruz

University of Chicago

University of Cincinnati Medical Center

University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center

University of Colorado at Denver and HSC School of Dentistry

University of Colorado at Denver and HSC School of Nursing

University of Connecticut School of Medicine

University of Florida

University of Florida College of Dentistry

University of Georgia

University of Illinois

University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry

University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing

University of Iowa

University of Kansas

University of Kansas Medical Center

University of Kansas Medical Center School of Nursing

University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky College of Dentistry

University of Louisville

University of Louisville School of Dentistry

University of Maryland at Baltimore

University of Maryland at Baltimore College of Dental Surgery

University of Maryland at Baltimore School of Nursing

University of Miami

University of Michigan

University of Michigan College of Pharmacy

University of Michigan Medical School

University of Michigan School of Dentistry

University of Michigan School of Nursing

University of Michigan School of Public Health

University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota School of Public Health

University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Dentistry

University of Montana School of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences

University of Nebraska Medical Center

University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry

University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health

University of North Dakota

University of North Texas Health Science Center

University of Oregon

University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health

University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

University of Rochester Medical Center

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

University of Rochester School of Nursing

University of South Carolina Office of Research and Health Sciences

University of South Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences

University of South Florida

University of South Florida College of Nursing

University of Southern California

University of Southern California School of Dentistry

University of Utah HSC School of Medicine

University of Vermont College of Medicine

University of Washington

University of Washington School of Dentistry

University of Washington School of Nursing

University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Van Andel Research Institute

Vanderbilt University and Medical Center

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Wake Forest University School of Medicine

Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University in St. Louis Center for Health Policy

Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine


Weill Medical College of Cornell University

Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research

WiCell Research Institution

Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Wisconsin Association for Biomedical Research and Education

Woodruff Health Sciences Center at Emory University

Wright State University School of Medicine

Yale University

Yale University School of Medicine

Yale University School of Nursing

Don C. Reed
Sponsor, Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act
co-chair, Californians for Cures
Vice President, Public Policy, Americans for Cures
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