Wednesday, October 15, 2008

[StemCellInformation] Digest Number 759

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)



Dear friends and advocates of biomedical research...from Raymond Bar

Posted by: "Stephen Meyer"   stephen_meyer_stemcells

Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:57 am (PDT)

Dear friends and advocates of biomedical research, I've put together a
first version of a website that provides voters with information
relevant to the choices they'll be making 20 days from now. It's
address is <> . This
information is far from complete and has some inaccuracies, I'm sure.
I'll welcome your suggestions. Thanks to Don Reed and Spandan
Chakrabarti for telling me about important races and issuse, and
gathering information about Congressional voting records. You can
directly visit the page about California at
<> , and the page about the
Presidential candidates at
<> , if you'd like. The task
now will be to contact organizations ranging from patient-advocacy
groups to the political blogs, and tell them about the "Voter's Stem
Cell ScoreCard." Maybe they'll post a link to it on their own websites.
Here is the way this can work on behalf of our cause. Suppose that we
know people who strongly favor stem cell research -- perhaps because
someone is ill in their family or among their friends. But they
haven't made up their minds yet about, for example, whether they'll vote
for Obama-Biden or McCain-Palin. (As you know, there is widespread
confusion about McCain's views on ESCR -- many people think he favors
it.) We can refer them to the website and ask that they consider the
medical reasons for supporting the Democratic ticket, namely that
Obama-Biden will advance the search for cures more effectively than
McCain-Palin will. Likewise for other races -- there are sometimes
sound health reasons for supporting a candidate: Jerry McNerney here in
California, Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire, Al Franken in Minnesota,
Kay Hagen and Beverly Purdue in N. Carolina, Vicki Englund in Misssouri,
etc. And let's not forget Michigan's Prop 2 -- Don Reed has gone there
to help with that campaign. If you've got information that should be
added to the site, or corrections of what is already there, let me know.
Thanks, Raymon Barglow Stem Cell Action Network
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