Tuesday, November 25, 2008

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 768

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



Stem Cell Action News.........November 24, 2008

Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:12 am (PST)

Stem Cell Action News
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November 24, 2008

Welcome to issue number 2 of Stem Cell Action News, dedicated to
informing the stem cell community on the latest and most important
developments impacting the Pro-Cures Movement.

Headlines & Advocacy

Landmark windpipe transplant shocks the world – patient, Claudin
Castillo, received a bioengineered trachea after nearly loosing her left
lung due to a severe case of tuberculosis
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuberculosis> . The bioengineered
windpipe was constructed by removing all cells and MHC antigens
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_histocompatibility_complex> from a
donated trachea - leaving behind a fibrous
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibrous_connective_tissue> scaffold. The
scaffold was then populated with autologous
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autologous> mesenchymal stem-cell
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesenchymal_stem_cell> -derived
condrocytes <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chondrocyte> to construct the
graft. The cells were cultured at Professor Martin Birchall's lab
at Bristol U! niversity <http://www.bristol.ac.uk/> , and the surgery
was conducted in Barcelona, Spain. Additional collaborations were
established between colleagues in Padua and Milan, Italy. Listen to
NPR's All Things Considered
> and read The Lancet's Early Online Publication
-6/fulltext> .

Reporter Luke Timmerman interviews Novocell's
<http://www.novocell.com/> CSO, Edward Baetge, on the challenges of
commercializing embryonic stem cells
<http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/basics3.asp> to treat Diabetes
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes> (full article link).

The Vatican once again warns Obama about the ethics of embryonic stem
cell research (full article link)
<http://www.catholic.org/politics/story.php?id=30510> .

Hadassah is offering an educational program on stem cell research with
an invited speaker from the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (full article
link) <http://www.andovertownsman.com/local/local_story_317174234.html>

Dr. Mark Nobel, a leading stem cell researcher from the University of
Rochester and a member of the GPI Science Advisory Board, discusses the
big picture – a video interview worth watching
> .


Maryland Stem Cell Research Commission received 187 letters of intent
for stem cell funding compared to last year's 127. Applications for
funding are due on January 15, 2009. For application and guidelines,
please visit www.mscrf.org <http://www.mscrf.org/> . Additionally, on
December 3rd Governor O'Malley and the Maryland Stem Cell Research
Commission host the first annual Maryland Stem Cell Symposium. The
symposium allows the 2008 awardees to present findings (register by
clicking this link!)

Traveling across the Atlantic and south of the equator, Health Ministers
from member states of the Economic Commission of West Africa
<http://www.ecowas.int/> will gather tomorrow to discuss stem cell
research and therapy (full article link)
<http://www.vanguardngr.com/content/view/22237/42/> .

In Washington, Obama transition team selected Jonathan Moreno, professor
of bioethics at University of Pennsylvania to manage activities related
to bioethics (full article link)
> . Moreno is a supporter of embryonic stem cell research and serves
on the Legal and Human Rights Advisory Board of the Genetics Policy
Institute. Additionally, R. Alta Charo, a UW-Madison professor of law
and ethics was appointed to the Obama's transition team. She was
previously a member of former President Bill Clinton's Bioethics
Advisory Commission. (read full article)
<http://www.dailycardinal.com/article/21414> .


Researchers at the University of Utah <http://www.utah.edu/> are
enrolling 40 patients in a Phase II
<http://www.fda.gov/CDER/HANDBOOK/phase2.htm> study that will use
autologous <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autologous> , bone-marrow
derived stem cells to treat patients with Dilated Cardiomypoathy
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilated_cardiomyopathy> (DMC, or heart
disease). Of the 40 patients, 20 are to be diagnosed with ischemic
<http://medical.merriam-webster.com/medical/ischemic> DMC and, 20 with
nonishemic DMC. The study is sponsored by Aastrom Biosciences, Inc
<http://www.aastrom.com/> ., a company specializing in autologous cell
products (full article link) <http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_11008681> .

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
<http://www.med.upenn.edu/> discovered a protein marker that helps
select for rare adult liver stem cells. Led by Linda Greeman, MD., the
findings allow scientists to now isolate liver stem cells which could be
used to regenerate liver tissue.

Don't space out yet, HepaLife's
<http://www.hepalife.com/index.php> Patented `PICM-19' Liver
Stem Cell Lines are onboard Space Shuttle "Endeavour"
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_Endeavour> for outer space
testing (full article link)
<http://www.hepalife.com/press_releases/20081117.html.php> .


G. Steven Burrill, CEO of life sciences VC firm, Burrill and Company
<http://www.burrillandco.com/> , predicts continuing market volatility
that will affect both large and small biotech's. Burrill stated
early last week, "Stuff is cascading through the financial system in
a toxic way." He also commented, " The biotech industry has
lived with easy access to capital for 30 yeas or more. That world is
now permanently changed." (full article link)

Meanwhile, pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer <http://www.pfizer.com/home/> ,
launched a new research unit know as Pfizer Regenerative Medicine. The
unit will be co-located in Cambridge, UK and Cambridge, Massachusetts
(full article link)

Also last week, Stem Cell Sciences <http://www.stemcellsciences.com/>
signed a service agreement for up to five-years with Pfizer Limited.
Stem Cell Sciences will provide research services, cell lines, media,
and reagents to support Pfizer's stem cell R&D efforts (full article
link) <http://www.stemcellsciences.com/pressoffice/releases/108.html> .
Furthermore, Stem Cell Sciences' patent covering its IRES technology
was upheld – the technology can monitor gene activity without
knocking out normal gene function (full article link)
<http://www.stemcellsciences.com/pressoffice/releases/107.html> .

Sigma Aldrich <http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/united-states.html>
announced it will be the exclusive supplier of AlphaGenix
<http://www.alphagenix.com/> -developed antibodies and research tools
for regenerative medicine and stem cell biology – expanding
Sigma's stem cell product portfolio (full article link)
> .

Neuralstem, Inc. <http://www.neuralstem.com/index.asp?pgid=1> entered a
collaborative agreement with Professor Guido Nikkah Ph.D, of
Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, Germany
<http://www.uni-freiburg.de/index_en.php> to further develop
Neuralstem's human neural stem cell therapies for Huntington's
disease (full article link)
<http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Neuralstem-Enters-prnews-13604293.html> .

Lastly, Mesoblast Limited's <http://www.mesoblast.com/> sister
company, Angioblast Systems <http://www.angioblast.com/default.php> ,
was awarded the 2008 Frost & Sullivan
<http://www.frost.com/prod/servlet/frost-home.pag> United States Stem
Cell Market Technology Innovation of the Year (full article link)
<http://www.mesoblast.com/#> .

Contact GPI
Robert E. Margolin
Associate Director
rob@genpol.org <mailto:rob@genpol.org>

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Friday, November 7, 2008

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 767

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)




Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Fri Nov 7, 2008 6:33 am (PST)


by Don C. Reed

Three great victories have been won: now we must utilize the opportunity
they bring.

1. First, the Presidency and the elective offices.

In Barrack Obama, we have a man who has the potential to be as great as
Lincoln. He can think, he is not afraid, and he is on our side. Our
prayers go with him.

Also, the shifting of Congress and the Senate was overwhelmingly in our
favor. The defeat of Senators like Elizabeth Dole and John Sununu meant
fewer anti-researchers to have to cope with. On the positive side,
strong supporters like Kay Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen and Vickie Englund give
us much to smile about.

2. Second, embryonic stem cell research is no longer controversial:
that has been forever settled by Michigan's Proposal 2, which (in an
extraordinarily conservative state) took on the issue: to allow the use
of blastocysts left over from In Vitro Fertility procedures.

The opposition knew this was a crucial test of strength. The Religious
Right brought in their big guns, and made Michigan a social
battleground state. They funded a massive propaganda attack, expensive
TV ads in a Falsehood-a-Week ad campaign, with massive financial backing
from the Catholic Church and ideological groups.

Michiganians took the heat for everyone. Almost alone, that small state
fought. We outsiders should have done a lot more. Some did help: Bob
Klein came out to fight for the finances to make the campaign possible.
The Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research endorsed the
effort. Individuals (especially, one great man, A. Albert Taubman, a
champion of research, made the campaign possible with his generosity--)
but by and large, the campaign was on its own.

After a somewhat muddled and confused beginning, Michiganians came
together in a white heat of unity.

When the votes were counted, Proposal 2 had prevailed.

They won, for all of us.

3. The third victory was the overwhelming defeat of the
"personhood" effort, Amendment 48 of Colorado, the attempt to
give a sperm-and-egg microscopic blastocyst citizenship rights.
Fortunately, this was recognized as the nonsense it was—dangerous
nonsense—and it was crushed, losing nearly three to one.

The leaders in that victory were the Women's rights groups: NOW,
NARAL, Planned Parenthood : who saw it (quite rightly) as a threat to a
woman's right to choose. For us in the regenerative medicine
movement, the "personhood" movement could well have ended
embryonic stem cell research.

Three victories: the national implications are huge. Regenerative
research is no longer controversial; and we have men and women in the
White House, Congress and Senate who support our efforts.

Now is the time to ask for a lot.

When President Bush was in office, the best we could hope for was the
very cautious Castle/DeGette bill: the Stem Cell Research Enhancement
Act: a little permissions bill. Even that was vetoed by President Bush.

That was then, this is now.

Today, our cause has been proven right.

We must no longer plead timidly for permission to do the research. That
can be accomplished by the stroke of a Presidential pen. On his first
day in office, President Obama can reverse the Bush restrictions, which
means we do not need Castle/DeGette.

If Castle/DeGette goes forward at all, it should be substantively

We may only have one major "ask"—we must think carefully on
what to ask for.

What we need now is money to do research, all across the nation.

We must think in terms of doubling or tripling the budget of the
National Institutes for Health (NIH), because we are up against the most
gigantic health problems (literally) in the history of the world. An
extra billion or two (not even enough to make up for inflation losses
after 5 years of flat funding)—that is nothing compared to the need.

Just as we would unify against an invasion of our country—imagine
how we would react to a "body count" of one hundred million
killed or wounded—even so we must come together to fund regenerative

We must think of the NIH like the Defense Department: one fights with
guns against invaders, the other uses test tubes—but both are
fighting to save lives.

We must no longer be splinter groups, weak and divided, but come
together instead as what we are: a nation and a world working together
against the common threat of chronic disease and disability.

If we can see beyond ourselves, and act on our better convictions, a new
Age begins.

Don C. Reed
Sponsor, Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act
co-chair, Californians for Cures
Vice President, Public Policy, Americans for Cures
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Monday, November 3, 2008

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 766

Stem Cell Research Information + Impact

Messages In This Digest (3 Messages)



Stem Cells May Cure the Economy

Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Sun Nov 2, 2008 6:02 pm (PST)

Stem Cells May Cure the Economy - According to the Centers for Disease
Control, the medical care costs of people with chronic diseases account
for more than 75% of the nation's $2 trillion medical care costs.
See (http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/overview.htm) for verification. That
mountain of debt may well be the root cause of the recession. Consider
that health care costs are now more than all federal income taxes
combined. Verify that at
<http://www.irs.gov/taxstats/article/0,,id=102886,00.html> ). Our
government supported medical research when it came to our own Dr. Jonas
Salk. Where would we be if polio had still been around for a half
century? Consider stem cell research! Unused embryonic stem cells as
well as adult stem cells can make a difference! Think about your loved
ones – think about moving forward with medical science! Vote in
favor of stem cell research and therapy! It could save your life or
that of your loved one!" Keep up the good work, Don!!!! Linda Scott
Dallas, TX

McCain Banking on a Confederacy of Dunces

Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Sun Nov 2, 2008 6:03 pm (PST)

McCain Banking on a Confederacy of Dunces By David Sirota
<http://mailcenter2.comcast.net/community/profile/236> [

> ]

Is John McCain stupid, or does he believe we are? That's the
question as he criticizes Barack Obama for allegedly trying to
"redistribute the wealth" with a plan to lower taxes on the
middle class and raise them on the super-rich.

Of course, the Democrat's proposal would merely slow down (not fully
halt) the less-talked-about redistribution whereby Washington sends
middle-class money up the income ladder. Either McCain doesn't know
about this kleptocracy and is the dumbest presidential candidate in
history, or he thinks America is too ignorant to recognize theft. Which
is it?

I'm guessing the latter, since the evidence is so overwhelming.

In the last eight years, we the little people have been forced to
provide more and more of the taxes fueling America's redistribution
machine. As the Congressional Budget Office reports, the $715 billion in
tax breaks that President Bush gave to those making more than $342,000 a
year began dramatically shifting the overall tax burden from the rich
onto the rest of us. Meanwhile, because of lobbyist-crafted loopholes,
most corporations pay zero federal income taxes, according to the
Government Accountability Office. The result is what Warren Buffett
admits: When counting all taxes (income, payroll, property, etc.),
billionaires and Big Business often pay lower effective tax rates than
their employees.

The output of the redistribution machine is becoming just as regressive.
In the age of Halliburton fraud and ExxonMobil subsidies, our government
spends $93 billion a year on corporate welfare. (For comparison,
that's roughly three times what it spends on a traditional welfare
program like food stamps.) That doesn't include the recent bailout
giving $700 billion to the same banks currently doling out $70 billion
in executive pay and bonuses — a scheme the Financial Times says
"amounts to a large transfer of resources from lower to higher
income earners."

Thanks to these redistributive policies — policies McCain championed
in Congress — the richest 1 percent today owns a larger share of
America's wealth than at any time since before the Great Depression.

The Republican standard-bearer likely knows all this, but his fetish is
fact-free fairy tales — the kind presenting seven houses, a
beer-industry fortune and lockstep conservatism as mavericky
Joe-the-Plumber populism. When it comes to economics, McCain is banking
on Americans believing similarly inane myths — specifically, those
portraying obscene affluence as the commonplace achievement under
royalist rule.

During the indigence and socioeconomic immobility of the 19th
century's Gilded Age, this meme flourished through Horatio Alger
stories. Today, one in five American children live in poverty, and
authorities from The Economist magazine to The Wall Street Journal note
that our country exhibits the least amount of upward economic mobility
in the industrialized world — less than even Europe's supposedly
sclerotic socialisms. In light of that, sustaining the "American
Dream" narrative requires updated rags-to-riches fantasies like
"MTV Cribs," HBO's "Entourage" — and now McCain

The Arizona senator's pulp fiction packs an extra-nationalistic
punch, however. We are not only expected to support regressive
redistribution, but also to believe that stopping such robbery is
subversive. McCain implies Obama is backing Soviet conquest by proposing
to finance tax cuts for 95 percent of American workers with tax
increases on the richest 5 percent. When Joe Biden said it is
"patriotic" for millionaires to pay their fair share of taxes,
Republicans waved the bloody shirt of Reaganism and attacked him —
as if Al Capone-style tax evasion is how aristocrats display their true
love of country.

The GOP campaign, in short, is a brew of redbaiting and free-market
zealotry, a concoction with a poisonous purpose: resurrecting the
everyone-for-themselves pathologies that perpetuate the status quo. And
if we revert to selfish form during this economic crisis, then
McCain's cynical calculation is correct: America is a confederacy of



Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Mon Nov 3, 2008 5:59 am (PST)

Teacher "Godless".

Should a craven lie deny America a strong stem cell research-supporting

A scurrilous attack ad was just run by incumbent Republican Elizabeth
Dole against stem cell research supporter and Senatorial candidate Kay
Hagan of North Carolina .

In an expensive and widely-distributed television ad, Dole attacked
Hagan's religious faith, calling her "Godless".

Believe it or not, the ad shows Kay Hagan's face with her lips
moving—and somebody else's voice saying: "There is no

Ms. Hagan, by the way, is an elder in her Presbyterian Church for more
than ten years. She has worked as a Sunday School teacher for that
church, and assists on its missions.

The shame is on Senator Dole, who personally approved the ad, for
stooping to such depths to clutch on to her power.

What a tragedy it would be if such slimy trash were allowed to deny
North Carolina a stem cell supporting Senator.

Unfortunately, propaganda sometimes works. North Carolina is a deeply
Christian state, and if that lie is believed, even for just a few

As Ms. Hagan's campaign said: "Elizabeth Dole would love nothing
more than to distract from the issues and her record for the last five
days of the campaign…."

And speaking of Elizabeth Dole's record, where does she stand on
stem cell research?

She takes her cue from George Bush's endless restrictions—no new
stem cell lines, ever.

America has repudiated such short-sighted obstacles to progress.
Legislation to moderate those restrictions has twice passed the House of
Representatives and the United States Senate, only to be vetoed each
time by President Bush, with the help of Senator Dole.

With an estimated 100 million citizens suffering from incurable disease
and disability, and health care costs skyrocketing beyond our ability to
pay, families are united in their determination to have access to the
best medical treatment modern science can provide.

How do North Carolinians feel about the research that matters so much to
so many?

They support embryonic stem cell research by a huge majority, more than
5-3 in favor*.

Why does this matter to me?

My son Roman Reed is paralyzed. His neck was broken playing college
football. But we have not given up on hope.

Our son inspired California 's first embryonic stem cell research
funding, through a law named after him, the Roman Reed Spinal Cord
Injury Research Act.

On March 1, 2002, in the Reeve-Irvine Research Center at UC Irvine, I
held in my hand a laboratory rat which had been paralyzed, but which now
walked again, thanks to embryonic stem cells- and this while my
paralyzed son watched from his wheelchair.

That research experiment is now before the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) being considered for human trials. If all goes well, in about
three months, newly-paralyzed people may have the chance my son did
not—the opportunity to walk out of the hospital, instead of being
condemned to a wheelchair for life.

But new stem cell research lines would not be allowed under the
Bush-Dole restrictions.

Both Presidential candidates know this, and have pledged to overturn
those restrictions: despite their differences, John McCain and Barrack
Obama understand the need for new embryonic stem cell research lines.

But not Elizabeth Dole.

She is out of touch with North Carolina 's hopes and dreams for
cure, not only for paralysis, but for many diseases and disabilities
considered incurable, but which stem cell therapies may alleviate or

Now, behind in the polls, Ms. Dole has even lost track of the North
Carolina State Motto, Esse Quam Videri: "to be, rather than to

In North Carolina , honesty matters.

I am myself an outsider to this state, so maybe my opinions do not
matter. But I appreciate Ms. Hagan's courageous support for the
research which may allow my son to fulfill the great prediction of
Christopher Reeve, who said, in a private letter to our family:

"One day, Roman and I will stand up from our wheel chairs, and walk
away from them forever."—Christopher Reeve.

Cure did not come in time for our champion, but the flame of his faith
still lights our way. The research he supported will go forward—with
people like Kay Hagan in office.

I urge every stem cell research supporter in America to do what I just
did: go to www.Kayhagan.com <http://www.kayhagan.com/> , and contribute
$25. If you can afford more, do so.

Help her withstand these disgusting attack ads. Do it not just because
Kay Hagan is a fighter for stem cell research. But because North
Carolina —and America-- need deserve women like her in leadership.

People who will tell the truth.

Thank you.

Don C. Reed is the citizen-sponsor of California 's Roman Reed
Spinal Cord Injury Research Act, named after his paralyzed son.

*When asked for their overall opinion on medical research involving stem
cells from human embryos…a majority, 53.4%, said they either support
or "strongly support" it; 30.8% said they oppose…"—The
News Observer, newsobserver.com <http://newsobserver.com/> , October 7,

Don C. Reed Sponsor, Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act
Founder and Co-Chair, Californians for Cures Don Reed is also Vice
President of Public Policy for Americans for Cures Foundation; opinions
voiced here as an individual may or may not reflect those of the
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