Tuesday, April 21, 2009

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 787

Stem Cell Research Information + Impact

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



TEXAS TORNADO: Three Billion dollars in Cancer Research May be Swept

Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:29 pm (PDT)

TEXAS TORNADO: Three Billion dollars in Cancer Research May be Swept

By Don Reed

Texas Governor Rick Perry's recent recommendation that Texas secede
from America was nonsensical. If the Governor is so uncomfortable in our
country that he wishes to leave, that is his right; but he will not take
Texas with him. Recent polls show the rest of his state is quite happy
being associated with the United States.

This fuss and furor is just a blustering dust storm, stirred up for
whatever temporary political purpose the Governor hoped to achieve. Few
people took him seriously; I doubt very much he did either. (When Mr.
Perry's political biography is written, it will quite rightly pay
more attention to the kindness of the Governor when Hurricane Katrina
created homeless refugees—and Texas took them in—than this
secession nonsense.)

But there is another Texas tornado which is deadly serious, and which
may cost Texas families a great deal.

Anyone who has cancer (my sister has it; my mother died of it) wants the
research for cure to move forward.

Lance Armstrong is a fighter for research, and he helped Texas pass an

$3 billion dollar research bill dedicated to finding a cure for cancer.
That money came with no restrictive anti-research strings attached.

Unfortunately, Senator Steve Ogden (R-Bryan) is attempting to block a
vital component of that research: shutting down embryonic stem cell
research in Texas.

Ogden is a cunning politico; this guy is legitimately tough, and knows
how to street fight—unfortunately he is using his very real
strengths to back an anti-research vision that is as out of step with
America as the Governor Perry's secession plan.

At a time when the rest of the country is embracing cure research, Mr.
Ogden wants to ban it.

Because he knows he is out of touch with Texas voters, he first tried to
do the damage quietly.

Senator Ogden inserted a "rider" onto the state's must-pass
budget bill, Senate Bill One. This rider bans state funding of embryonic
stem cell research.

As Committee chairman, Ogden waited until pro-research committee members
were out of the room, and then rushed through a quick vote, which passed

There was no public notice, no testimony, no discussion. When asked
about this undemocratic procedure, he replied that the members had been
talking about it "privately". No worries about sunshine or
openness for Mr. Ogden!

Now, like a tick on the neck of a horse, that anti-research rider is
attached to the budget, to suck the life out of the cancer research
bill, and weaken that state's hope for cure.

Asked if he thought this would end embryonic stem cell research in his
state, the Senator reportedly replied, "If that bill won't do
it, the next one will."

The Senate let his rider stay on—the House stripped it off—now
the two houses will confer, and one will win and one will lose…

The next attack he spoke of, is Senate Bill 1695.

We need to let Senator Ogden know—politely but firmly—that the
families of Texas and America deserve better.

Now here's the catch. The Senator is an old pro, and as such knows
how to block unwanted correspondence.

I called yesterday and left a message. Then I emailed him.

I doubt very much either message will reach him.

But I am also going to send him a personal letter, the old-fashioned
kind, remember those, they have stamps on them? And that—even if
thrown away—will be noticed.

Because nobody writes letters anymore. Any personal letter gets
attention, and the Senator's staff will be tallying the responses.

The Senator expects, I am sure, to hear nothing but letters of support
from his allies in the Religious Right.

Let us surprise him. Politely, of course: rudeness only makes us look
like fringe elements, instead of mainstream America, which is what we

I will be sending three copies of my letter to the Senator: one to each
of his three public offices.

Those addresses are:

1. Sen. Steve Ogden, Texas Senate, P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station,
Austin, TX 78711

2. East District Office, 3740 Copperfield Drive, Suite 103, Bryan, Texas

3. West District Office, 309 West Main, Suite 115, Round Rock, Texas

Want some background? Below is probably more than you need, so if you
already are up on the effort, feel free to skip over it—but please,
help me with a letter, a call, or an email—don't leave it to
somebody else.

This is for Texas, but it is also for everyone. Texas is a wonderful
state, huge, full of diverse energy and power—we need the scientists
and colleges and patients and advocates and political leaders of the
Lone Star State—we need Texas, and so does the world..

The following info is from my friends at TXAMR—Texans for the
Advancement of Medical Research.

SB 1695 BY OGDEN (this is the second wave of attack I mentioned

Bill Background info: Would limit the use of state money or facilities
for research involving the destruction of human embryos, even those
destined for discard as medical waste by IVF clinics and used to create
stem cell lines for research. The rider would also ban IVF treatments.


* Ban research on stem cell lines created using fertilized eggs from
fertility clinics, eggs that were destined to be discarded as medical
waste. Using these eggs that would otherwise be thrown out to study
diseases and to search for treatments and cures, offers the hope of
healthier life for thousands of Texans.

* Ban research currently being conducted in state research
institutions around the state. SB 1695 does much more than ban funding
for embryonic stem cell research; it bans the conduct of the research by
NIH funds as well as private funding.

* Ban current research on previously approved federal stem cell
lines. Research studies using the embryonic stem lines approved by
President Bush in 2001 would come to a halt in Texas.

* Stop all embryonic stem cell research in all state institutions in

* Senator Ogden's bill would prohibit the use of state dollars to
pay the salaries of our state employed researchers who work with
embryonic stem lines.

* Senate Bill 1695 would prohibit the use of state supported labs for
embryonic stem cell research even if the research money comes from
federal grants.

* Under Senator Ogden's bill, researchers will face a choice of
leaving state institutions or stopping their research. The state of
Texas will likely lose our best researchers, their staff, their research
grant money and their graduate students and medical students to other
states and countries that appreciate good science and good medicine.

* Under Senator Ogden's bill, cancer research conducted at the
newly established Cancer Research Initiative, and research into other
life threatening diseases such as Parkinson's Disease,
Alzheimer's and diabetes will be severely limited.

* Senator Ogden's bill would halt the gains we have made at
better understanding how cells function and where malignancies or
mutations occur and why. Researchers have repeatedly said that studying
embryonic stem cells helps in the development of adult stem cell


I urge Senator Ogden to abandon his plans to push SB 1695 in Senate
Finance Committee.

As a state with premier research institutions, citizens across the
country are hopefully awaiting treatments and cures for life threatening
diseases and conditions that may be discovered in Texas.

Texas has too much to lose in banning the funding of ethical, regulated
embryonic stem cell research.

I urge Senator Ogden to carefully consider the human and economic losses
in not supporting legal, ethical and safe embryonic stem cell research
in this state.

Here is my letter (Don Reed)

Dear Senator Ogden:

First, thank you for being a Senator-- I am sure it is never an easy

As the father of a paralyzed young man, Roman Reed, I am deeply
distressed by SB 1695. I am very familiar with embryonic stem cell
research, having been the citizen sponsor of a small law in California,
the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act of 1999. "Roman's
Law" funded the first state-sponsored embryonic stem cell research
in the nation—the spinal cord injury research experiment which goes
to human trials this Summer.

I have seen it work. On March 1, 2002, in the laboratory named after my
son (the Roman Reed Laboratory, within the Reeve-Irvine Research
Institute at UC Irvine) I held in my hand a laboratory rat which had
been paralyzed, but which walked again, thanks to embryonic stem cell

Biblically, I tend to go along with Psalm 139, which says, "He knit me
together in my mother's womb". That is where an individual life begins.
Scientifically, as you know, it is biologically impossible to create a
child without a mother's womb-- and accordingly, cells in a Petri dish
can never become a child.

I respect your right to your views, Senator Ogden, but please be aware
there are millions of Americans who suffer every day, and who want the
research to move forward.

Do please reconsider your advocacy for SB 1695. If enacted into law, it
would slow the progress of Lone Star scientists as they work their way
toward cure.

Thank you,

Don C. Reed

Want to know more, do more? More from our friends in TXAMR

About Stem Cell Research Bills Now Pending in the Texas Legislature

If you had a chance to make a call to your state senator and Lt. Gov.
Dewhurst, many thanks. If you didn't, here's another opportunity to make
calls in support of stem cell research. Below is information on what's
happening right now and how you can help. At the bottom are an editorial
and an op-ed further explaining why this is so important. Again, please
pass this on to your friends and family.

If you are not sure who represents you, click here
<http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/> and enter your home address under
"who represents me" to find your senator and representative and their
phone number.

Texans for Advancement of Medical Research (TAMR) thanks you for making
your voices heard -- we had word that the majority of calls coming in to
the offices were in support of research.

We also appreciate your passing these emails on to others. (If you are
not receiving TAMR's alerts, sign up here <http://www.txamr.org/> to be
an advocate.)

Unfortunately, the budget bill, SB1, passed with the rider still
attached. Five senators, Kirk Watson, Eliot Shapleigh, Mario Gallegos,
Rodney Ellis and Wendy Davis had the courage to vote against the bill
that carried this destructive rider.

What happens next?

The House will act on its own budget bill, HB1. Then, both bills go to a
Conference Committee with 5 people chosen from each of the committees
that heard the bill. These 10 people will decide whether the rider
becomes part of the budget for the next two years.

Finance chair, Steve Ogden changed his rider that will go before the
committee to read:

Sec. 17.13 No Destruction of Human Embryos for Research Purposes. Until
legislation is passed by the Texas Legislature and becomes law
authorizing and regulating embryonic stem cell research, no funds
appropriated under this Act shall be used to directly fund research,
which involves the destruction of a human embryo.

This is not acceptable.

Even if the budget bill is stripped of the rider, we still have to deal
with Ogden's bill SB 1695, co-authored by Dan Patrick and Jane Nelson,
that prohibits the use of state money for research involving destruction
of human embryos. This is written broader than the rider to the budget
and would end all embryonic stem cell and IVF research in any of the
laboratories of our state and private universities (because all receive
state funding.)

SB 1695 reads:

A person may not use state money or a facility owned, leased, or managed
by a state agency, department or office for research involving the
destruction of human embryos, including embryonic stem cell research, or
to support research involving the destruction of human embryos.

So, the bottom line is:

We need you to keep up the good work and watch your email for alerts, as
your help is certain to be needed over the next few weeks.

If you have not had the opportunity to make these three calls, please do
so with this message:

"I want you to understand the importance of stem cell research, and the
impact it will have on Texas if it is banned--for the institutions,
researchers, patients, and the economy. I am asking you not to let a ban
on embryonic stem cell research or the funding for it happen in Texas,
either in a stand-alone bill like SB 1695 which has been filed, but has
not yet been heard in committee, or in the budget for the state."

Call: Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst (512) 463- 0001 (He will
appoint 5 Senate members to the Conference Committee for the budget,
where the rider that bans hESC will be stripped or retained.
Call: Speaker of the House Joe Straus (512) 463-0686 He will appoint 5
House members to the Conference Committee for the budget, where the
rider that bans hESC will be stripped or retained.
Call: Rep. Jim Pitts (512) 463-0516 Chair of House Appropriations
Call: Rep. Leo Berman (512) 463-0584 District 6 or Rep. Tommy Merritt
(512) 463-0750 District 7

If you missed the recent editorial from Houston Chronicle or the op-ed
from Bernard Weinstein, economist, please read them below. I think you
will find them interesting.


Stealth legislating: Vote down ban on state funding for stem cell

By injecting an amendment into the Texas Senate budget bill to ban state
funding for stem cell research that involves the destruction of a human
embryo, Finance Committee Chairman Steve Ogden, R-Bryan, has provided a
textbook example of how powerful elected officials can end-run
democratic processes to suit their own ideological agendas.

Passed with scant discussion by Ogdens committee 6-5, the budget bill
includes a rider that if allowed to become law, will inflict serious
damage to efforts to boost regenerative medicine research in Texas,
particularly at state institutions, including the University of Texas
Health Science Center in Houston.

Proponents of the stem cell funding ban have failed to pass bills in
previous legislative sessions, as lawmakers from both parties have
opposed it. Republican House members Beverly Woolley of Houston and Rick
Hardcastle of Vernon are among the key supporters of responsible stem
cell research, as is U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Now that the administration of President Barack Obama is dismantling
federal barriers to expanded fetal stem cell use, new state funding
restrictions would drive talent and research dollars to other states.

An open letter to legislators from pre-eminent members of the states
scientific community contends that the ban would halt ongoing research
projects and negatively impact the ability of the Texas academic health
institutions, both public and private, to competitively recruit and
retain world-class scientists, professors and medical students in the
biological sciences. They contend that since private funding is almost
never available for early-stage biomedical research, a ban such as this
would effectively stifle this research in Texas. The letter is signed by
researchers from Baylor College of Medicine, the UT Health System and
Rice, as well as two Nobel Laureates and a former presidential science

Bernard L. Weinstein, who directs the Center for Economic Development
and Research at the University of North Texas at Denton, says the ban
would run counter to a campaign by Gov. Rick Perry to boost the Texas
biotech industries. It would cost the state billions of dollars in
economic activity while undermining Texas image as a hospitable
environment for research.

State Rep. Ellen Cohen, a Democrat whose district includes the Texas
Medical Center, says the amendment was passed with no public debate or
input from the thousands of doctors, researchers and medical
professionals responsible for extending so many lives I cannot stand by
silently when the voices of so many responsible for so much good are not
even heard.

Ogdens amendment is no minor technical measure inserted for some
hometown special interests. It is an attack on the viability of a vital
sector of the state economy and upon the well-being of future thousands
of desperately ill Texans who could benefit from the cures resulting
from stem cell advances.

Late Wednesday the Senate passed the budget, including Ogdens amendment,
by a vote of 26-5. Before the vote, he explained that his intent was not
to ban all such research but to keep state money from being used
directly for research involving the destruction of a human embryo.
Whatever his stated intent, more progressive members should strike the
ban when the budget reaches conference committee.

While claiming the moral high ground in defense of fertility clinic
embryos that are routinely discarded, Ogden used the amendment route
rather than relying on his own bill with similar wording that would have
faced public hearings and an up-and-down vote by colleagues.

This issue is far too important to be decided by a back-room legislative
maneuver. It is now up to responsible lawmakers in the Texas Senate and
House to counter Ogdens power play and approve a budget that does not
undermine the ability of our medical institutions to participate in the
renewed national effort to advance a promising field of medical


Proposed Restrictions on Stem Cell Funding May Kill Texas' Emerging
Biotechnology Industry

By Bernard L. Weinstein*

Recent scientific advances have caused tremendous excitement in the
burgeoning field of regenerative medicine, which focuses on developing
therapies to restore or replace damaged cells and tissues in the human
body. Stem cell research has proven to be one of the most promising
areas of research, offering the opportunity to revolutionize medical
treatment, drug development and biomedical research.

From heart disease and diabetes, to Parkinson's disease and spinal cord
injuries, stem cell research in its many forms-including embryonic stem
cell research-holds the key that could potentially unlock the secrets to
treatments and cures that have long eluded patients suffering from some
of the most devastating diseases.

Unlike Texas, many other states are making strong commitments to stem
cell research, not only to improve public health but also to capitalize
on its economic development potential. Institutions in California, New
Jersey, Massachusetts and Wisconsin have been the leaders in this field,
in part because of state laws that ensure the legality of embryonic stem
cell research. By contrast, the Texas Senate Finance Committee has just
reported out a budget bill for the next biennium that would prohibit the
use of any state funds for embryonic stem cell research, even as
restrictions on federal funding for such research have been removed.

An even greater irony is that Governor Rick Perry has targeted the
biosciences as a growth sector for the Texas economy. (emphasis added,
dr) Texas currently possesses a biotechnology industry comprised of
about 950 private companies as well as world-class universities and
research facilities and the largest medical center in the world. But
putting legislative restrictions on stem cell research runs the risk of
damaging the entire biotech sector, as serious researchers are likely to
locate in states with more accommodating political climates. The
potential economic and humanitarian losses could be huge.

Texas currently accounts for only 2.9 percent of the nation's
biotechnology industry compared with almost 8 percent of its gross
domestic product. Just increasing our share to the national average
would contribute an additional $87.4 billion to state economic activity
and support over 230,000 direct, indirect, and induced jobs paying more
than $12.8 billion in salaries and wages. State and local tax receipts
would be boosted by more than $8 billion annually.

The fruits of stem cell research also promise to reduce the financial
burden of treating serious diseases such as stroke, type 1 diabetes,
Parkinson 's disease, and spinal cord injuries. Currently, the cost of
treating Texans with these ailments is nearly $14 billion a year.
Reducing these costs by as little as one percent would save almost $140
million each year. Over a thirty-year period, these cost reductions
would sum to $4.2 billion. Savings would also be achieved in the state's
Medicaid program.

If Texas is to be a leader in the biosciences, with all the anticipated
health and economic benefits that will follow, the state must maintain a
hospitable environment for research and development. At a minimum, Texas
needs to be known as a "safe haven" for medical research, including
embryonic stem cells. Indeed, if we're serious about becoming a major
player in the global bioscience arena, we should be allocating-not
prohibiting-state funding for such research.

*Weinstein is director of the Center for Economic Development and
Research and a professor of applied economics at the University of North
Texas in Denton. His email address is bernard.weinstein@unt.edu


Make a donation to support the work of TAMR.
Texans for Advancement of Medical Research (TAMR) is a Texas Nonprofit
Corporation and is a 501(C)(4). grassroots volunteer legislative
advocacy organization; therefore your contributions are greatly
appreciated but are not deductible for IRS income tax purposes.

Tell a friend to Become an Advocate for regenerative medicine.

Thanks, Folks!

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Monday, April 20, 2009

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 786

Stem Cell Research Information + Impact

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)




Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:46 am (PDT)


by Don C. Reed

Before my son Roman received a spinal cord injury, I never gave much
thought as to what it meant to be disabled. I was polite, of course. If
I met a person in a wheelchair, I just went around. But what was it like
to be denied the use of one's limbs? Or to be unable to hear? Aside
from an occasional movie, like the "The Miracle Worker", Helen
Keller's true story of being both blind and deaf, the subject never
seemed to come up.

Disability was just a word.

Then, in an instant, everything changed. Roman became paralyzed, and he
(and indirectly his family) became part of the disability community.

I had no idea how many citizens with disabilities there were.

According to the most recent U.S. Census, roughly one in five Americans
has a disability: meaning she or he has difficulty with everyday
activities: like breathing, or seeing, or getting dressed in the

The disability community is America's largest minority—even
without their families! If organized, we can win any election.

This vast potential power has not gone unnoticed.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Sarah Palin and John McCain tried
to rally the disability community against the Democratic party. Their
campaign stated that Obama's tax plan would hurt disabled people, by
taxing families who had set up trust funds for their special needs
family members.

That was a surprise to me. Trust fund? Most folks in the disability
community are poor: financially struggling to make ends meet. Even in
the best of times, unemployment for disabled workers is like the Great
Depression. When you are worried about scraping together enough money
to put food on the table, there is no extra cash for stocks or bonds or
any kind of trust fund.

I was glad to hear Obama spokespeople respond strongly. One advisor,
Jason Furman, called the attack a "blatant lie", saying that
Obama would work with the Treasury department to "make sure tax
rates do not…increase on any family making less than $250,000 a
year." Another (Bill Burton) said that Mr. Obama "has a
comprehensive plan to support families that have children with special
needs and empower individuals with disabilities." –Wall Street
Journal, Chozick and Timiraos, October 24, 2008.

Were they telling the truth?

Like millions of Americans, I was a volunteer worker for Obama, seeing
his leadership as crucial for the nation as a whole, and the disability
community in particular.

One of the people I worked with on the campaign was Kareem Dale. He was
in charge of outreach to the disability community. We never met, just
talked on phone conferences, where he was invariably calm and affable,
very focused and on top of the situation. I did not realize till much
later that he was blind.

So, after the campaign, did Mr. Dale go back to what he had been doing
before? Did the Obama campaign tell him, thank you very much, we
appreciate your support, see you next election?

Not exactly.

A new position was created in the White House.

And a few days ago, I received the following information from Kareem
Dale, now Special Assistant to the President for Disability Policy..

Kareem Dale may be visually challenged, but he sees deeply into the
problems of the disability community, and he is right there beside the
President, making sure our families will never be forgotten.

Remember the disability community saying, "Nothing about us, without
us"? Disability folks do not want occasional handouts, crumbs tossed
from the table—we want to be seated at the table of power,
contributing and participating when decisions are made.

The rest of this column is from Kareem Dale, listing some of the steps
the Obama Presidency has already taken in support of Americans with



* (President Obama) signed SCHIP, which will provide insurance to
millions of children, including children with disabilities.
* Signed stem cell Executive Order, which will open the door to
potential cures for many disabilities.
* Signed Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act, which will, for
the first time in history, bring together the best minds across the
country to collaborate on research, rehabilitation and improvement of
quality of life for people living with paralysis.


* People with disabilities were included as never before in the
recovery plan.
* Provided a one-time additional payment of $250 to people who
receive Social Supplemental Income.
* Provided $500 million to the Social Security Administration to help
reduce backlogs.
* Provided $87 billion in Medicaid funding for states.
* Provided $140 million in funding for independent living centers.
* Provided over $500 million in funding for vocational rehabilitation
services to help with job training, education and placement.
* Provided $12 billion in funding for the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act.


* Appointed a Special Assistant to the President for Disability
Policy with responsibilities in the Domestic Policy Council and Office
of Public Liaison for the first time in history.
* Appointed a Special Assistant to the President in the White House
Office of Personnel to focus on disability appointments for the first
time in history.
* Appointed a Senior Advisor on Disability Policy in the Domestic
Policy Council for the first time in history.
* Nominated a person with a disability, Kathy Martinez, to be
Director of ODEP.
* Nominated Seth Harris, a long time disability advocate, to be
Deputy Secretary of Labor.
* Nominated Tom Perez, a long-time supporter of the disability
community, to head the Civil Rights Division of the Department of


* President hosted a greet with 10 disability leaders following the
signing of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act.
* Vice-President led a delegation to the Special Olympics.
* Included people with disabilities at all public White House events.
* Invited Carmen Jones, an African American woman with a disability,
to participate in the small group meeting with seven other small
business owners to discuss issues with the President facing small
business owners.
* Invited six leaders from the disability community to the signing of
* Invited disability leaders to participate in the White House and
regional healthcare summits, including members of CCD, ADAPT, National
MS Society, mental health groups, autism groups and many other
disability groups across the country.
* Invited CCD to participate in the fiscal summit.
* Hosted outreach meetings with disability leaders and organizations.
* Hosting briefing and meeting for presidents of national disability

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Monday, April 13, 2009

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 785

Stem Cell Research Information + Impact

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)




Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" Stephen276@comcast.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:43 am (PDT)


by Don C. Reed

Filling sandbags against a raging river, North Dakota citizens inspired
the world not long ago. Shoulder to shoulder the residents of Fargo,
North Dakota worked, long nights in the pouring rain-- and they built
that sandbag dam, protecting the lives and homes of their neighbors.

But now imagine a piece of foolishness: suppose a new law has been
enacted, criminalizing the making of sandbags. The legislation says each
grain of sand has an existence of its own, and must be allowed freedom,
independence, and a lawyer: full standing in a court of law.

The new legislation permits—no, requires!—that every sandbag be
set free, yanked out of those North Dakota dams. And so the floods come
roaring down, on the undefended homes…

Ridiculous? Don't laugh too soon.

On February 17th, 2009, North Dakota's House of Representatives
passed an equally short-sighted bill with potentially devastating
real-life consequences. That bill goes now to the state's Senate.

House Bill 1572 is a "personhood" law… establishing
microscopic human cells as a person, a full-fledged human being.

It sounds harmless enough, at first.

But this new definition of personhood—giving legal status to tissue
samples smaller than a grain of sand-- could blast the entire field of
embryonic stem cell research.

Let's take a quick run through this bill, which would so casually
criminalize one of humanity's best hopes.

Here are a few brief highlights; complete text follows at the end.

98312.0200 Sixty-first Legislative Assembly HOUSE BILL NO. 1572 of
North Dakota, Introduced by Representative Ruby.

"Section 1. Equality and rights guaranteed to all human beings….

a. "Human being" means any organism, (emphasis added)
including the single-cell human embryo… (which) possesses a genome
(for)… the human species."

Comment: According to the Human Genome Project, the genome is "found
in every nucleus of a person's many trillions of cells…"


> )

There are approximately 100 trillion human cells in every human
body—according to the new definition, how many are human beings?

"2. The state shall naturalize all preborn persons and shall afford
to them all the privileges and immunities of state citizenship, except
that the state is not required to include preborn children in state and
local censuses."

Comment: The great commentator and comedian Will Rogers once said,
"When Congress makes a joke, it's a law." HB 1572 does
contain some unintended humor, like the above-named census exemption.

With trillions of newly-defined "preborn persons", a census
would indeed be difficult— not to mention the income tax
complications -- could we claim our own cells as dependents?

But the proponents of this bill are deadly serious.

In a clear attempt to tar stem cells by association (like repeatedly
naming a Congressman in an article on horsetheft) HB 1572 contains
numerous references to: incest, abortion, dismemberment, torture-- and
the killing of children.

"Section 3, part d:

"Because scientists have discovered a way of creating pluripotent
cells using umbilical stem cells, there is no need to kill children to
obtain their embryonic stem cells."

There it is: the great personhood lie-- the pretense that there are
children involved in embryonic stem cell research.

And what a shameful deception it is.

A blastocyst in a Petri dish is living tissue, not a life.

To prove this, we need only ask ourselves one question:

Can a sperm and egg become a child—outside the womb?

Common sense provides the answer. Without the nurturing shelter of a
mother's womb, it is biologically impossible to make a child.

No mother, no child: this is not rocket science.

Stem cell research, as the name implies, is cells, cells, nothing but
cells—and the possibility of cure.

Why would such a ludicrous bill even be considered?

First, the opposition is running scared. They are losing, and they know
it. When President Obama overturned the Bush restrictions on embryonic
stem cell research, that put the Federal government officially on our
side. The game is almost up.

However: if personhood laws can re-define life as having citizenship at
the single-cell level, the U.S. Supreme Court (remember, the Roberts
Court is very conservative) might actually find grounds to criminalize
the entire field of embryonic stem cell research.


The Dickey-Wicker Amendment already blocks federal funding for any new
embryonic stem cell lines—and it does so with personhood language
and concepts.

To be continued…

As promised, here is the full text of HB 1572.

"98312.0200 Sixty-first Legislative Assembly

HOUSE BILL NO. 1572 of North Dakota

Introduced by Representative Ruby

A BILL for an Act to provide for equality and rights to all human beings
at every stage of

biological development; to create and enact two new sections to chapter
12.1-17, relating to the crimes of dismemberment and torture; to amend
and reenact subsection 3 of section 12.1-20-03, section 12.1-20-11,
subsection 2 of section 12.1-20-17, and section 12.1-27.2-04.1 of the
North Dakota Century Code, relating to penalties for crimes against born
alive children; to provide legislative intent; and to provide a penalty.


SECTION 1. Equality and rights guaranteed to all human beings.

1. For purposes of this Act:

a. "Born", "birth", "partially born", "born alive", and any derivation
thereof, apply

to any child located inside a uterus, which is pulled out of the mother;
or who

has ever had any part of its body, including the head, pulled out of the

such as during natural birth, artificial birth, or abortion.

b. "Human being" means any organism, including the single-cell human

irrespective of the method of reproduction, who possesses a genome

for and consistent with an individual member of the human species.

c. "Human embryo" means all human beings from the beginning of the

embryonic period of their biological development through eight weeks,

irrespective of age, health, function, physical dependency, or method of

reproduction, whether in vivo or in vitro.

d. "Human fetus" means all human beings from the beginning of the fetal

of their biological development, which begins at nine weeks gestation

birth, irrespective of age, health, function, physical dependency, or
method of

reproduction, whether in vivo or in vitro.

e. "Human genome" means the total amount of nuclear and extra-nuclear

genetic material that constitutes an organism as an individual member of

human species, including the single-cell human embryo.

f. "Person" or "individual" means the legal recognition of a human
being's full

status as a human person that applies to all human beings, irrespective

age, health, function, physical dependency, or method of reproduction,

including their preborn offspring at every stage of their biological


2. The state shall naturalize all preborn persons and shall afford to
them all the

privileges and immunities of state citizenship guaranteed in section 21
of article I of

the Constitution of North Dakota, except that the state is not required
to include

preborn children in state and local censuses.

3. The state shall afford the equality and inherent rights guaranteed to
individuals in

section 1 of article I of the Constitution of North Dakota and the right
to due

process guaranteed to persons in section 12 of article I of the
Constitution of North

Dakota to all human beings, including the preborn, partially born, born
alive, and

born alive who reenter the womb.

4. Personhood may not be denied:

a. If all the body parts are pulled out of the uterus except the legs or
arms or

portions of legs or arms are still inside the uterus;

b. When the child is about to be born;

c. When the child's head is taken out and placed back inside the uterus;

d. If a child's head is pushed back inside the uterus;

e. To partially born or born alive babies; or

f. Once a uterus is placed back inside the mother.

SECTION 2. Legislative findings regarding certain effects of


1. With respect to preborn personhood, it is the intent of the
legislative assembly to:

a. Immunize a woman from criminal prosecution for abortion.

b. Increase and decrease the penalties for crimes against persons.

2. It is the intent of the legislative assembly that every available
means to assert

preborn personhood be used, which has been denied to even late term

and partially born children.

3. It is the finding of the legislative assembly that:

a. The right to life is the paramount right of a person. The right to
life is a more

fundamental right of a preborn child than the mother's right to liberty
or pursuit

of happiness, which does not include the right to kill other people. In
no way

does a child's right to life interfere with a mother's right to life.

b. The state does not need to prove that it has a prerogative or a

interest before the courts allow this state to recognize that all
children are

persons and human beings, which they are. The legislative assembly may

not attempt to immediately solve all the effects of preborn personhood

after thorough study and more importantly until after actually

preborn personhood and waiting for the courts to recognize it.

c. When the uterus with a child inside is placed back inside the mother,

personhood extends to all other preborn children due to equal protection

the laws.

d. Because scientists have discovered a way of creating pluripotent
cells using

umbilical stem cells, there is no need to kill children to obtain their

stem cells.

e. It is not yet possible to conclusively determine whether all chemical

contraception is abortifacient or not.

f. All abortions, whether surgically or chemically induced, terminate
the life of a

whole, separate, unique, living human being. There is an existing

between a pregnant woman and her preborn child during the entire period


g. Because all preborn children are persons, no abortion performed with

intent is legal. A direct abortion is always performed with the specific
intent to

bring death to a preborn child; it is a deprivation of the right to life
and the right

to the equal protection of the law and is the ultimate manifestation of

involuntary servitude of one human being to another.

h. A mother is not going to die by recognizing her child's right to
life. When the

mother needs a life-saving medical operation, then an indirect abortion
is not

legally or morally considered abortion because it is not performed with

intent to bring death to a preborn child. The death of the child may be

permitted as an indirect and unavoidable result of steps necessary to
save the

mother's life. Physicians shall make, in all cases, every effort to

both the life of the mother and the life of the preborn child.
Physicians shall

provide equal care and equal consideration to the mother and child.

i. Medical treatment that has as its primary purpose to cure a disease
of the

pregnant woman or of a twin preborn human being may not be considered

abortion. The pregnant woman must be given the choice of which treatment

to receive provided it is treatment intended to act upon or cure a

This excludes the possibility of ever performing an abortion under the

pretense of a medical necessity since a preborn human being is not a


j. In the case of twins, all medical procedures designed to address

medical conditions that affect both twins are lawful provided as the

actions are performed with the specific intent to save the life of the

human being with highest chance of survival.

k. If a pregnant woman's health is in danger during a pregnancy, the

may not be held criminally responsible for unintentionally causing the
death of

the preborn human being from legitimate treatment administered to the

pregnant woman. Chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and other medical

procedures that are not intended to cause the death of the preborn human

being but that are likely to do so, may not be prohibited if prescribed
to cure

the pregnant woman. Under no circumstance may abortion be considered

legitimate treatment.

SECTION 3. Two new sections to chapter 12.1-17 of the North Dakota
Century Code

are created and enacted as follows:

Dismemberment - Penalty.

1. A person is guilty of an offense if that person intentionally
dismembers the body of

another human being, as defined in section 1 of this Act, without
causing the death

of the other human being.

2. The offense is a class C felony, except if the victim is a born alive
child, as defined

in section 1 of this Act, the offense is a class B felony.

Torture - Penalty.

1. A person is guilty of an offense if that person intentionally
inflicts excruciating pain

on another human being, as defined in section 1 of this Act, without
causing the

death of the other human being.

2. The offense is a class C felony, except if the victim is a born alive
child, as defined

in section 1 of this Act, the offense is a class B felony.

SECTION 4. AMENDMENT. Subsection 3 of section 12.1-20-03 of the North

Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:

3. a. An offense under this section is a class AA felony if in the
course of the

offense the actor inflicts serious bodily injury upon the victim, if the
victim is a

born alive child, as defined in section 1 of this Act, if the actor's

violates subdivision a of subsection 1, or if the actor's conduct

subdivision d of subsection 1 and the actor was at least twenty-two
years of

age at the time of the offense. For any conviction of a class AA felony

subdivision a of subsection 1, the court shall impose a minimum sentence

twenty years' imprisonment, with probation supervision to follow the

incarceration. The court may deviate from the mandatory sentence if the

court finds that the sentence would impose a manifest injustice as
defined in

section 39-01-01 and the defendant has accepted responsibility for the

or cooperated with law enforcement. However, a defendant convicted of a

class AA felony under this section may not be sentenced to serve less

five years of incarceration.

1. Otherwise the offense is a class A felony.

SECTION 5. AMENDMENT. Section 12.1-20-11 of the North Dakota Century
Code is

amended and reenacted as follows:

12.1-20-11. Incest. A person who intermarries, cohabits, or engages in a
sexual act

with another person related to him within a degree of consanguinity
within which marriages are declared incestuous and void by section
14-03-03, knowing such other person to be within said degree of
relationship, is guilty of a class C felony. If the victim is a born
alive child, as defined in section 1 of this Act, the person is guilty
of a class B felony.

SECTION 6. AMENDMENT. Subsection 2 of section 12.1-20-17 of the North

Century Code is amended and reenacted as follows:

2. A person who, knowing that that person is or has been afflicted with

immune deficiency syndrome, afflicted with acquired immune deficiency

related complexes, or infected with the human immunodeficiency virus,

transfers any of that person's body fluid to another person is guilty of
a class A

felony. The person is guilty of a class AA felony if the victim is under
the age of

fifteen or the victim is a born alive child as defined in section 1 of
this Act.

SECTION 7. AMENDMENT. Section 12.1-27.2-04.1 of the North Dakota Century

is amended and reenacted as follows:

12.1-27.2-04.1. Possession of certain materials prohibited. A person is
guilty of a

class C felony if, knowing of its character and content, that person
knowingly possesses any motion picture, photograph, or other visual
representation that includes sexual conduct by a minor. A person is
guilty of a class B felony if the minor is a born alive child as defined
in section 1 of this Act.

SECTION 8. STATE TO DEFEND CHALLENGE. The legislative assembly, by joint

resolution, may appoint one or more of its members, as a matter of right
and in the legislative member's official capacity, to intervene to
defend this law in any case in which its constitutionality is

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