Tuesday, October 23, 2007

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 716

Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)



# 376 Friday, October 19, 2007 - STEM CELL ACTIVISTS AND THE POWER O

Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" meyer74@bellsouth.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:52 pm (PST)

# 376 Friday, October 19, 2007

As a little girl, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi helped her
politician father keep track of favors he had done for folks, writing
them down on slips of paper and putting them into a box. That way, when
something big came up and her Dad really needed help, he could go to the
box, take out the slips of paper with favors done, and call Sam or
Suzette- hey, I need your help!

That is the power of the grass roots activists. We don’t have any
money, basically, so we do favors for each otherâ€"that is the coin
of the realm. (It is a little scary, thinking how many favors I
owe… I could work several lifetimes and never pay everybody back!)

Right now, as you know, New Jersey’s half billion dollar stem
cell program is hanging in the balance (what? You didn’t know
about that? Quick! Rush to www.njforhope.org
<http://www.njforhope.org/> â€" chip in $21 because there are
only 21 days till that state votes on November 6 next monthâ€"no,
less than thatâ€"20 days…no, it’s only 19 days, I
can’t count-- details at bottom of page) anyway, I go and pester
the same overworked bunch of rowdy friends who have helped every stem
cell program since stem cell research began.

(For the past three days, I have been going through my personal
phonebook, sending a brief personalized email to everybody I had an
email address forâ€"if you know me, and I did not contact you,
that means I lost your email address, so please drop me a line-- so I
can ask you more favors!)

Naturally, since I can barely sneeze without asking Karen Miner where
the tissue box is (we have been slogging through the advocacy trenches
about a decade now) the first thing I do is ask for her help.

So then Karen contacts her list of personal friends-- and they call
their pals, neighbors, associates and groups, asking favors-- and that
is how advocacy works.

Sometimes, favors asked are impossible; other we must try to help,
because who knows when we ourselves will need assistance?

Madonna Long, http://bridges2hope.unite2fightparalysis.org/home/story/95
<http://bridges2hope.unite2fightparalysis.org/home/story/95> ) emailed
Karen saying she knew some lawyer friends who might be able to donate a
couple dollars to the New Jersey campaign which (like all grassroots
campaigns) is struggling to find the nickels to put together the
advertisements and outreach required.

Also, Ms. L needed a favor for an issue she was working on herself.

Did we know about section 608 of SCHIP, the health insurance program, a
paragaph which might deny newly paralyzed people help with their
wheelchair purchase?

No, I did not know about that. I support SCHIP, of course, who could be
against health insurance for kids?

But if there was a clause inside the bill which could negatively impact
wheelchair users, I wanted to know about it. Could she tell us about it?
And what was the favor she wanted?

The favor was, could we contact one of Senators X,Y, and Z on the list

decision-makers-- if they were from our area. I looked at the list.
None of them were. Hmm, how to help?

I suggested, maybe she could hunt up the names of the legislative
aidesâ€"if you call and leave a message for them, or talk to them
personally, that means a lot more impact--?

So, she hunted around, and came up with the list of Senators involved,
and their legislative aides.

Again, I definitely support HR 1362, the SCHIP program for
children’s health insurance. But if section 608 in any way
reduces the availability of wheelchairs to people in need, that section
should be stripped out of the bill. Until paralyzed folks can stand up
and walk away from their wheelchairs, care and mobility must be provided
for all who need it.

So here is some material about the issueâ€" and if you have not
heard about the New Jersey situation, be sure to look at the very bottom
of the article!

First, an email from Ms. Long herself:

“HR 3162

The impact of the HR 3162 (SCHIP) on America and people who require
power wheelchairs to persons with disabilities will be disastrous. The
impact of section 608, “Rental and Purchase of Power-Driven
Wheelchairs” will eliminate the first month purchase of power
wheelchairs for people with Medicare.”

Next, a letter from a person in the wheelchair business. Now obviously
he has a financial stake in the matter, but still he is an expert

“Dear Representative:

You are currently considering the impact of the HR 3162 (SCHIP) on
America. I know that health insurance for children is a very important
issue as I am the father of two children. However, I also employ 15
people in West Central Pennsylvania. I have a medical equipment company
that specializes in providing custom manual and power wheelchairs to
persons with disabilities and I wanted to explain to you the impact of
section 608 “Rental and Purchase of Power-Driven

Section 608 eliminates the first month purchase of power wheelchairs for
people with Medicare. The consumers that I serve have a wide range of
diagnoses including: ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Multiple
Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Cord Injuries, and
Strokes. The power wheelchairs that these people utilize are their sole
means of mobility and the current bill would deny access to many of
these people as I will no longer be able to financially provide these
wheelchairs on a rental basis.

I have heard disheartening comments made by our legislature that these
people only live three months after they receive the power wheelchairs
so the Medicare system should only rent these items. I challenge you
and our legislatures to insist CMS/Medicare verify this information. I
have been in the medical equipment industry for the past fifteen (15)
years and I say that this is false. Many of my customers utilize their
wheelchairs for years and then seek replacements as they have exhausted
the life of there old chairs. Removing the first month purchase option
from beneficiaries does not make fiscal sense. The Medicare system will
pay 5% more for the rental of a power wheelchair over thirteen (13)
months. This will eliminate and add to the costs instead of the
intended savings of section 608.

I have also heard comments from a distinguished representative that he
is tired of seeing people riding around in luxury power wheelchairs. I
asked you, when you have a disability such as those I have listed, what
is a luxury in your power wheelchair? Do you think that these people
chose to be in a wheelchair? I have worked with many wonderful disabled
people over the years and have developed lasting friendships and many of
these people have constitutions that you and I could only dream of.

My company is not a “mass market” wheelchair company but
specializes in the needs of the disabled. Many of the companies in my
industry are small companies that provide a very unique service and they
will also find it difficult to rent power wheelchairs to these
consumers. It will come down to a business decision for many of us.
Can we afford to finance the Medicare program?

I know that you have the needs of all of your constituents to consider.
This bill will deal directly with the needs of children, seniors, and
doctors (as it will increase their fees) however you will be neglecting
many seniors and people with disabilities if you allow section 608 to
remain in this bill. Therefore I implore you to remove section 608 from
the SCHIP bill.

I would like to thank you for your time in reviewing this important
issue. You may contact me at (814) 472-5591, office, or by email at
jletizia@verizon.net <mailto:jletizia@verizon.net> as I would welcome
the opportunity to discuss this issue further.

Sincerely, John J. Letizia, ATS, CRTS President. Laurel Medical
Supplies, Inc.

Another provider states:

“AAHomecare recommends that Congress retain the first-month
purchase option for power wheelchairs. Maintaining the current policy
of allowing the beneficiary to purchase the equipment in the first month
will ensure appropriate beneficiary access and lower costs to both
Medicare beneficiaries and the Medicare program.”

Finally, here is the contact information for the Senators and their
aides who are considering this.

MAX BAUCUS, MT <http://baucus.senate.gov/>
JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV, WV <http://rockefeller.senate.gov/>
KENT CONRAD, ND <http://conrad.senate.gov/>
Lindsey_Hegum@conrad.senate.gov <mailto:Lindsey_Hegum@conrad.senate.gov>
JEFF BINGAMAN, NM <http://bingaman.senate.gov/>
JOHN F. KERRY, MA <http://kerry.senate.gov/> senator@kerry.senate.gov
BLANCHE L. LINCOLN, AR <http://lincoln.senate.gov/>
RON WYDEN, OR <http://wyden.senate.gov/>
CHARLES E. SCHUMER, NY <http://schumer.senate.gov/>
DEBBIE STABENOW, MI <http://stabenow.senate.gov/>
lisa_layman@stabenow.senate.gov <mailto:lisa_layman@stabenow.senate.gov>
MARIA CANTWELL, WA <http://cantwell.senate.gov/>
dale_chung@cantwell.senate.gov <mailto:dale_chung@cantwell.senate.gov>
KEN SALAZAR, CO <http://salazar.senate.gov/>
karen_howard@salazar.senate.gov <mailto:karen_howard@salazar.senate.gov>

CHARLES GRASSLEY, IA <http://grassley.senate.gov/>
ORRIN G. HATCH, UT <http://hatch.senate.gov/>
TRENT LOTT, MS <http://lott.senate.gov/>
reid_mcmillan@lott.senate.gov <mailto:reid_mcmillan@lott.senate.gov>
OLYMPIA J. SNOWE, ME <http://snowe.senate.gov/>
bill_pewen@snowe.senate.gov <mailto:bill_pewen@snowe.senate.gov>
JON KYL, AZ <http://kyl.senate.gov/> jennifer_romans@kyl.senate.gov
GORDON SMITH, OR <http://gsmith.senate.gov/>
JIM BUNNING, KY <http://bunning.senate.gov/>
holly_santry@bunning.senate.gov <mailto:holly_santry@bunning.senate.gov>
MIKE CRAPO, ID <http://crapo.senate.gov/>
eric_rasmussen@crapo.senate.gov <mailto:eric_rasmussen@crapo.senate.gov>
PAT ROBERTS, KS <http://roberts.senate.gov/>
JOHN ENSIGN, NV <http://ensign.senate.gov/>

Favor asked, favor done.

Meanwhile, back in New Jersey....

The following is an editorial I helped write, with Russ Oster and the
New Jersey for Hope campaign. These are good people, fighting to advance
stem cell research. Please take a minute to help preserve half a billion
dollars for stem cell research in the state of New Jersey.

Sincerely, Don C. Reed (and please feel free to share this email with
friends of research!)


21 days from today, New Jersey voters will vote on if the state should
spend forty-five million dollars a year for 10 years on stem cell
research. The funding would go toward advancing medical treatments and
attracting leading scientists and research companies to the state.

The New Jersey for Hope political committee is a group of citizen
activists, medical professionals, and elected officials who have come
together for the purpose of advocating the passage of the public Stem
Cell Ballot Question.

Today we are asking help from all who believe in the promise of stem
cell research. Support the campaign in New Jersey by contributing $21
today by visiting our website:

www.njforhope.org <http://www.njforhope.org/> .

Voting YES offers the best hope we have today for treating and curing
diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, heart
disease and cancer.

Stem cells also hold great promise in addressing spinal cord injuries
and birth defects. Scientists are making tremendous progress. We want to
do everything we can to support this research.

Think of elections that have been lost by a narrow marginâ€"what
would we give to have a chance to change that? We don’t want to
look back on New Jersey , the day after the election, and say, it might
have been. We almost got half a billion for researchâ€"almost? Not
good enough for so many who are depending on the treatments and cures
that will come from stem cell research.

There are 21 days until the vote: let us use those days. We can make
sure our stem cell research supporters know what is at stake, and rouse
the State to turn out and vote, this coming November 6th, and stand up
for stem cells!

Also, be sure to read a profoundly moving Op-Ed authored by Carl Riccio,
a longtime stem cell research advocate and a hero to New Jersey
residents who favor stem cell research, that ran in last Sunday's Bergen
Record. In it, Carl makes a compelling argument for Voting YES on
November 6th. Read Carl Riccio's Op-Ed Here

If New Jersey wins, everybody wins-- cures have no boundaries.

But first, the New Jersey Stem Cell Research Bond Act must pass.


California Stem Cell Report Friday, October 19, 2007

Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" meyer74@bellsouth.net   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Mon Oct 22, 2007 6:26 pm (PST)

California Stem Cell Report
News, information and commentary on public policy and business issues
involving California's new stem cell agency, the California Institute
for Regenerative Medicine, created by Prop. 71. This Web page is
published by David Jensen, whose background and email contact can be
found on this page under oddly titled section, "About Me."
Friday, October 19, 2007 Position Change: CIRM Now Permitting Public
Comment at $85 Million Hearing
The California stem cell agency today reversed itself and decided to
permit public comments prior to two days of closed hearings next week on
requests for $85 million in grants to California researchers.

The change in position came quietly today as the agency posted a new
for the hearings on the CIRM web site that did not mention that it had
been revised. The new posting specifically stated that public comment
would be allowed. It also removed this sentence from the agenda:: "An
open session will not be held for the meeting of October 23-24, 2007 as
business will be limited to review of grant applications."The change in
public access followed disclosure earlier today
> by the California Stem Cell Report of the ban
and subsequent complaints by at least one member of the CIRM Oversight
Committee, David Serrano Sewell (see item below).
Labels: CIRM management
> , CIRM overview
> , CSCR
<http://californiastemcellreport.blogspot.com/search/label/CSCR> ,
faculty grants
> , openness

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 4:19 PM
> links to this post
Comment on Ban on Public at $85 Million CIRM Meeting
David Serrano Sewell, a member of the CIRM Oversight Committee, sent the
following on the "Public Barred
> " item below. "Just read your item regarding
the public being barred from the upcoming Grants Working Group meeting.
To my recollection, those agendas have always included an opportunity
for the public to address the working group. The failure to include such
an item for this agenda was probably a honest mistake that must be
corrected. I (and the the patient advocate working group members)
support the public attendance at working group meetings. Thanks for
catching this!"Our comment: The agenda
<http://www.cirm.ca.gov/meetings/2007/10-23-07.asp> for the meeting in
question contains a sentence that we cannot recall ever seeing before on
a CIRM agenda: "An open session will not be held for the meeting of
October 23-24, 2007 as business will be limited to review of grant
Labels: CIRM management
> , CIRM overview
> , faculty grants
> , openness

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 10:01 AM
> links to this post
Interstate Stem Cell Issues Coming Up in Public Session Next Week
The Interstate Alliance for Stem Cell Research, which once ousted a
member of the public from a meeting in California, will hold two days of
open public meetings in Massachusetts next Wednesday and Thursday.

The agenda (see item below) for the group, operating under the auspices
of the National Academy of Sciences, includes a host of major issues
that states are grappling with across the country. They include model
language for the term "acceptably derived," payment issues and health
care for egg donors, certification of stem cell lines from other states
and countries and the grant review process.

We applaud the decision to make the meeting public. Billions of dollars
in public resources are involved along with the need to maintain
confidence in embryonic stem cell research. Closed door meetings and
secret processes generate suspicion and encourage the worst sort of

John M. Simpson, stem cell project director for the Foundation for
Taxpayer and Consumers Rights, was the man ousted from last May's
> . He says
<http://www.consumerwatchdog.org/healthcare/pr/?postId=8384> , "I'm
glad to see the change of heart. Too often the scientific establishment
has displayed a paternalistic 'trust-us-we-know-best' attitude that in
fact undercuts public support for science. Scientists need to engage and
educate, otherwise we end up with the know-nothing attitude too often
exemplified by the current administration."
Labels: interstate cooperation
> , openness

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 7:57 AM
> links to this post
Agenda for Public Meeting on Interstate Stem Cell Issues
Here is the agenda for next week's public interstate stem cell meeting.

Interstate Alliance for Stem Cell Research

British Consulate
Cambridge, MA
October 24-25, 2007

October 24

12:00 pm Lunch (at Consulate)

1 pm Welcome and Introductions
Warren Wollschlager, Chair, Office of Research and Development, State of
Connecticut and Fran Sharples, National Academies’ Secretariat

Introduction of other participants

The purpose of this meeting is to review progress on the working group
assignments made at the May 23-24 Irvine, CA meeting and to identify
additional issues the IASCR needs to address.

1:15 pm Governance Issues - preliminary discussion: Warren Wollschlager

1:30 pm Report of Working Group on the development of a Glossary of Stem
Cell Terms: William Lensch (Tab 1)

2:15 pm Report of Working Group on an IASCR Website: Fran Sharples,
Susan Stayn, Eli Zupnick (Tab 2)

3:00 pm Break

3:15 pm Report of Working Groups on Developing Model Language for
“Acceptably Derived;” Payment Issues and Health Care for
Donors; and Certification of Stem Cell Lines from Other States and
Countries (formation of standing committee): Marianne Horn, Geoff Lomax,
Melissa Lopes, Susan Stayn, Ann Willey, Eileen Naughton, and Alta Charo
(by phone) (Tab 3)

5:15 pm Adjourn meeting for the day

6:00 pm Reception (on site)

October 25

8:30 am Breakfast (at Consulate)

9:00 am Report of Working Group on Grant Reviews: Marianne Horn, Warren
Wollschlager (Tab 4)

9:45 pm Report of Working Group of Legal Counsels on Role of Regulations
vs. Guidelines and Policy Documents: Marianne Horn (Tab 5)

10:30 am Break

10:45 am Summary discussion of Working Group next steps

12:00 pm Working Lunch: Roles of International Society for Stem Cell
Research: Jonathan Auerbach and Heather Rooke (Tab 6)

1:15 pm Governance Issues
Membership in IASCR
Roles of IASCR: information resource vs. policy development
Product branding

2:00 pm Recruitment of additional states and other members: discussion

2:30 pm Break

2:45 pm Working Group breakouts

3:30 pm Other agenda items TBD

4:00 pm Adjourn

Labels: interstate cooperation
> , openness

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 7:54 AM
> links to this post
Public Barred from Any Comment at $85 Million CIRM Meeting
Two days of closed-door meetings will be held in the San Francisco Bay
area next week to consider the 59 applications for $85 million in
faculty award grants to be handed out in December by the California stem
cell agency.

The agency's Grants Working Group will meet next Tuesday and Wednesday
at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Burlingame to make decisions on which
grants to recommend to the Oversight Committee.

The agenda <http://www.cirm.ca.gov/meetings/2007/10-23-07.asp>
explicitly states there will be no open sessions at which the public can
comment. That bars the public from even appearing to protest or comment
on the lack of public access, which seems to be the first such ban by
CIRM, an agency that has vowed to uphold the highest standards of
openness and transparency. Previously, such meetings, including the very
sensitive meetings involving the search for a new president, have
included at least a brief session during which the public could comment.

Here is a list <http://www.cirm.ca.gov/workgroups/pdf/GrtWkgGpMbr.pdf>
of the members of the Working Group, whose economic and professional
links to applicants are secret. Also being withheld by CIRM decree are
the names of the applicants for the state funding and even the
institutions (including state-funded universities) where they are
employed along with a general summary of the research they are

The Oversight Committee is scheduled to give out as many as 25 awards,
making the odds pretty good
> for the 59 applicants. The awards could total as much
as $3 million a year. Twenty-eight unnamed organizations are represented
among employers of the individual applicants.
Labels: CIRM management
> , CIRM overview
> , conflicts
<http://californiastemcellreport.blogspot.com/search/label/conflicts> ,
faculty grants
> , openness

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 7:26 AM
> links to this post
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 Aussie Stem Cell Probe Highlights Need for
Maximum Openness at CIRM

John M. Simpson, stem cell project director for the Foundation for
Taxpayer and Consumers Rights of Santa Monica, Ca., is one of the more
diligent watchdogs of the California stem cell agency, which is funded
by taxpayers to the tune of roughly $6 billion (including interest).

Simpson (see photo) and his organization support human embryonic stem
cell research, but they also have concerns about CIRM, an organization
unlike any other in California history. It is virtually untouchable by
the governor or the legislature, a distinction enjoyed by no other state

CIRM is also an organization with built-in conflicts of interest, all
legal because they were approved by California voters in Prop. 71, which
created the stem cell agency.

We believe that means that CIRM should operate with more disclosure and
openness than any other state agency. Such openness is in CIRM's own
best interest, given the impact that even a minor scandal might have.

All that is a preface to Simpson's comments below, carried verbatim, on
the Australian-Trounson stem cell research inquiry(see the several items
below). Here is what Simpson sent exclusively to the California Stem
Cell Report. "As word makes its way from Australia to the United States
about an investigation of a researcher in Alan Trounson's Monash
Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories, one point is already clear.

"There must be complete transparency and accountability in publicly
funded research.

"Trounson, who is to assume the presidency of the California Institute
for Regenerative Medicine, is by all accounts not under investigation. A
report from a panel of academics who examined the evidence of wrongdoing
is 'imminent.'

"Everyone interested in California's stem cell program is waiting for
that report to see what degree of culpability -- if any -- Trounson had
for things apparently done by others in his laboratory.

"Even before the report's release, the situation once again demonstrates
the need for oversight, transparency and accountability in scientific
research. Time and time again around the world, too many scientists have
bent the rules for their own personal gain. Research simply must not be
funded without the highest degree of public scrutiny.

"CIRM staff demonstrated the necessary high standards when after its
vetting process, two ICOC-approved research awards were not granted.

"I suspect Trounson will emerge from the Monash probe unscathed, and I
hope it will be with an even stronger commitment to the standards of
accountability and transparency required by CIRM.

"Nonetheless, the ICOC should review closely the Monash University
report when it is available and not allow itself to be blinded by the
glitter of a world-class researcher. Even before the report's details
emerge, however, the need for transparency and openness in all aspects
of publicly funded research is demonstrated yet again."
Labels: CIRM overview
> , openness
<http://californiastemcellreport.blogspot.com/search/label/openness> ,
scientific culture

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 6:11 PM
> links to this post
Does the Trounson Story Have Legs?
The Australian stem cell research flap involving Alan Trounson made its
North American debut today in a story in the San Francisco Chronicle. It
also surfaced in one of the more serious scientific magazines, the

Stephen Pincock of the Scientist added some details
<http://www.the-scientist.com/news/display/53707/> on the research. He
also indicated a conclusion to the investigation is imminent. Sabin
Russell's story
> in the Chronicle pretty much recapped previous

A reader on the Scientist web site, only identified as Leah, commented,
"Why are there so many scandals around stem cell research? What a waste
of money."

A quick resolution of the investigation is in the best interest of the
California stem cell agency and Trounson, the incoming president of the
$3 billion enterprise. As the saying goes, justice delayed is justice
denied. The other important point is whether this story has legs.
Trounson is not the subject of the investigation, but his name is really
what makes it newsworthy. And it is mentioned in every story. The longer
the story lingers, the more often Trounson's name will be associated
with allegations of dubious activity. Not good for either the agency or
Labels: media coverage
> , scientific culture

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 5:34 PM
> links to this post
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 Trounson Reports Not Appearing in American
Mainstream Media

For the California stem cell agency, the good news is that the
Australian stories about an investigation linked peripherally to its
incoming president, Alan Trounson, have not really surfaced in the
United States.

The usual online searches today failed to turn up any significant
stories on the matter in the mainstream American media.

The not-so-good news is that the stories have handed another cudgel to
those who would batter embryonic stem cell research. The case in point
is an item
> by J. Wesley Smith(see photo), whose piece was headlined,
"New CIRM Director's Research Under a Potential Cloud."

However, after some initial fumbling, the Australian stories have made
it clear that Alan Trounson is not under investigation. Rather, another
senior scientist involved in the $1.2 million project is the target,
according to Australian officials.

The Australian, in a story by Leigh Dayton quoted California stem cell
Chairman Robert Klein on the matter. "I am fully aware of this and it
is not Alan's work that is being questioned. My understanding is that
this is a data issue that relates to the science carried out by a
specific researcher."Dayton wrote that Klein "solidly backed" Trounson.
Dayton reported that Klein said that Trounson discussed the matter with
the presidential search committee prior to his appointment.

One report
from Australia quoted a CIRM spokesman as saying, "We're aware of the
situation and have it under careful review." Interim CIRM President
Richard Murphy confirmed, for the California Stem Cell Report, that was
the agency's position.

Reporter Dan Box of the Australian wrote
> that Monash University is tossing out all the data from
the experiment. He also quoted Monash officials as saying it is not
known when the nine-month-old investigation will be finished.

Dayton wrote this
> about the details of the project. Specifically,
"benchmarking" reports claimed the group had developed a designer mouse
that mimicked lung damage from smoking.

The reports also claimed the team had experimental results showing that
treatment with adult stem cells reversed respiratory damage in the

According to the ASCC investigation, neither claim was supported by
documentation in the lab's notebooks.
Labels: media coverage
> , presidential search
> , scientific culture

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 9:42 AM
> links to this post
Fresh Comment
David Hamilton has posted a comment on the "Buried News" item below. You
can read it by clicking on the word "comments" at the end of the item.
Labels: CSCR

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 8:56 AM
> links to this post
Sunday, October 14, 2007 Buried News: William Bowes, UCSB and Jamie

In the increasingly rarefied atmosphere of stem cell philanthropy, a $3
million gift does not necessarily make big headlines. Especially when it
goes to a school outside of the small circle of stem cell stars.

So last week when one of the founders of Amgen, William Bowes(see
photo), gave that amount to the University of California campus at Santa
Barbara(UCSB), it hardly caused a ripple in the media.

Something similar occurred earlier this year when renown University of
Wisconsin stem cell researcher Jamie Thomson became affiliated as an
unpaid, adjunct professor with UCSB. It was nearly a non-announcement
> and received little initial attention. But
the school put together a $1 million package for him and is building a

All of which reflects very much on the way the California media works.
If it doesn't happen in Los Angeles or San Francisco, it is not likely
to receive much notice.

But more particularly none of the news reports
> on the donation put it together with Thomson's
presence at UCSB, which is very much a part-time thing. But it is hard
to resist speculating that Thomson and UCSB could draw ever closer.

The press release <http://www.ia.ucsb.edu/pa/print.aspx?pkey=1667> from
school, which stands on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific just north of
Santa Barbara, quoted Michael Witherell, UCSB vice chancellor for
research, as saying: "UCSB is bringing to stem cell research its
characteristic approach of integrating science and engineering in a
single center. The Ruth Garland Chair is central to this approach,
because it allows us to attract a researcher of national stature to lead
the new center."The $3 million donation was given by Bowes in memory of
his mother, Ruth Garland. She was born in Santa Barbara and raised in
nearby Ojai. Her grandparents settled in Santa Barbara in 1855. Educated
as a physican at Stanford , she participated in a major diabetics study
with William Sansum in Santa Barbara. A nonprofit research facility in
Santa Barbara bears his name. It was one of the first places in the
United States to do studies on insulin after it was discovered.

We asked Dennis Clegg, chairman of the Department of Molecular, Cellular
and Developmental Biology Department and director of the Training
Program in Stem Cell Biology at UCSB, about the donation. He replied,
"The gift will allow us to bring in senior talent in the stem cell field
to be director of a new center, which will allow us to build on our
rapidly growing program in stem cell research, and we are really excited
about it. We have had interest in the position from the US and abroad.
We have already formed a search committee and will be inviting
candidates for interviews in the near future." Incidentally, UCSB has
received nearly $3.5 million in funding from the California stem cell
agency during the past two years. You can see Thomson's talk that he
gave at UCSB last spring by going to this web page
<http://www.uctv.tv/schedule/index.asp?Date=9/3/2007> .
Labels: news coverage
> , philanthropy
, prop. 71 impact

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 9:22 PM
> links to this post
Saturday, October 13, 2007 Australian News Story Erring on Details
An Australian news report about an investigation involving Alan Trounson
and a stem cell research project is apparently not entirely correct on
some of the details.

Here is what we have been told concerning Trounson's role on the project
(see item below). Trounson was the leader of the respiratory research
program, which had three principal investigators (PI) and 16 scientists.
The person being investigated was a PI (senior research fellow).

The story in the Daily Telegraph did not make it clear that there were
three PIs and as many 16 scientists.
Labels: scientific culture

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 2:25 PM
> links to this post
Friday, October 12, 2007 Trounson Stem Cell Project Under Investigation
in Australia
An Australian newspaper is reporting that Monash University is
investigating "inconsistencies" in a $1 million research project
involving Alan Trounson, the incoming president of the California stem
cell agency.

Reporter Carly Crawford of the Daily Telegraph said
the stem cell research project "is under investigation after it was
scrapped for delivering highly doubtful results." Crawford quoted a
university spokesman as saying the investigation involved "possible

Trounson was quoted as saying through a spokesman, "I will not comment
on this matter while it is being investigated by the university."The
newspaper said Trounson was not being investigated by Monash University
but that he had been interviewed.

The matter involves interim findings from lung regeneration research
conducted at Monash with public funds, according to Crawford, apparently
from the Australian Stem Cell Center, which Trounson co-founded and
which is scheduled to receive $115 million in government funding over a
10 year period.

According to the newspaper, Trounson was the principal investigator on
the project, which involved 13 scientists. Investigators were required
to submit 90-day progress reports to keep the grant funding flowing. The
story said that "inconsistencies" were found by the Australian Stem Cell
Center in multiple progress reports that were signed by Trounson and an
unnamed senior researcher.

(Editor's note: Later information (see item above) indicated that
Trounson was the leader of the respiratory research program, which had
three principal investigators (PI) and 16 scientists. The person being
investigated was a PI (senior research fellow).

The story did not make it clear when the inquiry began. It said that the
Stem Cell Center referred findings to Monash last December. The story
also said the project was abandoned in February after inconsistencies
were found.

The newspaper said it "understands lab records contradicted assertions
contained in the reports that said agreed research benchmarks had been
Labels: scientific culture

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 4:59 PM
> links to this post
Fresh Comments
Larry Ebert has posted a new comment on the "Nobel" item below. David
Jensen, the author of this blog, has posted a comment on the "CIRM Says
> " item in response to the one by CIRM Oversight
Committee member Jeff Sheehy. Sheehy's position is that the public
disclosure of statements of economic interests by grant reviewers is not
necessary. Our position is that we should not give the enemies of stem
cell research any new cudgels. You can read the comments by clicking on
the word "comments" at the end of the items.
Labels: CSCR
<http://californiastemcellreport.blogspot.com/search/label/CSCR> ,

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 8:22 AM
> links to this post
Thursday, October 11, 2007 Nobel Prize, Stem Cells and WARF
Some of the reports earlier this week on the Nobel prize in medicine did
not highlight its key link to human embryonic stem cell research or,
indeed, how it plays into the WARF stem cell patent challenge.

The connection was something that initially eluded this sometimes
science-challenged writer. But we asked Jeanne Loring of the Burnham
Institute (soon to be of the neighboring Scripps Institute) to

She said it was "a spectacular day" for embryonic stem cell researchers.
"The Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was awarded to three
pioneers in embryonic stem cell research. Dr. Martin Evans and his
colleagues accomplished a scientific coup in 1981, creating the first
embryonic stem (ES) cell lines. Dr. Mario Capecchi and Dr. Oliver
Smithies developed a way to alter genes in the ES cells, and for the
last 20 years, scientists have used these scientific procedures to
create hundreds of valuable new strains of laboratory mice. Some of
these mice contain human disease-causing mutations, and are used all
over the world for research on cancers, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer's
disease, Huntington's disease, and dozens of other diseases. These mouse
'models' of human disease are invaluable for pharmaceutical development
and have had a dramatic effect on accelerating the pace of new drug
development."Loring is one those challenging WARF's patents on stem
cells, a matter that has troubled some in the research community,
including the incoming president of the California stem cell agency,
Alan Trounson.

In April, Loring wrote an op-ed piece in the Wisconsin State Journal,
commenting on the justification for the challenge and the early negative
findings by the federal government.

She said, "WARF's executives are understandably unhappy about the
patent office's decision because they think they will lose money.

"But they could save an enormous amount of money, and gain a great deal
of good will, by quietly dropping their claims to human embryonic stem
cells and allowing the judgment of the patent office to stand. If they
did this, they could be seen as a supporter, not an exploiter, of
scientific research.

"If Sir Martin Evans of Scotland, who was one of those who first made
embryonic stem cells in 1981, were to be awarded the Nobel Prize for his
discovery, as is expected, WARF could gracefully take credit for helping
scientists build on his landmark research."(For unknown reasons,
Loring's piece does not appear in a routine search of the Wisconsin
newspaper. If you would like a copy, please send an email to
Labels: scientific culture

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 6:01 PM
> links to this post
Work to Begin on Stem Cell Training Grant Concepts

California stem cell agency officials seem ready to dissect a $31
million proposal to train thousands of persons to work in the stem cell
industry and use it as the framework for competitive bidding on efforts
to beef up the biotech workforce.

The proposal from the California State University and community college
systems came up for a brief discussion at last week's Oversight
Committee meeting.

Richard Murphy(see photo), interim CIRM president, told committee
members that CIRM funds should be awarded on a competitive basis.
However, he said more discussions will be held with officials at CSUS as
the CIRM staff works out concepts for RFAs.

The CSUS and community college systems, assuming they remain focused on
CIRM, are likely to win their share of the grants.

CSUS officials presented their plan to the Oversight Committee last
August. No other options were laid out at the time, although Oversight
Committee members raised a series of questions. CSUS responded with a
lengthy report
<http://www.cirm.ca.gov/meetings/pdf/2007/100307_item_15.pdf> prior to
last week's meeting.

Training is an important part of the CIRM's strategic plan
<http://www.cirm.ca.gov/strat/default.asp> . especially in the next year
or two. The plan designated about $38 million for technical staff
training and about $35 million for scientific personnel development.

The technical training component seems to be more aligned with the CSUS
proposal. The plan stated: "The growth of this industry will require an
educated and well-trained workforce. CIRM will support training of
technical staff with essential skills for stem cell research such as
cell culture, microscopy, fluorescence-activated cell sorting and
analysis, micromanipulation techniques, surgical techniques, and good
laboratory practices (GLP). Training will be supported at the
undergraduate and masters levels with certificate or degree programs.
Successful biotechnology training programs have already been implemented
at several California colleges and universities as a means of supporting
the broader research community. CIRM will seek to support similar
programs that focus efforts towards maintaining an adequate supply of
technical staff for stem cell research.
Labels: biotech workforce
> , CIRM management

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 5:14 PM
> links to this post
Fresh Comment
Larry Ebert has posted a new comment on the "Pushed or Jumped"
> item below.

posted by California Stem Cell Report at 4:01 PM
> links to this post
* Position Change: CIRM Now Permitting Public Commen...
> * Comment on Ban on Public at $85 Million
CIRM Meeti...
> * Interstate Stem Cell Issues Coming Up
in Public Se...
> * Agenda for Public Meeting on Interstate
Stem Cell ...
> * Public Barred from Any Comment at $85
Million CIRM...
> * Aussie Stem Cell Probe Highlights Need
for Maximum...
> * Does the Trounson Story Have Legs?
> * Trounson Reports Not Appearing in American
> * Fresh Comment
> * Buried News: William Bowes, UCSB and Jamie Thomson...
* Background information on this Web site
> * Economic disclosure from California Stem Cell
> * How to search this Web site
> * California Institute for Regenerative
Medicine -- the California stem cell agency <http://www.cirm.ca.gov/>
* Center for Genetics and Society -- California organization critical of
CIRM <http://www.genetics-and-society.org/> * Stem cell page of the
Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, another California group
that has been critical of CIRM
<http://www.consumerwatchdog.org/healthcare/StemCell/> * The Stem
Cell Blog -- Published by Chris Scott, director of Stanford's Program on
Stem Cells in Society and author of the book, “Stem Cell
Now.” <http://thestemcellblog.com/> * Americans for Stem
Cell Therapies and Cures -- a lobbying and stem cell activist group,
controlled by California stem cell chairman Robert Klein, that grew out
of the Prop. 71 campaign <http://www.americansforcures.org/> *
Editors blog of the American Journal of Bioethics -- writes often on
stem cell ethics <http://blog.bioethics.net/> * NIH Stem Cell Page
<http://stemcells.nih.gov/index.asp/> * Genetics Policy Institute
-- national stem cell research advocacy group <http://www.genpol.org/>
* Coalition for Advancement of Medical Research -- national stem cell
advocacy group <http://www.camradvocacy.org/fastaction/default.asp>
* World Stem Cell Map <http://mbbnet.umn.edu/scmap.html> * Stem
Cell Research Centers Map
<http://mbbnet.umn.edu/scmap/scresearchmap.html> * Biotech
Dictionary <http://www.thebiotechdictionary.com/> * The Stem Cell
Research Foundation -- national advocacy group
<http://stemcellresearchfoundation.org/> * Stem Cell Battles -- a
blog written by patient advocate Don C. Reed
<http://www.stemcellbattles.com/> * Ben's Stem Cell News: All The
Latest Stem Cell Research and Science News
* January 2005
* February 2005
* March 2005
* April 2005
* May 2005
* June 2005
* July 2005
* August 2005
* September 2005
* October 2005
* November 2005
* December 2005
* January 2006
* February 2006
* March 2006
* April 2006
* May 2006
* June 2006
* July 2006
* August 2006
* September 2006
* October 2006
* November 2006
* December 2006
* January 2007
* February 2007
* March 2007
* April 2007
* May 2007
* June 2007
* July 2007
* August 2007
* September 2007
* October 2007
About Me Name: California Stem Cell Report Location: West Coast,
The California Stem Cell Report is the only website devoted solely to
the California stem cell agency, other than the official government
site. The institute is the largest single source -- $3 billion -- of
human embryonic stem cell research funding in the world. This Web site
is published by David Jensen. He was a political reporter for UPI in
California's capital and worked for 22 years for The Sacramento Bee in a
variety of editing positions, including executive business editor. He
was the primary editor on the 1992 Pulitzer Prize-winning series, "The
Monkey Wars" by Deborah Blum, which explored opposition and support for
experimentation on primates. Jensen served as a press aide in the 1974
election campaign and administration of former Gov. Jerry Brown. (Total
time served: Two years and one week.) He writes this blog from his
sailboat in Mexico (with occasional visits on land). You can read more
about that on Wired.com(http://www.wired.com/ culture/lifestyle/news/
2007/09/sailboat_blogger). Jensen can be reached by clicking on the
email button under "view my complete profile" below.

View my complete profile

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adeel said...

I have also information about the Stem Cell Therapy and is available around the world. so if you want make sure about this comment then check this out, http://www.placidway.com/search/Mexico,Stem%20Cell%20Therapy,/search.html

Bariatric said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bariatric said...

Stem cell research has been continuing for decades, however, stem cell therapies are still somewhat new, and have focused on treatments utilizing embryonic stem cell research. These days however, scientists and researchers have discovered feasible and hopeful uses for other kinds of stem cells, including:
• Adult stem cells
• Umbilical cord stem cells
• Placenta stem cells
The area of placenta stem cell research and development is comparatively strange to consumers, since more concentration has been placed on adult stem cell and umbilical cord stem cell research in recent years.

Also visit, check this out, http://www.placidway.com/search/Mexico,Stem%20Cell%20Therapy,/search.html

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