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- BE EVERYWHERE: Vicki Englund, Stem Cells, and Thirty Days to Remake From: Stephen Meyer
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BE EVERYWHERE: Vicki Englund, Stem Cells, and Thirty Days to Remake
Posted by: "Stephen Meyer" stephen_meyer_stemcells
Mon Oct 6, 2008 5:47 am (PDT)
BE EVERYWHERE: Vicki Englund, Stem Cells, and Thirty Days to Remake the
The most important race? Presidential. Obama must win, or everything you
and I care about is at risk. This is a lot more involved here than just
the sheer joy of having a friend instead of an obstacle in the White
The most important state? Michigan : Proposition 2 must pass, or we tell
the Religious Right it is okay to keep research in the Dark Ages.
The most important Congressional/Senate (state or national) race--? Your
call. Right now, I know of more than 100 races where there is a strong
stem cell candidate America needs to support.
Like Vicki Englund.
Vicki is a friend of mine, and a friend of yours, because she supports
stem cell research with all her heart.
Here is a personal letter from her to you, written specifically for this
Vicki Englund
Democratic Nominee
Missouri ʼs 85th House District
September 11, 2008
I am a proponent of stem-cell research for three very specific reasons.
First, I believe that science and technology should be used to better
the lives of everyone. There have been so many advances in science over
the last fifty years that have benefited those with life-threatening
diseases. We need to be vigilant and strive to find cures for even more
Second, Missouri has many universities and medical centers that provide
a place for such cutting-edge research to take place. We have a wealth
of knowledge and professionals who are ready and able to take up this
challenge. In addition, the people of Missouri ʼs 85th District
support stem-cell research.
Third, and most important, I have an aunt with multiple sclerosis.
Diagnosed in her early forties, my aunt was surprised to learn of her
illness, as she had always been athletic and had three young children at
home. Her disease has progressed quickly over the past twelve years,
rendering her unable to care for herself. I saw first-hand how this
disease affected not only the mobility and independence of my aunt, but
how it tore apart her family as well. Medical bills and her inability
to work broke up her immediate family and they struggle to get by even
Missouri can be the leader in the research for life-saving cures. Our
state government has been dominated by stem-cell research opponents. We
are undergoing a change in Missouri and it is predicted that Democrats
will win many of the statewide races, and will most likely take back
control of the House. My district has been clearly identified as one of
the most important legislative races in Missouri this year. We cannot
take back the House without winning my seat.
It is this emphasis on the 85th District that has given us great
momentum. In these final weeks our push for victory will be strong. We
still, however, need to keep our momentum going and need more financial
contributions. Support from the life-saving cures community would put
us over the top. Please consider supporting us at
< > . Together, we can make a difference.
Vicki Englund
P.S. Below are some of the folks who are endorsing Vicki.
IMPORTANT: Go to and send her a couple bucks-- I
know, I know, everybody is hitting you up for money-- but this is
important, and this is a friend. I will do it, and trust me, I can't
afford it either. If my wife knew I was going to contribute anything,
she would be furious. So if you see Gloria, please do not mention to her
that I am going to go to
< > and send her a stem cell nickel--for me,
that's $25. I know, big spender, huh? But that much I can do, and that
much I will. Please help?
P.S. Again: If it matters, Vicki is hugely supported by her party,
winning her primary by 66%-- she is a solid all around leader, respected
by those who know her, and deserving of our support.
Endorsements: AFL-CIO COPE AFSCME Council 72 US Congressman Russ
Carnahan Greater St. Louis CWA City Council House Democratic Campaign
Committee Senator Harry Kennedy Laborer's Local 110 Missouri ERA
Political Action Committee Missouri Labor Missouri State U.A.W. CAP
Council Missouri Votes Conservation Missouri Women's Coalition Missouri
National Education Association (MNEA) NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri National
Women's Political Caucus Oakville Democratic Organization Planned
Parenthood Progressive Democrats of Lemay Sierra Club South County Labor
St. Louis Labor Council Representative Rachel Storch Representative Pat
Yaeger Representative Jake Zimmerman Tesson Ferry Democratic
Organization UFCW Local 655 Women's Campaign Forum Supporters: Aerospace
Lodge 837 Arch Leadership PAC Asbestos Workers Branch 343 National
Association of Letter Carriers CWA District 6 Representative Margaret
Donnelly Electrical Workers Mike Evans:
http://mike4missouri.blogspot. <http://mike4missourcom/ i.blogspot. >com/
First Missouri Credit Union Gas Workers Local 5-6 Heat & Frost
Insulators & Asbestos Workers Local #1 IBEW Local #1439 Representative
Sam Komo MO Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors MO Rental
Dealers Association National Electrical Contractors Association Oakville
Democratic Organization Operating Engineers Local 101 Representative Sam
Page Pipe Fitters Local 533 Pipe Fitters Voluntary Fund Plasterers &
Cement Masons Progressive Democrats of Lemay Missouri Progressive Vote
Coalition Missouri Realtors PAC Representative Jeff Roorda Senator Jeff
Smith Sprinkler Fitters LU 314 St. Louis Association of Realtors Steve
Stenger for County Council Supporters of Health Research & Treatments
Teamsters 245 PAF Teamsters Local Union #541 Tesson Ferry Democratic
Organization Representative Tom Villa Representative Mike Vogt
Don C. Reed Sponsor, Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act Founder
and Co-Chair, Californians for Cures Don Reed is also Vice President
of Public Policy for Americans for Cures Foundation; opinions voiced
here as an individual may or may not reflect those of the Foundation.
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